GE JHP62V Use And Care Manual Download Page 22

Summary of Contents for JHP62V

Page 1: ...F e a t u r e A W N o I p 3 p l Y D L to G E A C Use of othe well Center is E E c...

Page 2: ...hip Registration Cardthatcamewith yourCookingCenter Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourCo...

Page 3: ...larly important thattheovendoorclose properlyandthatthereis no damagetothe 1 door bent 2 hingesandlatches brokenor loosened 3 doorsealsandsealingsurfaces d TheOvenShouldNot be adjusted or repaired bya...

Page 4: ...crowave ovenunless not wwcookpotatoes notoperatethe ovenwhile emptyto avoiddamageto the ovenandthe dangeroffire If a e IDmgt frozen oI M sfjmetal dy w in 3 4 high remove metal for DUTYTM shelf atleast...

Page 5: ...owave oven e f j T Shehwxmy S awayfromtherange whenopeming ovendoor The hotair orsteamwhichescapes cancause mmstohands face andor eyes on theatunopenedfood containersin theoven Pressure couldbuildupan...

Page 6: ...boil thenturn toOFFpositiontocompletethe cooking AlwaysturnsurfaceunitOFF beforeremovingutensil Usecorrectheatforcookingtask highheatsto startcooking iftime allows donotusehighheattostart mediumhigh q...

Page 7: ovenissuitablefor microwaving Mostglasscasseroles cookingdishes measuring cups custardcups potteryorchina dinnerware whichdoesnothave metallic trimorglazewitha metallic sheencanbeused Somecookware...

Page 8: ...ntrolR IL AutomaticRoastingGuide QuickreferenceforCodesfor manyfrequentlypreparedfoods Cooking lm 3te Reminder Forall AUTOROASTcodes exceptCode 6 TIME COOK and DEFROSTcycles Toremindyouthatyouhavefood...

Page 9: d is cove red that the 1 c ook i ng code i menu de ca 1 that is suppose to be on the fy ont frame of the mi crowa ve is mi ss i nq t his is ye feren ced i n ne USe car e book puh 49 4824 o n paq e...

Page 10: ...7 CLEAJMMUZ Whentouched it shutsoffthemicrowave ovenand erasesallmicrowave settings excepttimeofday START Afterallselectionsare made touchthispadtostartthe microwave oven theclockandall Conventional O...

Page 11: ...efroastontrivetin microwave safedish Insertprobe horizontally intothecentermeaty areanottouchingboneor fat Make surethehandledoesnottouchthe foodor topor sidesof theoven Coverwithwaxpaper L TouchAUTOR...

Page 12: ...playshows COOL untilfood is80 F thenswitches toshow foodtemperature until180 F 190 190 175 10 12 10 12 10 10 15 10 15 10 12 I intomeatiest area Recommended standing timebeforeserving lll fi AutoRoastC...

Page 13: ...sted andmicrowave cooked If thefood isina foilcontainer transferit to a microwave safe dish CheckyourCookbookforother defrostingtips Q WhenIprmST ART I hear a dull thumpingnoise What isit A Thissoundi...

Page 14: ...Step2 TouchTIMECOOKpad again POWER10 OandII appearondisplayand ENTER MICROCOOKTIME flashes Step3 Setyourtime Step 4 Tochangethepowerlevel touchPOWERLEVELpadand desirednumberfornewpowerlevel Step 5 Tou...

Page 15: ...showondisplay Step5 TouchSTART If internal temperature oftheroastislessthan 80 F displaywillshow COOL or iftemperature is80 F or above displayshowstemperature countingup Step 6 When125 F is reached th...

Page 16: ...willbegin Whendelaying temp cookor autoroast besureprobe isinfoodbeforepressingSTART Step 3 Touchpads1 5 0 andOfor 15minutes defrosting time 15 00 appearsondisplay Defrostingis automatically setonpowe...

Page 17: ...hyour ovenshelf especiallywhenheating largeramountsoffood Extrasteam generatedfrommultiplefood cookingmaymakecontainershotter thanwithregularmicrowaving fix shelf Before placingfoodinthedishes youpkmt...

Page 18: ...e Becauseofthevaryingrates you mayneedtostartreheatingalarge ordensefoodafewminutesahead oftime thenaddothersmalleror lessdensefoods Alternately if oneofthefoodsyouareheating seemsundercookedbuttheoth...

Page 19: Step2 Turneitherclockwise or counterclockwise todesiredheat setting Controlmustbepushedinto set onlyfrom OFF position When controlisin anypositionother than OFF it maybe rotated without pushingin B...

Page 20: ...eterpots extending morethan l inchbeyondedgeoftrimring is notrecommended However when canningwithwater bathor pressurecanner large diameter potsmaybe used Thisisbecause boilingwatertemperatures even u...

Page 21: ...tesarejustset about 3to5moreminutes LOW 3 thenaddeggs When bottomsofeggshavejust set carefullyturnovertocookother side LOW 3 Carefully addeggs Cookuncovered about5 minutesatMEDHI 7 MED 4 Addeggmixture...

Page 22: ...lriddle WM Allow 10 to Isminutes to meltthrough Stirtosmooth Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time Tim overpancakeswhen bubblesriseto surface Pancakesor Frenchtoast MEDHI 7 Heatskillet8to 10minutes Grea...

Page 23: ...ositionunder shelfsupports Theovenhasfourshelfsupports r narked A bottom B C andD top Shelfpositionsforcooking foodaresuggestedon Baking RoastingandBroilingpages Thecontrolsfortheovenare markedOVENSET...

Page 24: ...set IkarnplesofImmediate Start oventurnsonnowandyou setittoturnoffautomatically or DelayStartandStop settingthe oventoturnonautomatically ata latertimeandturnoffatapreset stoptime willbedescribed NOTE...

Page 25: are displayed Inthisexample baking willbeginat4 00andovenwill turnoffat7 00 EnterBakeStopTime and 0 appearsondisplay Step2 TouchBAKETIMEpad Step 5 Touchnumberpads7 0 andOtoenter forthetimeyou wantt...

Page 26: ...tes Darkmetalorglassgivedeepest Iyowning Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Kakes without shortening 4ngelfood ellyroll pon e Aluminum llbe Pan MetalJellyRollFan Vletal orCerami...

Page 27: ...rature hasbeen reached Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow 10to 25minutes perpoundadditionaltime 10 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Qws...

Page 28: ...tplace thantemperature onguide thermometer instuffing Oven ApproximateRoastingTime Internal VW Temperature Doneness in Minutesper Pound Temperature F Meat 3 to5 lbs 6 to 8 lbs Tender cuts rib highqual...

Page 29: ...ringbroiling Stopping fat andmeatjuicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpanpreventsrackfrom servingitspurpose andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONOTplaceasheetof aluminumfoilonshelf TO doso mayresult...

Page 30: ...nchthick c 7 Medium 1to 1 lbs c 9 WellDone c 13 Rare I in thick c 10 Medium 2to2 lbs c 15 WellDone c 25 Chicken 1whole A 35 2 to2 lbs splitlengthwise SecondSide Time Minutes IComments I 31 j IArrangei...

Page 31: ...IMEandOVEN DOORLATCHED appearon display Theovenisprogrammed toclean for3 hoursbutyoumaychange cleantimebytouchingCLEAR padandnumberpadstoentera differentcleantimefrom1 to 4 hours Step 4 Close ovendoor...

Page 32: ...self cleaning whiletheLOCKED lightison If thishappens letthe ovencooluntiltheLOCKEDlight goesoff Thentheovendoorcan belatchedforself cleaning Q What should I do if excessive smoking occurs during clea...

Page 33: ...rewinthefront ofthelampcover Liftthelampcoverandgentlytwist thebulbtobreakthewhitesilicone adhesiveattachedtothebulband sockettopreventdamageduring shipping Unscrewthebulband replacewitha bulbofsamety...

Page 34: ...Built upsoil especially grease maycatchfire Tomake cleaningeasier theplug insurface unitsareremovable I f I Toremove Be sure the control forthesurface unitisonOFFandthecoilsarecool beforeremovingtheC...

Page 35: ...lacing your ovenlamp bulb disconnect the electric powerfor your Cooking Centerat the main fuse or circuit breakerpanel Besure toletthelampcoverandbulbcool completely beforeremovingor replacingthem The...

Page 36: ...s in the self cleaning cycle If spillover or spattering should occur in cookingfunction wipe the door with soap and water DO FNX rub or damage gasket Avoidgetting soap and water on the gasket or in th...

Page 37: ...elpremoveimbeddedsoil anddust Withcarefuluseand handling filterswilllastforyears However if replacementbecomes necessary obtaina filterfrom yourdealer Removeand ReplaceFilters L Cookingtop Placefinger...

Page 38: ...owerlevelentered Dishnotrotated turnedor stirredascalledforinrecipe Toomanydishesinovenatsametime Foodnotthoroughly defrosted Improperuseofcoverings CheckCookbook andthisb60kforinstructions Probenotin...

Page 39: ...beforecallingforservice Ovencontrolsnotproperlyset Doorleftinlockedpositionaftercleaning Lightbulbis looseorbulbisburnedout Buttonoperatingovenlightisdefective Clocknotset TouchCLOCKpadandentertime If...

Page 40: ...sarenotsetsecurelyintherangetop Surfaceunitcontrolsarenotproperlyset PROPERLY f need more cW free The GE Answer Center consumer information service l w f N b obtain service see your warranty OHthe bac...

