GE JGRP18GEL Use And Care Manual Download Page 9

Summary of Contents for JGRP18GEL

Page 1: 9 10 Shelves 6 Broiling Broiling Guide 12 13 Thermostat Adjustment 21 Care and Cleaning 14 19 Warranty Back Cover Clock 7 Electronic Controls 7 8 Energy Saving Tips 4 Features 5 Light Bulb Replacement 6 14 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Problem Solver 22 Repair Service 23 GEAnswer i Mlt Roasting Roasting Guide 11 8MM2 2flUt7 ...

Page 2: ...icecalls concerningyouroven Ifym u Ire4Aved a dmaged oven Immediately contactthedealer or builder thatsoldyoutheoven save time WdiImmey Bdhlre youE equest St rvia e e ChecktheProblemSolveron page22 Nlistscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself SAFETY mSTRUCTIONS TheCalifornia SafeDrinking Water andToxic Enforcement Actreqtiires theGovernor of California topublish alistof ubs cesk...

Page 3: ...ncefor warmingor heatingthe room Prolonged useoftheovenwithout adequate ventilation canbe hazardous Donotusewaterongrease fires Neverpickupaflaming pan Turnoffburner then smotherflaming panbycovering pancompletely withwellfitting lid cookiesheetorflattray Flaminggreaseoutsideapancan beputoutbycovering with bakingsoda or ifavailable a multi purpose drychemical or foamfireextinguisher Donot storefla...

Page 4: ...s shorta timeaspossible Besuretowipeupexcessspillage beforeself cleaning operation Cookcompleteovenmeals insteadofjustonefooditem Potatoes othervegetables and somedessertswillcooktogether witha main dishcasserole meat loaf chickenor roast Choose foodsthatcookatthesame temperatureandinapproximately thesametime Useresidualheatin oven wheneverpossibleto finish cookingcasseroles ovenmeals etc Alsoaddr...

Page 5: ...ANCELbutton 8 pushit to cancelanyoven operation 4 ElectronicDisplayPanel 7 5 Oven On Indicator 7 Explained FeatureIndex onpage 6 SetKnob 7 8 letsyousetoventemperature clocktimerandHI or LObroil 7 OvenVent 8 OvenInteriorLight 6 14 9 OvenLightSwitch letsyouturn 6 interiorovenlightonandoff 10 OvenShelves easilyremoved 6 19 or repositionedonshelfsupports II OvenShelfSupports 6 12 BroilerPanandRack 12 ...

Page 6: ...ullthemtowardyou tilt frontendupwardandpullthemout Toreplace placeshelfonshelf supportwithstop locks curved extensionofshelf facingupand towardrearofoven Tiltup fkont andpushshelftowardbackofoven untilit goespast stop onoven wall Thenlowerfrontofshelfand pushit allthewayback shelfhsitiom Theovenhasfourshelfsupports A bottom B CandD top Shelfpositionsforcookingare suggested onBakingandRoasting page...

Page 7: ...oucanusetheMinute Second Timerwhetheror nottheovenis beingused TheMinute Second Timerdoesnotinterferewithoven operations lbcanceltheTimer PushandholdTIMERbuttonfor threeseconds Thiswillclearthe Minute Second Timerfimction ToBake 1 PushBAKEbutton 2 TurnSETknobuntildesired temperatureisdisplayed Aone secondbeepwillsound whentheovenhaspreheatedtoand stabilizedatselectedtemperature 3 Whenfinishedbakin...

Page 8: ...whathas beenprogrammed bypushing the correspondingfunctionbutton Themessages inthedisplayshow youwhichfunctionis currently beingdisplayed Whilethe fimctionisdisplayed youcan changeit withtheSETknob Youcanchangeanyprogrammed functionat anytime Tones End of Cycle Tone 3longbeeps onesecondon onesecondoff showsthata timedovenoperation hasreachedSlOP TIMEor that theMinute Second Timerhas counteddown At...

Page 9: ...rusttoothin e ncorrect bakingtemperature Bottomcrustsoggyandunbaked eA 1ow crust and orfillingtocool sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell Fillingmaybetoothinorjuicy Filling allowed tostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredientsandpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique Makesuretherearenotinyholesor tearsinabottomcrust Patching apiecrus...

Page 10: ...50 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused cakes withoutshortening Angelfood Aluminum IkIbe Pan A 325 3750 30 55 lWo piecepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollRM B 375 4000 1o 15 Linepanwithwaxed paper Sponge MetalorCeramicI A 325 3500 45 60 cakes Bundtcakes MetalorCemrnicRan A B 325 3500 45 65 cupcakes ShinyMetal MuffinP M B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemoremoistcrusts Fruitcakes MetalorGlassLo...

Page 11: ...times Oven Ikmperature 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 375 325 Doneness Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone WellDone WellDone ToWarm WellDone WellDone WellDone WellDone Step4 Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhilestandingafter beingremovedfromtheoven For rareor mediuminternaldoneness youmaywishtoremovemeatfrom theovenjust beforeit isdoneifit is tostand10to20minuteswhileyou makegravyor attendtooth...

Page 12: ...e Timefoodsfor aboutone halfthetotalcooking time turnfood thencontinueto cooktopreferreddoneness PushCANCELbutton Remove broilerpanfromovenandservefood immediately Leavepanoutsidethe oventocool Quewiom Answers Q Whenbroiling is itnecessary toalwaysusea rackinthepan A Yes Usingtheracksuspends themeatoverthepan Asthemeat cooks thejuicesfallintothepan thuskeepingmeatdrier Juices areprotectedbytherack...

Page 13: ...und Beef WellDone BeefSteaks Rare Medium WellDone l lb 4patties to in thick 8 10 5 7 Spaceevenly Upto9pattiestake aboutsametime A HI B B B B B B Steakslessthanl inchcookthrough beforebrowning Panfryingis recommended Slashfat l in thick 1to 1 lbs 7 9 10 12 13 10 12 15 20 5 5 7 8 9 5 7 7 9 12 14 Rare Medium WellDone 1 in thick 2to2 lbs Reducetimesabout5to 10minutes persideforcut upchicken Brush each...

Page 14: ...t electricpowertotheovenatthe mainfise or circuitbreakerpanel or unplugtheovenfromtheelectric outlet Letthebulbcoolcompletely beforeremovingit Do nottoucha hotbulbwitha dampcloth Ifyou do thebulbwillbreak Ring w Toremove o Removethe3 screwsinthelamp cover e Detachlampcoverring crystal andgasketandremovebulb TOreplace Putinanew 40 wattappliance bulb Note A40 wattappliance bulbis smallerthana standa...

Page 15: ...illovers Thisis particularlyimportantwhenbaking a fruitpieor otherfds withhigh acidcontent Hotfruitfillingsor foodsthatareacidincontentsuch asmilk tomatoor sauerkraut and sauceswithvinegaror lemonjuice maycausepittinganddamageto theporcelainenamelsurface Toprotecttheovenbottomsurfiice placeapiece ofaluminumfoil slightlylargerthanthebakingdish or a smallcookiesheetona lower shelforunderthebakingdis...

Page 16: ...sbecomedisplaced onthedoor youshouldreplaceit Makesuretheovenlightbulbcover D isinplace ii 7 7 A OvenFrontFrame IL Openings nDoor C OvenDoorGasket D OvenLightBulbCover step4 Closetheovendoorandmake suretheovenlightisoff Ovenshelvesmaybecleanedinthe self cleaning ovek However they willdarken losetheirlusterand becomehardtoslide Wipethe shelfsupportswithcookingoil afterself cleaning tomakeshelves sl...

Page 17: ...ucanfindoutwhen theoventurnsonbypushingand holdingtheCLEANbutton 17 lbStopaCleanCycle 1 PresstheCANCELbutton 2 Waituntiltheovenhascooled belowlockingtemperature about 20 30minutes andtheword LOCK isoffinthedisplay Youwillnotbeabletoopenthe doorrightawayunlesstheoven temperatureisata safelevel If youcannotopentheovendoor immediately aftertheword LOCK goesoff waitoneminuteandtry again AfterSelf Clea...

Page 18: ... Q 1sthe 6crackling Y soundI hearduringckaning normal A Yes Thisisthesoundofthemetal heatingandcoolingduringboththe cookingandcleaningfimctions Q Shouldthere be anyodor duringthecleaning A Yes theremaybea slightodor duringthe firstfewcleanings Failuretowipeout excessivesoil mightalsocausea strongodor whencleaning Q Whatcausesthehair like linesontheenameledsurface ofmyoven A Thisisa normalcondition...

Page 19: ...cidsshouldspillontherangewhileit ishot useadrypapertowelor cloth OvenFrame towipeuprightaway Whenthesurt ce hascooled washandrinse Inside Oven Door Forotherspills suchasfhtsmatterings etc washwithsoapandwaterwhen andRemovabk OvenBottom cooledandthenrinse Polishwithadrycloth I inted Surfaces o SoapandWater Usea mildsolutionofsoapandwater Donotuseanyharshabrasivesor cleaningpowders whichmayscratchor...

Page 20: ...ckwall Toadjusttheflowofairtoeither burner loosenthePhillipshead screwandrotatetheshutterto allowmoreor lessairintothe burnertubeasneeded Theflameforthetop broil burnershouldbe steadywith approximatelyl inchbluecones andshouldnotextendoutoverthe baffleedges Todetermineif thebottom oven burnerflameisproper remove theovenbottom seepage15 and theburnerbaffle Theflameshould have1 2 to 3 4 blueconeswit...

Page 21: ...sttemperature L PushtheBAKEbutton 2 Selectatemperature between 500 F and550 F withtheSET knob 3 Quickly withintwoseconds beforetheBAKEfi mction energizes pushandholdtheBAKEbuttonfor about5seconds Thedisplaywill showaplusnumber aminus number or00 4 IhmtheSETknobtoadjustthe temperature in5 F steps Youcan raiseituntil 35 F showson displayorlowerituntil 35 F showsondisplay Ifthecontrol beepsandflashes...

Page 22: ... pro lems On ages 9 13 e e Sure the elee c l plug is plugg into alive properly grounded power outlet Checkforpoweroutage Bulbmaybelooseorburnedout Electricalplugmustbepluggedintoalivepoweroutlet Seethesectionontonesonpage8 Theovenhasnotcooledtotheunlocking temperature Thedoorcannotbeopeneduntil thetemperature dropstoasafelevel S IOPTIMEmustbemorethan31 2 hourslaterthanSTIU I TIME eoven tempera rei...

Page 23: ...therhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60...

Page 24: ...eto e Replacement of housefusesor teachyouhowtousetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers 4 ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions e Failureoftheproductif it is used forotherthan itsintendedpurpose a aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealerorour or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow orcall tollfree byaccident fire floodsor acts GEAn...
