GE JGBS03EK Use And Care Manual Download Page 10

Summary of Contents for JGBS03EK

Page 1: ...king 8 9 Oven 10 11 BurnerGrates 16 20 Air Adjustment 21 Burners 19 20 Baking BakingGuide 12 13 Clockand Timer 9 BroilerPanandRack 19 20 ControlSettings 8 Broiling BroilingGuide 15 CookwareTips 9 ContinuousCleaningCare 17 DripPans 16 20 ControlSettings 11 FlameSize 8 DoorRemoval 19 LightingInstructions 8 Light 11 Warranty BackCover LightingInstructions 10 GEWer MeP OvenBottomRemoval 18 m u 2m stan...

Page 2: ... pleasewritethesenumbers here Model Number Serial Number Usethesenumbersin any correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourrange Immediatelycontactthedealer or builder thatsoldyoutherange save time andmoney Beforeyou request service e e ChecktheProblemSolveron page 22 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan cgr ect yourself FORYOUR SAFEW Ifyou smell gas 1SOpen windows 2 Don t touch elec...

Page 3: ...n smother flaming panbycovering pancompletely withwellGtting lid cookie sheet orflattray Flaming grease outside apan canbeputoutbycovering with baking sodaor ifavailable a multi purpose drychemical orfo typefireextinguisher u fl v materialsin theovenor brouer awer or neartheCaoktop Do notstore orusegasoline orother flammable vapors andliquids in thevicinity ofthisoranyoth r appfiance Donoti t cobk...

Page 4: ...table oreasily tipped Select coobarehaving flatbottoms large enough to properly contain ft od avoiding boilovers andspillove s butlarge enough tocover burner grate Thiswillbothsave cledng and prevent hazardous accumulations offoodjsince heavy spattering or spillovers leftonrange canignite Usepanswithhandles thatcanbe easily grasped andremain cool m n kg gI SS COOM 9 makesureit isdesigned fortoD e ...

Page 5: ...esamelevelor higher thanthefloorcovering Thiswill allowtherangetobemovedfor cleaningor servicing bveli the Range Levelinglegsarelocatedoneach cornerofthebaseoftherange Yourrangemustbe levelin orderto producepropercookingandbaking rcsulfi Afteritisinitsfinallocation placea levelhortiontaUyon an ovenshelfandcheckthelevelness fronttobackandsideto side Level therangebyadjustingtheleveling legsor bypla...

Page 6: ... YeaturesofYourRange JGBS03PK tith Shntig Riot JGBS03EK tithElectric Igtition LBS03PK Pgas only tithStiting Riot JGSS05GPK tith Shnfing mot GSS05GEK tithElectricIgtition ...

Page 7: ...venlight onandof 11 9 OvenShelves easilyremovedor repositioned onshelfsupports u OvenShelfSupports 11 19 2 2 2 2 1 BroilerPanandRck 19 20 U ChromePlatedDripl ans 13 Removable OvenDoor easilyremovedforovencleaning 14 Lift UpCooktop locksinupposition tosimpli cleaningunderneath 16 20 19 16 e 18 19 18 17 3 5 15 Removable OvenBottom e 16 BroilerDrawer 17 PorcelainEnmel Ovenkterior 18 Continuous Cleani...

Page 8: ... Burner Pushthecontrolknobin andturnit toLITE Onelectricignitionmodels youWM hearalitdeclickingnoise thesoundof theelectricspark ignitingtheburner I I I A r theburnerignites turnthe knobto adjusttheflamesize No DOnotoperatea burnerfor extended periodsoftimewithout havingcookware onthegrate The Msh onthegratemaychipwithout cookware toabsorbtheheat Checktobe suretheburneryou turnedonistheoneyouwantt...

Page 9: ...diumheatasthe rnanufaclurer recommends __ onmodelssoequipped onmodels so equipped Tosetthe Clock pushintheknob andturntheclockhandstothe righttothecorrecttime Thenlet theknoboutandcontinueturning to OFF TosettheClock turntheknobto theIefiuntilthewords SET TIME appearinthedisplay Then tu theknobineitherdirection untilthecorrecttimeis displayed Aftera slightpause timeisset mer TheTimerhasbeencombine...

Page 10: ...rshould lightwithin60seconds Youwill hearalitie clickingnoise the soundoftheelectricsparkigniting theburner rower Ouhge Althoughtheoven broiler burner ontheserangeswillnotself light in theeventofanelectricalpower outage a burnerinusewhenan electricalpowerftilureoccursWN continuetooperatenormally ToIighttheoven i ot during a electrica powerOutige carefi followthestepsbelow 1 BesureOVENTEMPknobi int...

Page 11: ...rofoven Tiltup frontandDushshelftowardbackof ovenuntifit goespast stop on ovenwall Thenlowerfrontofshelf andpushit W thewayback shelfPositiom Theovenhasfourshelfsupports A bottom B C andD top Shelfpositionsforcookingare suggested onBakingandRoasting pages oven vent Theovenisventedthroughduct openingsatthecenterrearofthe range seepage6 Donotblock theseopeningswhencookingin th oven it isimportant th...

Page 12: ...ges ofcrusttoothin eIncorrectbakingtemperature Bottomcrust soggyand unbaked Allowc st and rfillingtocool sufficiently beforefillingpieshell Fillingmaybetoothinorjuicy Fillingallowed tostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredients andpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique Makesuretherearenotinyholesor tearsinabottomcrust Patching api...

Page 13: ...ll Sponge Cakes Bundtcakes Cupcakes Fruitcakes Layer Layer chocolate Loaf Aluminum TubePan MetalJellyRollPan 325 3750 375 4000 325 3500 325 3500 350 3750 275 3000 350 3750 350 3750 350 30 55 1o 15 45 60 45 65 20 25 2 4hrs 20 35 25 30 40 60 Twopiecepanisconvenient Linepanwithwaxedpaper A B A A B B A B B B B B C B C B C B C MetalorCeramicPan MetalorCeramicPan ShinyMetalMuffinPans MetalorGlassLoafor ...

Page 14: ...te cookingtimes Oven mpemture 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 375 325 Doneness Mdum Mll Done Medium WellDone Wll Done WellDone ToWarm Wel Done WefiDone WellDone WeflDone Step4 Mostmeab continueto _ cookslightlywhilestandingafter beingremovedfromtheoven Standingtimerecommended for roastsis 10to20minutestoallow roasttofirmup makingit easierto carve Internaltemperaturewill riseabout5 to 100F tocompensate...

Page 15: ...odclosertoflameincreases exterior browning offood butalsoincreases spatteringandthepossibilityoffats andmeatjuicesigniting 4 Closebroilerdoorand formost foods turnOVEN EMPknobto BROIL Note Chickenandhamare broiledat450 in ordertocookfood throughwithoutover browning it 5 Turnmostfoodsonceduring cooking tte exception isthinftiets offish oi oneside placethatside downonbroilerrackandcookwithout turnin...

Page 16: ...surfacefollowingthe grain To helppreventfingermarksafter cleaning spreadatin fti ofbaby oilonthesurface Wipeaway excessoilwiti a clean softcloth A goodappliancewaxwillhelp protectthisfinish LMt up Coobp Cleantheareaunderthecooktop often Built upsoil especially grease maycatchfire Tomakecleaningeasier the cooktopmaybe likd up Tor e the Coowop 1 Be sureburnersareturnedoff 2 Removethegratesand on mod...

Page 17: ...ontinuous cleancoating _ Tocleanthecontinuom Cleaning oven 1 Letrangepartscoolbefore handling Werecommendrubber glovesbewornwhencleaning 2 Removeshelvesandcookware Soilvisibilitymaybereducedby operatingtheovenat400 F Close thedoorandturnOVENTEMP knobto400 F Timeforatleast4 hours Repeatedcyclesmaybe necessarybeforeimprovement in appearanceisapparent mMEmER DURINGTHE OPEMTIONOFTHEOVEN THE DOOR WINDO...

Page 18: ...first Youcancleanthebottomwith soapandwater a mildabrasive cleanser soap fdledabrasivepads or causticovencleanerfollowing manufacturer s directions Withpropercaze theporcelain enamelinteriorwillretainitsgood Iookingfinishformanyyears Soapandwaterwillnormally dothejob Heavyspatteringor spi oversmayrequirecleaning witha mfldabrasivecleanser Soapy wetpadsmayalsobe used Donotallowfoodspi switha high s...

Page 19: ...broiler drawerbehindtherollerguide stopsintherange 2 Holdthebroilerdrawerintie raisedpositionasyouslideit partwayintotherange Thenlower thedrawerandpushitcompletely closed Broiler Rn Rack Afierbroiling removethebroiler rackandcarefillypouroffthe grease Washandrinsetherack inhot soapywater If foodhasburnedon sprinkle therackwhilehotwithdetergent andcoverwithwetpapertowelsor a dishcloth Thatway burn...

Page 20: ...shelfandcheckfor discoloration beforecompletely cleaning Liftoiltwhencool Soak5to 10minutesifdesiredinsolutionofwarmwateranddishwasher detergent Scourwithmaterialsmentioned heretoremove burned on foodparticles SurfaceBurner Gmtes SufiaceBmers SoapandWater KI Soap Fiiied Scouring Pad Non metallic Solution forCleaning bsideofCoffeeMakers gSoapandWater MildAbrasiveCleanser DampCloth Wipeoffburnerhead...

Page 21: ...togetherand retightenscrewssotheyaresnug butbe carefillnottoovertighten Re installknobonrangeand checkperformance Note Afieran adjustmenthas beenmadetotheOVENTEMP knob OFF andBROILwillnot lineup withtheindicatormarkon thecontrolpanelastheypreviously did Thisconditionisnormaland willnotcreatea problem surface Burner Mr Adjtiment Shutkm Anair adjustmentshutterforeach surfaceburnerregulatestheflowof ...

Page 22: ...malforLPgas Normalfornatu al gas K r fl 6slooklike A callforservice Normalburnerfiam sshouldlb k like B or dependingonthetypeofgasyouuse With i gas someye owtippingoninrierconesisnormal If rangeis cunnected to LPg checkallstepsintheInptilationhstructions Makeshre e ostat ca filarybulb locatedinupperportionofoven isin chrrect position not pu hifig uven sidesandnotcoatedwithfiything Alurn imlrn foil...

Page 23: ...furtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youare stillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance CorlsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illino...

Page 24: ...housefusesor teachyouhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers ReadyourUSeandCare material Ifyou thenhaveanyquestions Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealeror our or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tollfree byaccident fire floodsor acts GEAnswerCenter ofGod 800 62...
