GE JGBP24GEJ Use And Care Manual Download Page 26

Summary of Contents for JGBP24GEJ

Page 1: ...oktop 18 ControlSettings 8 MinuteTimer 10 12 CookwareTips 9 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 DripPans l 23 Oven 9 FlameSize 8 AirAdjustment 24 LightingInstructions 8 Baking BakingGuide 13 14 Warranty BackCover BroilerPanand Rack 18 23 Broiling BroilingGuide 16 ControlSettings 9 DoorRemoval 19 Light BulbReplacement 10 19 OvenBottomRemoval 19 OvenTimer 10 12 Preheating 13 14 Roasting RoastingGuide 15 6E4NwW ...

Page 2: oruse gasoline Or other flammablevapomand liquidsinthevicioity ofthisor anyother appliance woRTmT smTY Nma T heCaliforniaSafeEMinking Waterand lloxic Enforcement Actrequiresthe Governorof Californiatopttblisha list of substancesknownto the state to causecancerand requires businessesto warncustomers ofpotentialexposure such substances Oas appliancescan cause minorexposureto three ofthese substan...

Page 3: ...andor hangon the door draweror rangetop Theycould damage therangeandeventipit overcausing severe personal injury eCiw mri mms OF mTEmsT m CHILDWN SHOULDNom BE smmD m Cmmm ABOVEA RANGEOR ON THE BACWPLMH OFA RANGE CHILDREN CLIMBING ON THERANGE K REACH ITEMSCOULDIX SERIOUSLY INJURED Letburnergratesandother surfacescod beforetouching themm leavingthan where childrencan reachthem Neverwearhose fitting ...

Page 4: ... prevent hazardousaccumulationsof food sinceheavyspatteringor spillovers lefton rangecan ignite Use pans with handlesthat can be easily grasped and remain cool e seonly gkwiis cookwarethat is recommendedforuseongas burners Keepall plasticsawayfrom top bmmm TOavoidthe possibilityofa burn alwaysbe certainthat the controlsfor all burnemare at OFF positionand all gratesare cd beforeattemptingto remove...

Page 5: ...peting WhenmovingIhemnge onthistypeofflooring usecare Donotinstalltherangeover kitchencarpetingunless you place aninsulating padorsheetof 4 inch thick plywcxxl between therangeandcarpeting Whenthejkw coveringendsd the Jrontof therange theareathatthe rangewillrestonshouldbebuiltup withplywoodorsimilarmateiialto thesamelevelorhigherthanthe floorcovering Thiswillallowthe rangetobemovedforcleaningor s...

Page 6: ...Features ofYour Range 69 B J fwsz2 ssa 1A l 1 9 MOM JGBP26G Model JGBW7G with Brushed c romp rfifiLhr UUWALW P Model JGBM8GE 1 Wth Ih l hed Chro me Cooktop ws G 6 ...

Page 7: ...cator 21 22 e e 10 OvenCleaningIndicator 22 o e 11 Oven On Indicator 9 e e a 12 SurfaceLightSwitch 9 e 13 OvenVent 10 e e e 14 OvenInteriorLight 10 e e 15 OvenLightSwitch 10 e e letsyouturninteriorovenlightonandoff 16 OvenShelves 10 19 2 2 2 easilyremovedor repositioned on shelfsupports 17 OvenShelfSupports 10 e e e 18 BroilerPanandRack 18 23 6 e e 19 Removable OvenDoor 19 e e e easilyremovedforov...

Page 8: ...e burnerwhen heburnerisfirst turnedon A blowingorhissing soundmaybeheard Flamewillstabilizeandcurve upwards aftera burnerheatsupor 30to45secondsafterit isturned on Theblowingor hissingsound willstop Afterlightinga burner Checktobe suretheburneryou turnedonistheoneyouwanttouse Donotoperatea burnerforan extendedperiodoftimewithout cookwareonthegrate Thefinish onthegratemaychipwithout cookwaretoabsor...

Page 9: ...ld ignitewithin60 seconds CAUTION DON YI MAKEANY ATTEMPTlX3OPERATETHE ELECTRICIGNITIONOVEN DURINGANELKIXICAL POWERFAILURE Resumption ofelectricalpowerwhenOVEN TEMPandOVENSETcontrols areinanypositionotherthanOFF willresultinautomaticignitionof theovenor broilerburnerand couldcausesevereburnsif atthe time youwereattemptingtolight theburnerwitha match ll Ore UsingYour Oven Besureyouunderstandhowtoset...

Page 10: ... ova l vent Yourovenisventedthroughducts attherearoftherange seepage6 Donotblocktheseductswhen cookingintheoven it isimportant thattheflowofhotairfromthe ovenandfreshair totheoven burnersbe uninterrupted Ventopeningsandnearby surfacesmaybecomehot Do not touchthem oEhmUesof potsandpansonthe cooktopmaybecomehotif left tooclosetothevent Do notleaveplasticitemson thecooktop they maymeltif lefttooclose...

Page 11: ...ooktimehas elapsed Forautomaticovencleaning see OperatingtheSelf Cleaning Oven onpages20 22 11 DelayStartingan Automatic hen operation If a delayedcookingoperation isdesired L Turn theOvenSetknobto TIMEI BAKE 2 ThrntheOvenTempknobtothe desiredtemperature 3 Entertheamountoftimeyou wanttocookbypushingCOOK TIMEbutton B androtatingknob D tothedesiredlengthofcooking time hoursand orminutes 4 Entertheti...

Page 12: ...theMinuteTimer turnthe centerknobclockwise without pushingin untilthepointerreaches thenumberofminutesyouwantto time upto60 Attheendofthe settime a buzzer soundstotellyoutimeisup Tbrn theknob withoutpushingin until thepointerreachesOFFandthe buzzerstops Autonlatie oven Timer ThisTimerwillautomatically start andstopyourovenforyou Here s whatyoudo L Makesurebothyourrangeclock andtheSTART dialshowthe...

Page 13: ... Burningaroundedges oventoofill avoidovercrowding Edgesofcrusttoothin o Incorrectbakingtemperature Bottomcrustsoggyandunbaked A11ow crustand orfillingtocool sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell Fillingmaybetoothinorjuicy Fillingallowedtostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredients andpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique Makesurether...

Page 14: ...elfBmaybeused Cakes without shortening 4ngelfood Aluminum TubeI A 325 3750 30 55 Twopiecepanisconvenient k lyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxed paper xmge Metalor CeramicPan A 325 3500 45 60 akes hmdtcakes Metalor CeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 lqnkes ShinyMetalMuffinPans B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemoremoistcrusts uitcakcs Metalor GlassLoafor A B 275 3000 2 4hrs Use300...

Page 15: ...5 325 325 375 325 Stepd Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhilestandingafter beingremovedfromtheoven For rareor mediuminternaldoneness youmaywishtoremovemeatfrom theovenjust beforeit isdoneifit is tostand10to 20minuteswhileyou makegravyor attendtootherfoods If nostandingisplanned cook meattosuggested temperature I hMen Roa ts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow15to2...

Page 16: ...Brusheachsidewith meltedbutter Broilwithskin sidedownfirst Bakery Products Bread Toast or ToasterPastries English Muffins D 2 3 l 2 Spaceevenly PlaceEnglish muffinscut side up andbrush D 3 6 withbutterifdesired c 14 17 Donot Cutthrough backofshell spnxid turn open Brushwithmeltedbutter over beforeandafterhalftime c 5 5 Handleandturnverycarefully Brushwithlemonbutterbefore andduringcooking ifdesire...

Page 17: ...nboth sides TO remove theglasspanel L Disconnect powertotherange 2 Remove thescrewoneachendof thebacksplash 3 Remove theblackmetalstripson eachendthatholdtheglassinplace 4 Remove thecontrolknobs clock knobsandscrewssecuring thelight switches 5 Carefully remove theglassand placeitona smooth flatsufice Cleanit withmildsoapandwater rinsewithcleanwateranddrywith a softcloth Caution Donotuseabrasive cl...

Page 18: ...l they llscratchthesurface Instead soakthedrippansforabout20 minutesin slightlydilutedliquid cleanseror mildsolutionof ammoniaandwater 1 2cupof ammoniatoonegallonofwater Afiersoaking washtheminhot soapywater Rinsewithcleanwater andpolishwitha clean softcloth Donotattempttocleanthedrip pansin theself cleaning oven Whenreplacing drippans the notchontherear panandthenotch onthefrontpan shouldmeetin t...

Page 19: ...move the two knurled hold down screws at the rear of the oven If they are too tight to remove by hand use a coin or screwdriver 3 To lift out the oven bottom place your fingers in the slots in the bottom and lift the rear of the oven bottom up and back until the oven bottom is clear of the lip at the front 4 Then lift the bottom up and out To replace the bottom place it in the oven with the back r...

Page 20: ...h openinginthetopofthedoor C Makesuretheovenlightbulb cover D is inplace Neveruse a commercialovencleanerinor aroundtheself cleaning oven k lil A OvenFrontFrame B OvenDoorGasket C OpeningsinDoor D OvenLightBulbCover Step4 Closetheovendoorandmakesure theovenlightisoff Caution Chromedrippansfrom thetopofyourrangeshould neverbecleanedintheself cleaningoven 20 Agi Settheoven fixCleati Models JGBP2MMU ...

Page 21: ...utton E and ifdesired changing thepre prograrnmed cleantime simplypushtheS IO TIME button C androtate knob D to thedesiredstoptime Thedelayed starting timewillbecomputed and programmed automatically LatchtheOvenDoor PwhtheSelf CleanLatchLever to therightasfarasit willgoto locktheovendoor A shorttimelater theLOCKED lightcomeson andthedoorlocks TheglowingLOCKEDlight indicatesthattheovenis hotand the...

Page 22: ...metalparts thenext timetheovenisautomatically cleaned Q Can1c ean theWovenGasket aroundtheovendoor A No thisgasket isessential for agoodovensealandcaremustbe takennottorub damageor move thisgasket Q WhatshouldI doif excessive smokingoccursduringckxming A Thisis causedbyexcessivesoil andyoushouldswitchtheOVEN SETknobtoBAKEORBROIL Openwindowstorid roomof smoke Allowtheoventocoolfor atleastonehourbef...

Page 23: ...nGasket e None Avoid gettingANYcleaningmaterialsonthegasket OvenLiner SoapandWater Coolbeforcleaning Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwaterwillprolongthe timebetweenmajorcleanings Besuretorinsethoroughly Shelves e SoapandWater Shelvescanbewashedindishwasher or cleanedbyhandusingsoapandwater Rinsethoroughly toremoveanysoapaftercleaning Shelvesmayalsobecleaned inself cleaning oven butmaylosesomelusteran...

Page 24: ...opening at thetopofeachdoorhinge Turn clockwise tolower counterclockwise to raiseeachsideofthedoor 3 Replacethedoor closeit and checkalignmentanddoorseal Theshutterforthebottom oven burneris nearthebackwallofthe ovenbehindthestoragedraweror panelundertheoven 24 TO adjusttheflowofairtoeither burner kmsenthePhillips head screwandrotatetheshutterto allowmoreor lessair intothe burnertubeasneeded Thefl...

Page 25: ...adiscinthecenteroftheknobskirt with a series ofmarks opposite a pointer Loosen onlythe locking screws Notetowhichmarkthepointeris pointing Tomakeanadjustment carefullyloosen approximately oneturn butdonotcompletely removethetwoscrewsthatholdthe sldrttotheknob Holdtheknob bladeinonehandandtheouter skirtintheotherhand Toraisetheoventemperature movethepointerinthedirectionof thearrowforRAISE Tolowert...

Page 26: ...on Checkcommonbaking roastingandlxoiling probiemsonpages13 16 Doorlatchmovedtotherightduringbroilingorbakingcancausedoortolockwhen ovenishot Thn ovenoffandletitcoolbeforeattempting toopendoor Range electricalplugmustbesecurelyseatedinalivepoweroutlet Checkforblown fbseortrippedcircuitbreaker Bulbmaybelooseorburnedout Electricalplugmustbepluggedintoalivepoweroutlet AutomaticTimernotsetornotsetprope...

Page 27: ...rtherhelp FIRST contact thepeople who serviced yourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolve theproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois...

Page 28: ...stoyourhometo teachyouhowto usethe product ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealerorour ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow orcall tollfree GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Improperinstallation Ifyouhavean installationproblem contactyourdealeror installer Youareresponsiblefor providing adequate electrical gas ...
