GE JGBP24GEF Use And Care Manual Download Page 18

Summary of Contents for JGBP24GEF

Page 1: ...okware Tips 8 Model andSerialNumbers 2 DripPans U Oven 9 FlameSize 7 Baking Baking Guide 11 12 Lighting Instructions 7 Broiler PanandRack 16 warranty BackCover Broiling Broiling Guide 14 Control Settings 9 DoorRemoval 17 Light BulbReplacement 9 17 OvenBottom Removal 17 OvenTimer 10 Preheating 12 Roasting Roasting Guide 13 Self Cleaning Operation 18 19 Shelves 9 17 Vent Duct 9 Problem Solver 21 Use...

Page 2: ... theburnerboxunderthecooktop Seepage6 Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourrarige Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here Model Number Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourrange Ifvoureceived a xlaged range Immediately contactthedealer or buikhx thatsoldyoutherange save time and money Before you ...

Page 3: ...E SERIOUSLY INJURED Lethmer gratesandother Surfhces cd beforet mdlirlg themorleavingthemwhere chikhw cm reachthem Neverwearkmwfittingor hanging garnwnts whileusing theapplimce Wunrnable materialcouldbeignitedif broughtincontactwithflameor hotovensurfacesandmaycame severeburns l kwer useyourapplimcefor warming orheatingtheroon3 Prolonged useoftherange withoutadequate ventilation can behazardous Don...

Page 4: ... graspedandremain COOL euseonlyglasscookware that isr ommendedforuseongas burners Keep plastics awayfrom topbm ner h TO mid thepossibility ofa Mlrn always becertainthatthe controlsforauhmers areat LOW psition andallgratesare cod beforeattempting to remove a grate men fldng foodsunder thehod9 turnthefanoff The fan ifo rating mayspread theflame Mrangeislocatedneara window donotuselongcurtains which ...

Page 5: ...rmwerings suchascushionedvinyl When movingtherangeonthistypeof flooring usecare Donot hstdl therangeover kitchencarpetingunlessyou placeaninsulating padorsheet of l 4 inch thick plywood between therange andcarpeting When thefloorcovering endsatthe frontoftherange theareathatthe rangewillrestonshouldbebuiltup withplywoodorsimilarmaterialto thesamelevelorhigherthanthe floorcovering Thiswillallowthe ...

Page 6: ...SELECTOR Knob 9 I I 6 OVEN TEMPKnob 9 I 7 Automatic OvenTimer ClockandMinute Timer I 10 I 8 DoorLatch 18 I IExplained FeatureIndex on Dafze I 10OvenVent 9 I I 11OvenInterior Light 9 I 12 OvenLightSwitch letsyouturninterior light 9 onandoff I 13OvenShelves I 9 16 I I 14OvenShelfSupports 9 I 15Broiler PanandRack 16 16Removable OvenDoor 17 17 Lift Up OffCooktop 16 I 9 DoorLockedIndicator I 18 I 18 Re...

Page 7: ...notoperateaburnerforan extendedperiodoftimewithout cookwareonthe grate Thefinish onthegratemaychipwithout cookwareto absorbtheheat Besuretheburnersandgratesare coolbeforeyouplaceyourhand a potholder cleaningclothsor other materialson them HowtoSelect FlameSize Theflamesizeona gasburner shouldmatchthecookwareyou areusing i NEVERLETTHEFLAME EXTENDUPTHESIDESOF THECOOKWARE Anyflame largerthanthebottom...

Page 8: ...fd andwater willstainbutwillnotharm aluminum Aquickscourwitha soap filkdsteelwoolpadafter eachusekeepsaluminum cookware lookingshinynew Usesaucepans withtight fitting lidsforcooking withminimumamountsofwater Cast Iron If heatedslowly most skilletswillgivesatistictoryresults Enamelware Undersome conditions theenamelofsome cookware maymelt Follow cookware manufacturer s recommendations forcookingmet...

Page 9: ...roiling Fornormalovenoperation turn theknobtothedesiredtemperature It willnormallytake30to60 secondsbeforetheflamecomeson Aftertheovenreachestheselected temperature theovenburnercycles offcompletely thenon witha fill flame to keeptheoven temperaturecontrolled TheOVENTEMPcontrolshould beturnedto OFF wheneverthe ovenis notinuse oven shelves Theshelvesaredesignedwith stop lockssowhenplacedcorrectly o...

Page 10: ...start andstopyourovenforyou Here s whatyoudo L Makesurebothyourrangeclock andt heSTART dialshowthecorrect timeofday 2 Setthe START control Pushin andturntheSTART knobtothetime youwant theoven toturnon Ifyou want ittostartoperating immediately donotsettheSTART time 3 SettheSTOP control Pushin andturntheSlOPknobtothetime youwanttheoven toturnitselfoff Note Theremustbeatleasta half hour difference be...

Page 11: ...dPossible Solutions PIES llurningaroundedges Oventoofill avoidovercrowding eEdgesofcrusttoothin Incorrectbakingtemperature Bottomcrustsoggyandunbaked Allowcrustand orfillingtocool sufficiently beforefillingpieshell Filling maybetoothinorjuicy oFilling allowedtostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredients andpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipean...

Page 12: ...s B A 350 3750 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused cakes without shortening Angelfired Aluminhm l hbePan A 325 3750 30 55 Twopiecepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 375 400 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan A 325 3500 45 60 cakes Bundt cakes MetalorCeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 Cupcakes ShinyMetalMut n Pans B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemo moistcrusts Fruitcakes M...

Page 13: approximate cookingtimes roasts Romtimg Guide IhIen Roasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow15to25 minutes perpoundadditionaltime 15 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingto ensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbecookedsuccessfully without thawing Followdirectionsgiven J onpacker slabel...

Page 14: ...ildone Timefoodsfor aboutone halfthetotalcooking time turn food thencontinueto cooktopreferreddoneness 6 TbmOVENTEMPknobto OFF Removebroilerpan from ovenandservefoodimmediately Leavepan outsidetheoventocool Bacon lb about8 thinslices c 21 4 Arrangeinsinglelayer Spaceevenly Upto9 patties takeaboutsametime Ground Beef WellDone Mb 4patties to in thick c 9 1o 7 8 BeefSteaks Rare Medium WellDone Rare M...

Page 15: ...ce BrushedChrome Finish Cleanthebrushedchrometop withwarm soapywateror anall purposehouseholdcleanerand immediately dry it witha clean softcloth T ecaretodry the surfacefollowing the grain To helppreventfingermarksafter cleaning spreadathinfilmofbaby oilonthesurface Wipeaway excessoilwitha clean softcloth A goodappliancewaxwillhelp protectthisfinish Control I Wels It sa goodideatowipethecontrol pa...

Page 16: ...heinsideofcoffee makers Soaktheburnerfor20to 30minutes If thefooddoesn t rinseoffcompletely scrubitwith soapandwateror a mildabrasive cleanserandadampcloth Donotattempttocleanburnersin anautomaticdishwasher Loosened foodsoilcanclogburnerholes andthecausticactionofthe dishwasherdetergentcandamage theburnerheads Beforeputtingtheburnerback dry itthoroughlybysettingit ina warm ovenfor30minutes Thenpla...

Page 17: ...he lamp cover and reconnect electric power to the rarlge XS S7A Removable OvenBottom Youcanremovetheovenbottom tocleananyexcessivespillovers beforestartingtheself cleaning cycle Toremovetheovenbottom L Removethe ovenshelves 2 Slidethecatchateachrear corneroftheoventowardyou 3 Lifttherear edgeoftheoven bottomslightly slideit backuntil holesin thefrontedgeoftheoven bottomclearthepinsin theoven front...

Page 18: ...houkl neverbecleanedintheself ckxmingoven HowtoSetthe OvenforCleaning Step1 Settheautomaticoventimer START STOP 6 6 Makesureboththerangeclock andtheSTAKI dialshowthecorrect timeofday Decideoncleaninghours necessary two hoursformoderate soilor threeto fourhoursfor heavysoil Addthesehourstopresenttime ofday thenpushinandturn STOP dialclockwisetodesiredstoptime Note TheS IOPdialmustbe set andadvanced...

Page 19: ...ace anddamagemetalpartsthenext timetheovenisautomatically cleaned Q CanI c eantheWovenGasket aroundtheovendoor A No thisgasketis essentialfor a goodovensealandcaremustbe takennotto rub damageor move thisgasket Q WhatshouldI doif excessive smokingoccursduringcleaning A Thisis causedbyexcessive soil andyoushouldswitchthe SELECIORknobtoBAKEOR BROIL Openwindowstorid room ofsmoke Allowtheoventocool for...

Page 20: ...steranddiscolor Cleanasdescribedbelowor indishwasher DOIWYI CLEANINSELF CLEANINGOVENastheywilldiscolor Wipeallchromedrippansaftereach cookingsounnoticedspatterwillnotburnonnexttimeyoucook Toremove burned on spatters useanyor allcleaningmaterialsmentioned Rublightly withscouringpadtopreventscratching ofthesurface Liftoutwhencool Soak5 10 minutesifdesiredinwarmsolutionofdishwasher detergent Scourwit...

Page 21: ...yornotturnedon Check baking roastingandbroilinginstructions onpages11 14 Doorlatchmovedtotherightatbeginningoforduringbroilingcancausedoorto lockwhenovengetshot Turnovenoffandletitcoolbeforeattempting tocp ndoor e ge ectrica plug must be securely s inalivepoweroutlet CheckfOT bklWIl fuseortrippedcircuitbreaker Bulbmaybelooseorburnedout Electricalplugmustbepluggedintoalivepoweroutlet e Automatic im...

Page 22: ...furtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois...

Page 23: ...o usetheproduct ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealerorour ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow or call tollfree TheGEAnswerCenteF 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Replacementof housefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers QFailureoftheproductif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose or usedcommercially e Damageto productcau...
