GE JGAS02EK Use And Care Manual Download Page 12

Summary of Contents for JGAS02EK

Page 1: ...15 Leveling 5 Control Settings 7 Lift Up Off Cooktop 14 Cookware Tips 8 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Flame Size 7 Oven 8 9 Lighting Instructions 7 Air Adjustment 9 Warranty Back Cover Baking Baking Guide 10 11 Broiling Broiling Guide 13 Control Settings 9 Lighting Instructions 8 9 Oven Bottom Removal 16 Preheating 10 11 Roasting Roasting Guide 12 Shelves 9 15 Thermostat Adjustment 16 Models JGAS02PK...

Page 2: ...ardthatcamewith yourrange Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here ModeiNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourrange If you received a am wed mwe oe Immediatelycontactthedealer or builder thatsoldyoutherange save time and money Before you request e g g C hecl theProblemSolveron page 18 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan Co ...

Page 3: ...ld result To prevent accidental iipping ofthe range atti h ittothewall orfloorby instilingt e ANTI TIP bracket supplied TO check ifthebracket isinstalled andengaged properly carefilly tiptherange forward tocheck if theANTI TIP bracket i engaged withtheleveling leg Ifyoupulltherange outfrom thewallforanyreason make suretherearlegisreturned toits position inthebracket when you pushtherange back Letb...

Page 4: ...iate work improperly Thismaycause When flaming fobds under a carbon monoxide level above thehoo turnthef nOff The current stindards resultitig ina fan ifoperattig tiayspread health hazard theflame FMds forfrying should tie as If range is located near a dry as possible Froston frozen foods ormoisture onfreshfoods window9 donotuselongcurtains which could blow overthetop cancause hotfattobubble upand...

Page 5: ...kitchencarpeting unlessyou placeaninsulatingpador sheetof l 4 inch thick plywoodbetween therangeandcarpeting Men thefloor coveringendsat thefront oftherange theareathat therangewillreston shouldbe builtupwithplywoodor similar materialtothesamelevelor higher thanthefloorcovering Thiswill allowtherangetobemovedfor cleaningor servicing 5 hveling theRange Levelinglegsarelocatedoneach cornerofthebaseof...

Page 6: ... SurfaceBurnerControls 7 I 3 SurfaceBurnersandGrates I 14 15 17 I I 4 OVENTEMPKnob 9 I 5 OvenVent 9 located in center of rear of range I Feature Index 6 OvenShelves easilyremovedor repositioned on shelfsupports 7 OvenShelfSupports 8 BroilerPanandRack 9 Lift Up OffCooktop 10Removable OvenBottom 11Anti Tip Bracket seeSafetyInstructions 6 Explained on page 9 15 9 13 15 17 14 16 3 5 ...

Page 7: ...are When boi ing usethissame flamesize 1 2 inchsmallerthan thebottomofthecookware no matter what the cookware is made of Foodscookjustas quicklyata gentleboilastheydoat a furious rollingboil A highboilcooksaway moisture flavorandnutrition panel pipe Avoidit exceptforthefewcooking processes whichneeda vigorous boil 4 If thepilotsneedadjusting turn theadjustingscrewlocatedonthe pilotfilter When fryi...

Page 8: ...ost skilletswillgivesatisfactory results Enamelware Undersome conditions theenamelofsome cootiare maymelt Follow cookware manufacturer s recommendations forcookingmethods Glass Therearetwotypesofglass cookware those forovenuseonly andthosefortop of range cooking saucepans coffeeandteapots Glassconductsheatveryslowly Heatproof GlassCeramic Can be usedforeithersurfaceor oven cooking It conductsheatv...

Page 9: ...nt H shutter Toadjust the flowofair loosen thePhillipsheadscrewandrotate theshuttertoallowmoreorlessair intotheburnertubeasneeded Whenthe right amountofair flowsintothe burner theflame shouldbesteady withapproximately I 2 bluecones andshouldnot extendoutoverthebaffleedges OvenTempemture ControI TheOVENTEMPcontrolis locatedatthecenterofthecontrol panelonthefrontoftherange Simplyturntheknobtothedesi...

Page 10: ... Solutions PIES Burning around edges Oventoofull avoidovercrowding oEdgesofcrusttoothin Incorrectbakingtemperature Bottomcrust soggyand unbaked Allowcrustand orfillingtocool sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell eFilling maybetoothinorjuicy Filling allowedtostandinpieshell beforebaking Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately Ingredientsandpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust Usea testedrecipeandgoodtec...

Page 11: ...beused Cakes withoutshortening Angelfood Aluminum be Pan A 325 3750 30 55 Wo piecepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRoilPan B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan A 325 3500 45 60 Cakes Bundt cakes MetalorCeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 Cupcakes ShinyMetalMuffinPans B 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemoremoistcrusts Fruitcakes MetalorGlassLoafor A B 275 3000 2 4hrs Use300 ...

Page 12: ...stingGuide Meat Tendercuts rib highquality sirlointip rumportopround Lamblegorbone inshoulder Vealshoulder legor loin Porkloin ribor shoulder Ham pre cooked Ham raw Forbonelessrolledroastsover6 inches thick add5to 10minutesperlb totimes given above Poultry Shicken orDuck 2hickenpieces hrkey Oven Temperature 325 325 325 325 325 325 375 325 Donen Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone WellDone We...

Page 13: ...utter Broilwithskin sidedownfirstandbroilwith doorclosed BakeryProduct Bread Toast or ToasterPastries EnglishMuffins Lobstertails 6to8 oz each 2 Removebroilerpanandrack frombroilercompartmentand placefoodon rack Spaceevenly PlaceEnglish muffinscut side up andbrush withbutter ifdesired Cutthrough backofshell spread open Bmshwithmeltedbutter beforeandafterhalftime Handleandturnverycarefully Brushwit...

Page 14: ...controlpanelas theywilldamagethefinish BurnerGmtes Gratesshouldbewashedregularly and ofcourse afierspillovers Washtheminhot soapywaterand rinsewithcleanwater Drythe grateswithacloth don t putthem backontherangewet When replacingthegrates besurethey re lockedintopositionovertheburners Togetridofburned onfood soak thegratesina slightlydiluted liquidcleanser Althoughthey redurable the grateswillgradu...

Page 15: ...Donotstorea soiledbroilerpan andrackintheovenorbroiler compartment Broiler Drawer Toremove Whenbroileriscool removerackandpan Then withdraweroutabout halfway pullmetalcliplocatedin centerofdrawerbottomupwardas farasit willgo about2 inches Thedrawercannowbepulledall thewayoutofthecompartment Toreplace Slidegroovesattopof drawerontoguiderailsatsidesof broilercompartmentandpush drawerinto close Porce...

Page 16: ...eusedforseveralyears youmaynoticea differenceinthe degreeofbrowningor thelengthof timerequiredwhenusingyour favoriterecipes Oventemperature controlshavea tendencyto drift overa periodofyearsandsince thisdrift isverygradual it isnot readilynoticed Therefore you mayhavebecomeaccustomed to yourpreviousovenwhichmay haveprovidedahigheror lower temperaturethanyouselected Beforeattemptingtohavethe temper...

Page 17: ...aterwhencooledandthenrinse Polishwithdrycloth Usea mildsolution ofsoapandwater Donotuseanyharshabrasivesorcleaningpowders whichmayscratchor marsurface Coolbeforecleaning FORLIGHTSOIL Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwater especially aftercooking meat willprolong thetimebetweenmajorcleaning Rinsethoroughly N E Soapleft onlinercausesadditional stainswhenovenisreheated FORHEAVY SOIL Chooseanon abrasive c...

Page 18: ... Questiom UseThkRoblem Solver PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEAND ORWHATTODO Eyouneedmore help call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 conswner information service 18 ...

Page 19: ...urtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentuc 40225 m FINALLY if yourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinoi...

Page 20: ...rvicetripstoyourhometo teachyouhowto usethe product ReadyourUseandCammaterial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions aboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow or call toll free GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Improperinstallation Ifyouhaveaninstallationproblem contactyourdealeror installer Youareresponsibleforproviding adequate electr...
