GE JE89 Use And Care Manual Download Page 6

Summary of Contents for JE89

Page 1: ...the Features p5 Defrosting p8 Cooking c p luestions etheProblem Solver p12 Use andCare of model JEt89 YourDirectLine to GeneralElectric The XlAnswerCM ELECTRIC ...

Page 2: ...abelinside theoven Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourMicrowave Oven Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourMicrowave Oven I The Axtric output ofthis mimwmve ovenis 600 watts I BesureyourMicrowave Ovenis itis importantthatwcknowthe kxxitionofyou...

Page 3: ...reaker lns l or locate thisappliance onlyinaccordance withthe provided instructions s BQ ce m placethefront SIIrf e Of the door three inches or morebackfram thecmntertop edgetoavoid accidental tipping oftheappliance illnormal Usq If Donotcover orblock any openings ontheappliance Donotuseoutdoors Donotimmerse power cordor pluginwater 8Keep power cordaway from SWfaces eDO notletpower cordhangover ed...

Page 4: ...ommended foruseinthe microwave oven 0pl ticU ik P astic u n i s designed formicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshould be usedcarefully Evenmicrowave plastic maynotbeastolerant of overcooking conditions asaRglass orceramic materials andmay sofknorcharifsubjccted toshort periods Inlonger to thefbod andutensils couldignite For thesereasons 1 Usc plastics onlyandusethem instrict cornpIitmce withtheute...

Page 5: ...teriorLight Turns on whenthedoorisowned or when 2 DoorLatches beovenisoperatiiig 3 DoorScreen Metalscreen 6 Mode and Serial Numbers pm nitsviewingoffoodsandkeeps 7 ModeStirrer Cover Protects microwaves confinedinsideoven themicrowave energydistributing system Do notremovethiscover Mu willdamagetheoven GlassCooking Thy Traymust be inplacewhenusingtheoven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory with...

Page 6: ...L Touchthis pad anotherpower I vCI ifyouwanttochange tram PowerLevd 10 for or Power Lev451 3 LOW for 0 0 6 TIME Gentle generallyuniformthawingat automatic PowerLevel3 LOVV or changepowerlevelafterentering defrostingtime Seepage8 7 R4EVSECTIMER Thisfeature usesnomicrowave energy It functionsasa kitchentimer asa holdingperiodaflerdefrostor as a delaytimerbeforetimecooking Seepage7 CLEARKN IL Whentou...

Page 7: ...00appearson displayand TIME flashes Step7 Touch2 5 0 andOfor twenty five minutes ofcookingtime COOKTIME flashesand25 00 and POWER10 appearon display Step8 Touch ST DEFTIME and 15 00countingdownshow ondisplay Aseachfunctionis automatically performedoven displayshowsinstructionsentered andthefunction Step 9 Whentimeis up theoven signalsandflashes End Questionsand swers Q Whatwillhappenif I accidenta...

Page 8: ...ozeninpaperor plastic canbedefrostedinthepackage Q When1pressS I ART I hear a dull thumping noise Whatisit A Thissoundisnormal Itisletting youknowtheovenisusingapower levellowerthan10 HIGH CanI defrostsmai itemsin a hurry A Yes buttheywillneedmore frequent attention thanusual Raise thepowerlevelafterenteringthe timebytouching thedesiredpower levelpad I wer Level7 cutsthe timeaboutin 1 2 I wer Leve...

Page 9: ...t twotimecooking functions withinoneprogram This vmuld beidealifyoudesiredtochange powerlevelsduringyourcooking operations The isanexample ofhow tochangepowerlevelsusing Ilmc CookU step1 Rqwatsteps 1 2and3 step2 Ibuch mm COOK I 11 pad shows CKXNC and 2 ENTER IWW3 fkwhes step 3 3 yourtime step 5 l bud START Questions andAnswers Q I setmyovenforthetime calledforintherecipqbutat the endofthetimeallow...

Page 10: ...owaterjust after cooking Washitcarefhllyinwarm sudsywateror inthedishwasher Thetraycanbe brokenifdropped Remember donotoperatetheoven withoutthe cookingtrayinplace Specialnotewhenusing Brown NSearDish Ifgreaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto theoventray Thismaybe removed wirha cleansersuchasBonAmi brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi brand cleanser rin...

Page 11: ... cmnfxxkm of the powercord the adapter terminal to the wall cover screw does not groundtheappharweunlessthe coverscrewisrecta am not insulated andthewallrccep ac c isgrounded thehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya electrician tomakesurethe is pr qwrly When thepower cordfromtheadapter alwayshold theadapterwithonehand Ifthis isnotdone the ground crmina isverylikelyt break with repeatedus...

Page 12: ...time after touching ITI WI COOKI H oCLEAR OFFwastoucheda cident y Reset cO ing program and touchSTART FOODSAREEITHER ecooking times may v y us s rting foodtemperature fooddensityoramount OVERCOOKED OR offds inoven TouchTIMECOOKI 11 andadditionalcookingtimeforcompletion oIncorrectpower eve entered CheckCookbookforrecommendedpowerlevel or changinglevelsduringcookingifnecessary c Dishwasnotr t turned...

Page 13: ...furtherhelp FIRST contact thepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvethe problem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeail thedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackcrDrive Chicago Ill...

Page 14: hours LookintheWhiteor YellowPages ofyourtelephonedirectoryfor GENERALELECTRIC COMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATISPI Y I Servicetripsto yourhometo teachyouhowto usetheproduct ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions operatingthe product please contactyourdealeror our 3msurnerAffairsofficeatt...
