Page 1: ... Features p5 Defrosting p8 Cooking p9 uide IDlo Use andCare of model p26 Theelectricoutput ofthismicrowave oven is500watts ...
Page 2: ... yourMicrowave C ven Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere tiaemui bir _ SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondcmxor servicecalls yourMicrowavc Oven Besureyour Oven isregistered It isimportantthatweknowthe locationofyourMicrowave Oven shoulda needoccurforadjustments Yoursupplierisresponsiblefor registeringyouastheowner Pleasecheckwithyoursupplierto besurehe hasdoneso alsosend...
Page 3: ...trical outlet toprevent of effuseortripping breaker Install orlocate thisappliance onlyinaccordance withthe provided Donot power cordor plugin Keep power cordaway from heated surf ices Doriot operate thisappliance ifithasadamaged power cordor plug ifit isnotworking properly orifithasbeendamaged or dropped SeedoorSW fW Ck irhf instructions onpage 24 Thisappliance should serviced onlybyqualified ser...
Page 4: ...Should thisoccur refer topage 24fir instructions on how toclean theinside oftheoven s T erm mete not useathermometer infood you are unless the isdesigned or foruseinthe microwave oven ic n fl designed formicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshould be used Even maynotbeastolerant of asareglass orceramic andmay sofien orcharNsubjected toshort periods Inkmger to thefbod and COWI ignite For the w use pk...
Page 5: ... of R l GbISS Tray must be inplacewhenusingtheoven Choking willbe thetray inplace Thetraymaybe removed forcleaning TouchControlPane and Display Seenextpagefor _ 6 ...
Page 6: ...tor as a delaytimerbeforetimecooking Seepage7 4 NUNIBERPADS Touchthese padstoenter timeandtimeofday 5 POWER LEVE t isitil these padstosetyourdesiredpovwrlevel e 43 e e o 0 0 6 START Afterall selectionsa made touchthispadto startoven 7 TUVIE DEFROST Gentle generallyuniformthawingat automaticPowerLeveiLO or changepowerlevelafterenterin defrostingtime Seepage8 8 CLOCK Touchthispadtoenter timeofdayor ...
Page 7: ...utomatically setcmpowerlevel LObutcanbechangedbytouching thedesiredpowerlevelpad Step4 Set or holdtime by MIN SECTIMER The shows land TIME flashes Step Touch1 0 0 andOtohold fortenminutes on display Step 6 TouchTIMEC XIKpad Dispkiyshows OandHi and TIME COOK flashes Step7 Touch2 5 0 andOfor twenty five minutes ofcookingtime 25 00appearsondisplay Step8 Touch START DEFTIME and 15 00countingdownshow o...
Page 8: ...owave cooked Theyshouldbe replacedin theirboxes Besureto removeany foilcovers Keepmetaltraysat least awayfromcavitywalls QCheckyourDefrostingGuidefor otherdefrostingtips Qtwstkmsmchhwers Q When1pressSZ4RT I heara dulk thumpingnoise Whatisit A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyouknowtheovenisusinga powerlevellowerthanHL Q CanI defrostsmallitemsin a hurry A Yes buttheywillneedmore frequentattentiontha...
Page 9: ...eoven signalsandflashes End then shutsoff Step6 Openthedoor Questions andAnswers Q I setmyovenforthetime calledforin therecipe butatthe endofthetimeallowed myfood wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor locationmanyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventovemoking Setthe ovenforminimumtime testthe foodfordoneness andcookyour fooda littlelonger if necessary Q Itouchedmydesir...
Page 10: ...n packageoverafterfirsthalfoftime Scrapeoff softenedmeataftersecondhalfoftime Setaside Break upremaining bioekandcontinuemicrowaving 3 5minutes ifnccesswy Spareribs 24 3 Placewrappedpackageinmicrowave oven Turnover Pork 2 Ibs pmpound perpound aflcrfirs halfof time Aflersecondhalfoftimeseparate pieceswithWC knife Letstandtocompletedefrosting _ Steaks 4 6 4 5 Placeunwrapped meatinsinglelayerincookin...
Page 11: ...hrnoverafier firsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime holdunder coidwatertoseparate Letstand5 minutes Shcllflsh 6 6 8 Spreadshellftshinsinglelayerinbakingdish Rearrange smallpieces piecesafterfirsthalfoftime Letstand5 minutes 1lb Shdifish 34 2 3 Plwxblockincasserole lkrn overandbreakupwith blocks forkafterfirsthalfoftime Crabmeat 6OX Shcilflsh 3 4 3 4 Arrangeh cookingdishwithlightundersideup Turn lqw...
Page 12: ...secakc 6 9 None Remove fromfoilpanandplace onmicrowave safe plateif 1749 oz necessary Letstand20 30minutes tocompletedefrosting Fruit Pies Fruit 10 16 oz Remove from foil andplace inmicrowave safe container ifncccssary Placepackageinmicrowave own After minimumtime breakupwithfork Repeatifnecessary or letstand5 minutes Fruit in 4 5 None Placepackage inmitmwawoven Flexpackageonce plasticpouch Mo e F...
Page 13: ...5 8 chopsucy spaghetti stew 3 to4 servings 7 1o W cupserving 1ean 160z 6 8 Hamburgers or meatloaf 1to2servings 2 4 4oz perserving 3 to4 servings 4 6 HotDogsandsausages 1m2 1 2 3 to4 2 3 Riceandpasta 1to2 servings j1 2 2 1 4cupserving Ihpped or mixedwithsauce 1to2servings 5 7 3 to4 servings 7 9 I ip Coversaucymaindisheswithpliistiewrap Coverothernwindishesimdmeatswithwaxedpper soups Witt r IXl dd 1...
Page 14: ...hpackageisused puncturewithforktovent Stir 10 16 OZ 8 18 meatpiecesor rotate1 4turnafterhalfoftime Frozen Dinners HeartyT V Style 17oz 12 i5 Remove foilcoverandreturntraytocarton Ifmetaltray RegularT V Style oz 10 12 ismorethan3 4 inchdeep placef inmicrowave safe PrcmiumEntree 8 9oz 042 container Rotatei 4turnafterhalfofcookingtime lf e 10 13 oz 12 14 foodisinpouch s itpouchbeforemicrowaving and R...
Page 15: ...ered 3 4patties dinnerpiate For1or 6 8min minutes 2 pattiesusepaper platelinedwith doublethickness papertowels Meatloaf Pieplate Plasticwrtip 41 26 29 min Letstand10minutesaftercooking RoundIoiif Pork PorkChops 8 in sqwtrcdish Plasticwrap MED Brushwithbarbecuesauceor browning 2 1 2to3 4 lb 1446min agent ifdesired Turnchopsoverandrotate 3 3 4to l lb 16 18 min dish 1 2turn krM oftimc Letstand 4 1to ...
Page 16: ...ticwrap 7 9min Stironceduringcooking eeled Shrimp 2 lbs 2 qt casserole Lidor 7 9min Stirtwiceduringcooking unpeeled Plasticwrap Poultry Letchickenandothersmallpoultrystandaftermicrowaving for5 to K minutes E wer Level HI Fix d CmU3iner Cover Chnm nts Chicken Piwcs Plateor 8 in Waxpaper 3 4min Brushwithbrowning agentifdesired Arrangein ifi b squme dish perpiece singlelayerincookingdishsothickest me...
Page 17: ...ell Pourfilling intoprecookedshell Microwave additional timeshownat left Breads rustonhruadswillINsoft ou sidroffoodswillno brown Ifdcsircd sprinkletopof batterwithcinnamon sugar mixture choppednutsor othertoppingforbrowncokw r increasebrowncoloronupside down breadsbyliningdishbeforemicrowaving withbrownsugarcaramel mixture or savorytoppinglike crushedcwtncdFrench fried onion rings Rower Level Tim...
Page 18: ... 1cup plasticwrap 10minutes Letstandcovered5 minutesbeforeserving Rice minute 1 h qt casserole Lidor 7 8min Add1 cupshottapwater Stirafter4 minutes 1Mcups plasticwrap cereal 1 Aiways usemicrowave safe utensils ghissor plastic Usehwgeenoughcontainertoavoidspillover 2 Startwithhcxtest tapwaterMshortencookingtime 3 Donotcover prmmnts spillover 4 Stirhalf way throughcookingtmw I vwhi v k HI Fbod CWfi ...
Page 19: ...rolewiththewaterbeforeaddingvegetables PowerLevel HI Vkgetable Amount Time Comments Asparagus Fresh 1lb 7ti 9 min Cutinto1 inch pieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen spears 10oz 8 10 min Fresh Greenor Wax 1lb 9 11 min Cutinto1 inch pieces Add1 4 cupwater Frozen 9 oz 8 11min Broccoli Fresh spears i lb iOmin Add1 4cupwater Frozen choppedor spears 10oz 10 12 min Cabbage Fresh chopped shrcxidcd 4 cups 11 13 mi...
Page 20: ...s Frozen mixed low 9 11min Zucchimi Sliced fresh I lb 10 12min Micel 2 inchthick Add1 4cupwater FJxwn 10 oz 8 10min Canned Vegetabltxii Amount Undrdxled Ailkinds 802 3 3 min yj mjfl Place vegetables inmkmwtwesafeserving dish Coverwithplastic 15 17oz 6 8 minJ 3 4min wrap Check at time Wr andserve Vegetable Anmmt mm BreadedVegetables 7oz pkg frozen 4 6 min Placeontrivet orplatesuitable formicrowavin...
Page 21: ... ikc C akc mix 8 or 9 in N HI 6 8min Greasedish Use2cupsbatter Rotate withor roundc lkcdish 1 4turnaftcr4 minutes Letstand10minutes withoutpudding hcfbrcinverting inthemix 12 eup bundt N HI 15 18 min Useallbatter Rotate1 4turnevery5 minutes Letstand15to20minutesIwfbrcinverting tocool _ _ _ Candies PowerLfevd rim KOod Container cover Or Mm31T 3PJ Comments M irkhmaihiw X in wfuarcdtdl rl p l lllp Mi...
Page 22: ...icrowave No NW 4 5min Mix2 tablespoons milkand2 7 02 each CrerneSauce safebow jam creme Microwave Stir well Goodonchocolateicecream chocolate I qt glass No NED 3 5rein Place1package ofchodate coveredmint MintSauce measure patties 7 oz in Iquart measurewith1 4cup whipping cream Microwave Stirsmooth Covering Inboth andmicrowave cookiag cowm holdinmoistureandspeedheating Ccmvengionally partia coverin...
Page 23: ...angor P1astic MisterMicrowave NordicWare Republic Tam WeareverNupac I per or StyrofoamPlatesandCups Heatingandservingfds and beverages Styrofoamshouldbe used forshort termheatingto lowtemperaturesandforserving OvenGlasssuchas AnchorHocking Cookingandheating FireKing Glassbake Heller Jtma Pyrex RegularDinnerware suchm andsomecooking Co elh5 byCorning I anskGeneration Denby ElCamino Franciscan Stone...
Page 24: ...e donot placetrayintowaterjust after cooking W h itcarefullyinwarm sudsywateror inthedishwasher Thetraycanbe brokenifdropped Remember donotoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace Specialnotewhenasing BrownWSearDish Ifgreaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreaseto bumonto theoventray Thismaybe removed withacleansersuchas BonAmi brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi ...
Page 25: ...etwo prongwall receptaclereplacedwithathree prong grounding receptaclebya two prong wallreceptacle bytheuse qualifiedelectricianbeforeusing ofa ULlistedadapter Fig 2 whichisavailable atmostlocal hardwarestores theappliance UseofExtension Cords TEMPORARY METHOD ADAPTER PLUGS NOT I ERMTTED INCANADA n m D ALIGN LARGE L PRONG YSLOTS I Fig Thelargerslotintheadaptermust bealignedwiththehugerslotinthe wa...
Page 26: Dimmingovenlightandchange inblowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingaipowerlevelsother thanhigh Dullthumpingsoundwhiieoven isoperating 0SomeTV di mightbenoticedwhileusingyour microwave oven It ssimilartothe interferencecausedbyothersmall anddoesnotindicatea problemwithyouroven if youneedmorehelp call kdifree TheGEAnswerCeriter 800 626a20U0 consumer service ...
Page 27: ...orfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write ez MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel No h WackerDrive Chicago Il...
Page 28: ...toryServiceCentersor byourauthorizedCustomerCare servicersduringnormalworking hours LookintheWhiteor YellowPages of yourtelephonedirectoryfor GENERALELECTRIC COMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC f K3TPOlNT FACTORY SERVICEor GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHAT ISN YI Servicetrips to yourhometo teachyouhowto usethe product ReadyourUs andCar Ifyouthen haveany about theproduc...