GE JE1019 Use And Care Manual Download Page 3

Summary of Contents for JE1019

Page 1: ...ensionCords 11 Features 5 GroundingInstructions H HoldTime 7 LightIMb Replacement 10 Microwaving Tips 2 Minute Second Timer 7 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Precautions 3 ProblemSolver 12 ProgramCooking 6 RepairService 13 SafetyInstructions 3 4 TimeCook 7 9 Warranty BackCover use Theektric o t mkmwavef i 600w YourDirect ILine toGeD mR IE Mmric x ...

Page 2: ...contactthedealer or builder thatsoldyoutheoven save the and you service 0 checktheProblemSolver onpageU It listscausesofminoroperating probiemsthat youcancorrect yourself LightrEi k ion arounddoora O case g mm lightandchange i bkww soundmayoccurwhile atpowerlevelsother thanhigh mill soundwhile ovenisoperating Some 1 adio fiere e tight be noticedwhileusingymw microwave oven M s similarto the caused...

Page 3: ...appliance onlyinaccmkmwwiththe p ovided installation instructions l in to lacethe dwl tkee i m hm a morebackfr MRl the edgeto avoid oftlw in wage Donotcoverorblockany openings ontheappliance DonotI lse o u o D i m p m o p i water K 2p powercordaway fmm heatlXl SW W3 notletpowercordhangover edgeoftable or CCN3nterc aDonotoperate his ifithasii power cd or plug ifitisnotvmking orifithaskm damgw 1 or ...

Page 4: ...tmctiom on howtockxm th inside oftheWm jt useathermometer infoodyou aremicrowaving unkxsthe thermometer isdesigned or recommended foruseinthe microwave oven ep u sils designed formicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshouldbe usedcarefully EvenE4icrowavo plasticmaynotbeastolerantof overcooking Conditicms asamgklss orceramicmaterials and may softenorcharifsubjected toshort periodsofavercoolcing Inlong...

Page 5: ...s microwaves confinedinsideoven 4 o v V mt 5 OvenInterior Light Turnson whenthedoorisopenedor when theovenisoperating 6 IVMMand serial Nlmnberso 7 ModeStirrer Cover Protects themicrowave energydistributing system Donotremovethiscover Youwilldamagetheoven 5 8 Glass hiking Tray Traymust beinpiacewhenusingtheoven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory withoutthetray inplace Thetraymaybe removed forc...

Page 6: ...ispadtoenter timeofdayorchecktimeofday whilemicrowaving Tosetclock firsttouchCX XICK padandthenentertimeofday For example iftimeis 1 30 touch numberpads1 3andOand 1 30 willappearindisplay Touch START pad TO resetor change time simplyrepeataboveprocess 8 CLEARDIVI Whentouched it shutsofftheovenanderasesall settings excepttimeofday START Afterallselectionsare made touchthispadto startoven padbeforee...

Page 7: ...hes End anddisplayshows timeofday a A Q what w i a c I m kfrmt y holdand xx iIRstructhms A Theovenwillautomatically rearrangeyourprogram Defrosting willalwayscometirst then hoM andthenthecookingfunction Q can I defrostand holdonly A Yes Sometimesyoumayonly wanttodefrosta food holdit and cookitlater M youneedtodo is programin Defrostandamountof time ThenprogramHoldandthe amountoftime Besuretoputthe...

Page 8: ...fthewaythroughthe defrostingtime QFamily size pre packaged frozendinnerscanbedefrosted andmicrowaved If thefoodisin a foilcontainer transferit toa microwave safe dish Checkyourcookbookforother defrostingtips 8 Q when I p STMT 1Iheax a dull noise what isif A Thissoundisnormal Itis lettingyouknowtheovenisusinga powerlevellowerthan10 HIGH Q Can 1d s i i a I A Y buttheywillneedmore frequentattention t...

Page 9: ...okII Step1 RepeatSteps1 2 and3 Skp 2 TOUCh C I n pad Display shows COOK and 2 ENTERTIME flashes Step3 Setyourtime Step4 T changethepowerlevel touchPOWERLEVELpadand desirednumberfornewpowerlevel Wep5 TouchSTART Step 6 CXX3K TIMEJ the selectedpowerlevelandthefirst programed cooktime counting clown showonthedisplay Step 7 Attheendofthefirst programmedcooktime thenext selected powerlevel CXX K TIME an...

Page 10: ...towaterjust after cooking Washitcarefidly inwarm sudsywateror inthedishwasher Thetraycanbebrokenifdropped Remember donotoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace s p e n w u B S D Ifgreaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto theoventray Thismaybe removed withacleansersuchasBonAmi brandcleanser AfterwingBonAmi brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly fo...

Page 11: ...terminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle isgroundedthroughthehouse wiring You shouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Whendisconnecting thepower cordfromthe adapter alwayshold the adapterwithonehand Hthis is notdone theadapterground terminalis verylikelyt...

Page 12: ... Stem orvaporescapingfrom aroundthedoor LightreflectionarounddoorOr outercase e mningovenlightandch ge inMowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingatpowerlevelsother thanhigh e o er e c mightbenoticedwhileusingyour microwave oven It ssimilartothe intetierencecausedbyothersmall appliances anddoesnotindicatea problemwithyouroven 12 ...

Page 13: ...ontactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthVVacker Drive Chicago Illinois60606 H amal M t...

Page 14: ...f o h u i t 4 m s H a W a D I A t w i t s e t i i L b y m p t s t p t t s s o f t s t e t c t y h A w s w b p b o F S C o b o a u C C s e d n w h L i t W o Y P o y t d f G E C G E F I S e t t y h t t y h t u t p r R U a m y t h a q u a o p t p r p l c o y d o o C o A f o a t a d b e o c t f T G A n C 8 0 0 c o i n f s e I m i n s I y h a i n s p r c o y d e o i n Y a r e s f p r a d e l e g e x a ...
