GE JDP37G Use And Care Manual Download Page 16

Summary of Contents for JDP37G

Page 1: ...ronic Controk3 13 Cooking Guide 10 H Energy Saving Tips 5 cookware Tips 10 11 Features 6 7 Warranty Back Cover Model and Serial Numbers 2 Oven 12 Baking Baking hide 14 16 Broiling Broiling Guide 14 18 19 Gontroi Settings E 14 Door Removal 21 Light Bulb Replacement 12 21 Preheating 5 16 Roasting Roasting hide 17 Self Cleanirighstmctions 22 24 Shelves 12 21 ce fiW Thermostat Adjustment 24 ...

Page 2: write include yourphonenumber page26 It listscausesofminor ConsumerAffairs operatingproblemsthatyoucan GEAppliances correctyourself AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 ad serial You ll findthemcma label underneaththecooktop Thesenumbersarcalsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthatcamewith yourrange Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here Mode Number SerialNmber Usethes...

Page 3: ...iEam DonotWpotMders touchhotheatingehmmso ml not WE atowel x Mher Ix y 3 dooris qxmxL pEk 9 fd hw the directions exaqtiy and always cook It meat to an Ofatk ast170 F This fMNRres that ill tbii I m me tiat may tw in the meat it win be killed and tit meat will be safe 1 ...

Page 4: ...adwsmm be id len hot donotM pothddtx xmtad kxing Unit in theoven El dean me doorg cetisewmtid for a goodiwd care betaken mm to I td3 damgs or move tM2 1 a i ...

Page 5: ... LO tomaintainserving temperatureofmostfoods Preheatovenonlywhen necessary Mostfoodswillcook satisfactorily withoutpreheating Ifyoufindthatpreheatingis necessary listenforthebeepand putfoodinovenpromptlyafterthe ovenis preheated AJways tuI 11 ovenW before removingfood Duringbaking avoidfrequent dooropenings Keepdooropen asshortatimeaspossibleif it is opened Besuretowipeupexcessspillage beforestart...

Page 6: ... 6 ...

Page 7: ...g 8 OvenShelfSupports 12 9 BroilerPanand Wck 18 21 25 10 OvenInteriorLight 12 21 H OvenLightSwitch 12 letsyouturninteriorovenlighton andoff 12 ElectronicControls 13 14 AutomaticOven imer 14 turnsyourovenonandoffforyouautomatically clock 13 Minute Second Timer 13 letsyoutimeanykitchenfunction evenwhen theovenis inuse 13 Oven h Indicator 13 14 ElectronicDisplayPanel 13 15 OvenVent 16 Hug h Surfacehi...

Page 8: ... lowersettings Step 2 Thrn either clockwise or counterclockwise to desired heat setting Contrdnmstbe pwhedinto set onlyfrom OFF position when controlisin my position other than OFF it mayberotated withoutpwbing in BesureyouturncontroltoOFF whenyoufinishcooking An indicatorlightwillglowwhen ANYheatonanysurfiice tit ison 8 G k ouickstartforcooking bring waterto boil Fastfry pan broil maintainfastboi...

Page 9: ...useofkrge diameterpots extendingmorethan l inchbeyondedgeoftrimring is notrecommended However when canningwithwater bathor pressurecanner large diameter potsmaybe used Thisisbecause boilingwatertemperatures even underpressure are notharmfulto cooktopsurfacessurrounding heatingunit HOWEVER Do Nm USE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS ORUH3ERLARGEDL4ME I ER Pms FORFRYINGOR BOHJNGFOODSCYI HER THM J WATER Mostsyrup...

Page 10: ...todesired doneness coffee Percolator Cookedinshell Cwexed Saucepan HI Covereggswithcool water Coverpan cook untilsteaming MEDIUMHI Meltbutter add eggsandcwer skillet Ifyoudonotcwekskillet baste Friedsunny side up Covered Skillet eg withfit tocooktopsevenly Friedovsreasy Uncovered Skillet HI Meltbutter Remove cookedeggswithslotted spoonorpancaketurner covered Skillet HI Incweredpanbring watertoaboi...

Page 11: ...ermeatwithwater andcoverpanorkettle Cookuntilsteaming WARM Cookuntilfork tender Watershould slowlyboil Forverylarge loads mediumheatmay beneeded etc Meltingchoeokitq butter EWdlIMd OWS I 0 Allow 10 to15minutesto meltthrough Stirtosmooth Whenmeltingmarshmallows add milkorwater WciIlet or Griddle MEDIUMHI Heatskillet8to 10minutes Greaselightly Cook 2to3minutes perside Thickbattertakesslightlylonger ...

Page 12: ...i omthemor placingfoodonthem Whenplacingcookwareona shelf pullthe shelfouttothe stop position Placethecookwareon theshelf thenslidethe shelfback intotheoven Thiswilleliminate reachingintothehotoven TOremovethe shelvesfromthe oven pullth mtowarti you tilt frontendupwardandpullthemout TorepRace9 placeshelfon shelf supportwithstop locks curved extensionof shelf facingupand towardrear ofoven Tiltupffo...

Page 13: ...perate theoven Youcanusethe Minute Second Timerwhetheror nottheovenis beingused TheMinute Second Timerdoesnotintefierewithoven operations TO PushandholdTIMERbuttonfor threeseconds Thiswillclearthe Minute Second Timerfunction 2 TurnSETknobuntildesire temperatureisdisplayed A one secondbeepwillsound whentheovenhaspreheatedtoand stabilizedat selectedtemperature 3 Whenfinishedbaking push ovenCANCELbut...

Page 14: ...display showyouwhichfimction iscurrentlybeingdisplayed Wtie the fi mction is displayed youcanchangeit withtheSET knob Youcanchangeany programmedfunctionatany time Tones End of CyeieTime 3longbeeps onesecondon onesecondoff showsthatatimedovenoperation hasreachedSKIP TIMEor that theMinute Second Timerhas counteddown Atte on The seriesofshort beeps l 4 secondon second off u tilproperresponseisgiven w...

Page 15: ...mkeware andovenwallor adjacent cookware Pm urpingmmddges oven toofill avoidovercrowding s Edges ofcrusttoothip Incorrectlpk ngqmperature 5 Closeovendoor Bottomcrust sog andunbak d AHOW CrUS and orfillingtocool sufficiently beforefiiliigpieshell il ing may betoothinorjuicy fi ing allowed tostandinpieshell beforebaking FWpieshellsand bakeirmriediatdy hgredients andpropermeasuring affectthequalityoft...

Page 16: ...eused sweetrolls Shiny Ndong orMuffinPans B A 350 3750 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Cakt s without shortening Angelfood Aluminum l be Pan A 325 3750 30 55 Twopiecepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 3750 0 1O I5 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramic FM A 325 350 45 60 cakes Bundt cakes MetalorCeramicPan A B 325 3500 45 65 cupcakes ShinyMetalMuffinPans 33 350 3750 20 25 Paperl...

Page 17: ... approximate cookingtimes Step4 Mostmea continueto cookslightlywhilestandingaf r beingremovedfromtheoven For rareor mediumin mal doneness youmaywishto eqmve meatfrom theovenjustbeforeit isdoneifit is to stand10to20 minuteswhileyou makegravyor tend o er fds If no sta ingispl ed cook meattosuggested temperature Frozenroastsofbeef pork hm_ etc canbe st edwithout thawing but lQw to n utes perpound d t...

Page 18: ...olduringbroiling Stoppingfat andmeatjuicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpanpreventsrackfrom servingitspurpose andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONOTp aceasheetof aluminumfoi onshelf Todoso mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damagetoovenfinishand increaseinheatonoutsidesurfaces oftheoven Q myshouldI leavethe door closedwhen broilingchicken A Chickenistheonly food recommendedforclosed door broili...

Page 19: ...are l inchthick D HI 9 7 Ste ks lessthai 1inchcookthroiigh Medium 1to 1 lbs D 12 13 6 7 befbrebrmvnin I ifryingis WellDofie D 13 8 9 reeomrnended Rare 1 in thick D io 6 7 Slashfht Medium 2to2 lbs D 15 9 12 WellDone D 25 16 18 icken 450 1whole B LO 28 30 18 20 Reducetimesabdut5to10rqiniitesper 2tO 2Yz lbs sicke forcut upc hickefi Biushtich side splitlengthwise withmeltedbti r Broilwithsicih cimim f...

Page 20: ...lit out D null lifta phlg hl wait mare than1 If youdo itmaynotk flatonthedrippanwhenyour plugitbackin Rq ea d W5g oftheplug in unitmorethan1 abovethedrip panC3Jn pmnmently damage theIVxeptade caution m sum au controls are turned to OWE andsurface units are cd beforeattemptingto removemm Afterremovinga plug inunit removethedrippanundertheunit andcleanit accordingtodirections intheCleaningGuideonpag...

Page 21: ...thdetergent andcoverwithwetpapertowelsor adishcloth Thatway burned on foodswillsoakloosewhilethe mealisbeingserved Donotstorea soiledbroilerpan andrackin theoven Donotclean in self cleaning oven Thelightbulbislocatedinthe upperrightcomeroftheoven Beforereplacingthebulb disconnectelectricpowertothe range at themainfuseor circuit breaker panel or unplugthe range from the electric outlet Let the bulb...

Page 22: ...Gasket D OWL lmghtmdb cover step Closethe ovendoorandmake suretheovenlightis off 22 Ovenshelvesmaybecleanedinthe self cleaning oveh However they willdarken losetheirlusterand becomehardtoslide W ethe shelfsupportswithcookingoil afterself cleaning tomakeshelves slidemoreeasily Donot useCmllnlercidoven cleanersm Qvenprotectors in or Rlewr the self cleaningwven A combinationofanyofthese productsplust...

Page 23: ...and holdingtheICLEAN button 3 0 stopa km cycle L Pressthe ovenCANCELbutton 2 Waituntiltheovenhascooled belowlockingtemperature about 20 30minutes andtheword LOCKis offin thedisplay Youwillnotbe abletoopenthe doorrightawayunlesstheoven temperatureisat a safelevel If youcannotopentheovendoor immediatelyal er thewordLOCK goesoff waitoneminuteandtry again After L Whena cleancycleis finished thewordCLE...

Page 24: ...vesdo not slide easily What isthe matter A Aftermanycleanings oven shelvesmaybecomesocleanthey donotslideeasily Ifyouwish shelvesto slidemoreeasily dampenfingerswitha small amountofcookingOtiandrub lightlyoversidesofshelfwhere theycontactshelfsupports Q My ovenshelveshavebecome gray aftertheseMWxin cycle k thismmd A Yes Afterthe self cleancycle the shelvesmaylosesomeluster anddiscolortoa deepgrayc...

Page 25: ...hedooris automatically cleaned whentheovenisintheself cleaning cycle Ifspilloveror spattering shouldoccur whencooking wipethedoorwithsoapandwater DONOTrubor damagegasket Avoid gettingsoapandwateronthegasketor intheslotsonthedoor OvenGasket Seeinstructionsonpage22 OvenLiner SoapandWater Coolbeforecleaning Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwaterwillprolongthe timebetweenmajorckanings Besuretorinsethoroug...

Page 26: ... CWENDausl w r CXIOKPIKM XLY CIJXKAND TllkfER DONm WORK SURFACE W wrs NOTFUNCTIONING I lwm ux SELF CLEAN Ifyoll need more help o dl toll free GE f mswer Cknter sfxT lx ...

Page 27: ...lp FIRST contact the people who servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyOllare tti nOtPkW3d writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20North WackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 mw...

Page 28: ...SERVICE S e e i tri Stoyo r ornetO oReplacement of housefusesor teachyouhowto usetheproduct resettingof circuitbreakers Readyour use andcanematerial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactyour dealer or our or usedcommercially ConsumerAffaksofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tollfree by ...
