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Summary of Contents for JBC16GR

Page 1: Adjustment 12 SurfaceCooking 8 9 Controi Settings 8 CookingTips 8 9 Home CanningTips 9 fa m 2 26 Broilerpan rack 25 Continuous Cleaning 26 Cooktop 21 22 Door Removal 24 Light Bulb Replacement 23 2ven Vent 4r 22 orceiain Oven interior 25 torageDrawer e 24 P Ob m o w 0 30 More questions call GEARswerceDt r 800 626 2000 nstai atien 27 29 Anti TipDevice 29 FlooringUnder the Range 28 Leveling 29 con...

Page 2: ... save time and money Before you request Serticee oa ChecktheProblemSolverinthe backofthisguide It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthatyou cancorrectyourself w You WED SERWCE e e o Toobtainservice seethe FIRST contactthepeoplewho ALLY if yourproblemis still I s ConsumerServicespagein the servicedyourappliance Expltin notresolved write backofthisguide whyyouarenotpleased k most MajorApplianceCon...

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Page 4: ...ver pick up a naming pan Smotherflamingpan on surface unit by coveringpan completelywith weII fittinglid cookie sheet or flat tray or if available use dry chemica or foam typeextinguisher Flaming grease outsidea pan can be put out by covering with baking soda or if available a nlulti purposedry cllemica or foam typefire extingl isher Flame in the oven can be slnotheredcompletely by closing the ove...

Page 5: ...d the center of the rungewithout extendingover nearby surface units s Never clean the Cooktoj surface when it is hot Sornccleaners produce noxious fumes and wet cloths could cause stean burns if used on ithot surface G iways tlaFnSarface tlilit to OFl before re nloving CQo ware Keep an eye011 foods b imgfried atHI or MEDIUM KIIG13 heako To avoid the possibility of a burn or electric shock9always b...

Page 6: ...II r NOTE Not all doors have windows Broiler Pan onsomemodels ppon ds Some models have lift up cooktops for easier cleaning 1 _ _______ _ _ _ ...

Page 7: ...urfaceUnitControls 11 23 9 OvenSetControl 10 23 10 AutomaticOvenTimer ClockandMinuteTimer onsomemodels 11 12 23 11 OvenTempControl 12 ON IndicatorLight Lights forSurfaceUnits 8 13 OvenCyclingLight I 11 14 OvenVent Locatedunderrightrearsurfaceunit 4 22 21 15 Lift UpCooktop onsomemodels 16 Ovenhterior Light onsomemodels 11 23 Comeson automatically whendooris opened 17 OvenShelfSupports 12 11 14 23 1...

Page 8: a medium boilor simmer D M LOW SettinghalfwaybetweenMED andLO CookafterstartingatHI cookswithlittle waterin coveredpan LO Usedforlongslowcooking simmering to 0 B tenderizeanddevelopflavors Usethissettingto melt butterandchocolateor tokeepfoodswarm NOTE SurfaceIndicatorLightmayglowbetween LOand0 butthereisnopowertothesurfaceunits coom G Tms cookware Usemedium or heavy weightcookware Aluminum RIG...

Page 9: ...ater Suchtemperatures could eventually harmcooktopsurfacessurrounding surfaceunits 1 Be surethecannerfitsoverthecenterof the surfaceunit If yourrangeor its locationdoesnot allowthecannerto be centeredonthesurfaceunit use smallerdiameterpotsfor goodcanningresults 2 For bestresults usecannerswithflatbottoms Cannerswithflangedor rippledbottoms often foundinenamelware don tmakegoodcontact withthesurfa...

Page 10: ...nds TosettheMinuteTimer turnthecenterknob tithout pwhing t in On somemodels minutes aremarkedupto 60 On othermodelsyoucanset thetimeforupto4 hours Attheendof thesettime a buzzersoundstotellyoutimeisup Turnknob tithout pmhing in untilpointerreaches0 and buzzerstops To settheMinute Ther o g PresstheTIMERON OFFpad Thewords SET TIMER appearin thedisplay Thenpressthe CREASE orDECREASEpaduntilthe desire...

Page 11: ...nobappearancemayvary reachesyourselectedtemperature thengoes offandon withtheovenunit s duringcooking v onsomemodels Thelightcomeson automatically whenthedooris opened On modelswithovenwindow usethe switchto turnthelighton andoff whenthedooris closed Theswitchis locatedon the frontofthe dooron somemodels On othermodeIs you llfindit on thecontrolpanel oven Interior shelves Theshelvesaredesignedwith...

Page 12: ...thermostat OvenTernp knob Poi To adjust the thermosht bob 1 Pulltheknobofftheshaft lookatthebackofthe knobandnotethecurrentsettingbeforernting anyadjustments 2 Loosenbothscrewsonthebackof theknob 3 If theoventemperatureseemstoohot movethe pointertowardthewordsMAW COOLER If the temperatureseemstoocool movepointertoward thewordsMA HOTTER Eachnotchchanges thetemperature by about10degreesFahrenheit 4 ...

Page 13: ...mfulbacteria DelayStartandAutomaticStopis settingtheoventimerto turnthe ovenon andoffautomatically at a latertimethanthepresenttimeof day YoumustusetheTIMED BA setting Clock STOP TIME DEMYSTA T v 9 T 34 29 6 1 1 1 PUSH TO TURN 2 Tosetthe StopTlrne pushin the knobonthe STOPTIMEdial andturnthe pointerto thetime youwanttheovento turnoff forexample6 00 Thismeans yourrecipecalledfor twoand one halfhour...

Page 14: ...temperaturebeforeputtingin thefood Topreheat set androasts preheatingis notnecessary Forovens the ovenatthecorrecttemperature selectinga withouta preheatindicatorlightor tone preheat10 highertemperaturedoesnotshortenpreheattime minutes Aftertheoveriis preheatedplacethefood in theovenas quicklyaspossibletopreventheat fromescaping Baking Pans LJsethe properbakingpan Thetypeof finishon the pandetermi...

Page 15: ...producea browner crispercrust Frozenpiesin foil unevenbakingresultsandpoorlyshapedproducts pansshouldbeplacedonan durninumcookiesheet A cakebakedin a panlargerthantherecipe forbakingsincethe shinyfoilpanreflectsheataway recommendswillusuallybe crisper thinneranddrier fromthepiecrust thecookiesheethelpsretainit thanit shouldbe If bakedin a pansmallerthan recommended it maybe undercooked andbatterma...

Page 16: ...enor insidetheovendoor 3 TurntheOVENSET onsomemodels toBA andtheOVENTEMPto 325 F Smallpoultrymay becookedat 375 F forbestbrowning 4 Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhile standing afterbeingremovedfromtheoven Standingtimerecommended forroastsis 10to 20 minutes Thisallowsroaststo firmup andmakes themeasierto carve Internaltemperature willrise about5 to 10 F tocompensate fortemperature rise ifdesired...

Page 17: cuts rib highquality sirloin tip rumportopround Lamblegorbone inshoulder Vealshoulder legorIoiri Porkloin ribor shouIder Ham recooked Poultry Chickenor Duck Chickenpieces Turkev oven Temperature 325 325 325 325 325 325 350 325 DonenM Rare Medium WelIDone Rare Medium WellDone WellDone WellDone ToWarm WellDone WellDone WellDone Approximate Roasting Time in Mnutes per Pound 3to 5lbs 24 33 35 39 40...

Page 18: ...yitself yettheproper w temperatureis maintainedin theoven OVEN Sm 5 TurntheOVENSET onsomemodels andthe OWN MP bobs toBRO Preheating is notnecessary 6 Turnfoodonlyonceduringbroiling Timefoods forfirstsideperBroilingGuide Turnfood thenusethetimesgivenforsecondside as a guideto preferreddoneness Wheretwo thicknesses andtimesaregiventogether usefirst timesgivenforthinnestfood OVEN TEMP 7 Whenfinishedb...

Page 19: ...ngpoultryorfish brush eachsideoftenwithbutter A In someareas thepower voltage totie oven maybelow In thesecases preheatthebroilunit for 10minutesbeforeplacingbroilerpanwith foodinoven Checkto seeif youareusingthe recommended shelfposition Broilforlongest periodoftimeindicatedin theBroilingGuide rn foodonlyonceduringbroiling A No Thebroilerrackis designedtoreflectbroiler heat thuskeepingthesurfacec...

Page 20: ...ickness comments Arrangein singlelayer Food 1 2lb about8 thinslices Bacon Spaceevenly U to8 t attiestakeaboutsametime 1lb 4 patties 1 2 to3 4 inchthick Ground Beef WellDone 4 5 7 7 9 13 10 15 25 35 c BeefSteaks Rare Medium WellDone Steakslessthan1inchthickcookthrough o beforebrowning Panfryingisrecommended x Slashfat z g c c c c c c 7 9 13 7 8 14 16 1inchthick 1 to 1 lbs IZ irlchthick 2to 2XIbs Ra...

Page 21: ...iance Somemodelshave a cookto that can be liftedupfor easiercleaning Tomakecleaningeasier theentire cooktopmaybe liftedup andsupportedin theup position Besure all surface uraifiare turned off before raising tl ecoolttop Thereare twosidesupportsthat lockinto ositionwhenthecookto is liftedUP T he Aftercleaningunder thecooktopwithhot mildsoapywater anda cleancloth lowerthecooktop Becarefulnotto pinch...

Page 22: ...sonthecooktopas ammoniato loosenthesoil Thenscrubwitha soap youslidetheprongsinto filledscouringpadto loosenthesoil Rinsewithclean theoutlet Pushthemin firmly wateranddrywitha cleansoftcloth thenlet thedrippanrestonthecooktop Thedrippansmayalsobe cleanedin thedishwasher 3 Thesurfaceunitisreplacedproperlywhenthe prongsfit snuglyintheoutletandthesurfaceunit restsflatonthedrippan Makesurethesurface u...

Page 23: ...witha softcloth CAUTION ef re re aCi yOU OVe iam bulb disconnectthe electfic power foryour range atthe mtin fuseor eiretit breaker panel or pu lthe plug Be suretoletthelampcoverandbulbcoolcompletely beforeremovingorreplacingthem Whenin use light bulbscanbecomewarmenoughtobreakif touched witha moistclothortowel Whencleaning avoid touchingwarmIarnpswithcleaningclothsif thelamp coveris removed Theove...

Page 24: ...pbackandpinchfingers Toreplace the door makesurethehingesarein the specialstopposition Positionthe slotsin thebottom of the doorsquarelyoverthehingesat the sametime If hingessnapbackagainsttheovenframe pullthem backout TOCLEAN Tm DOOR hside ofdoor Soap and water a normally do the job Heavy spatteringor spflloversmayrequirecleaningwitha mildabrasivecleaner Soapy wetmetalpadsmay alsobeused Do notall...

Page 25: ...g Werecommendthat youwearrubbergloveswhencleaningtherange Soap andwater will normally do the job Heavy spatteringor spilloversmayrequirecleaningwitha mildabrasivecleaner Soapy wetmetaIpadsmayalso be used Donot allowfoodspillswitha highsugaror acidcontent suchas milk tomatoes sauerkraut fruit juices or piefilling to remainon thesurface They maycausea dull spotevenaftercleaning Householdammonia may ...

Page 26: ...mtheoven Thisistopreventexcess liquidsfromspillingonto theporousfinish Then removealuminum foilbottomlinerandcleanwith a dampcloth Beforecleaningorremovingthe aluminum foilliner liftbakeunitoutoftheway 4 Soilvisibilitymaybereducedbyoperatingthe ovenat400 F Closethedoorandsettemperature controlto400 F Timeforatleastfourhours Repeatedcyclesmaybenecessarybefore improvement inappearance is apparent Re...

Page 27: ...brgeblade screwdriver 1 annel oc pliers or all ratchet wrench with 3 16 inch socket forlevelingrange STEP a PRRMRE FME 0PEM M6 1 inch spacingis recomme dedfromthe range to adjacentverticalwallsabovecooktopsurface Allow30inches minimumclearancebetween surface units and bottom ofunprotectedwood or metal top cabinet and 15inches minimum between countertop and adjacentcabinetbottom To efiminatethe ris...

Page 28: ... minimum 40 amperes T only a 4 conductorcord is to be used when the applianceis installed in a mobile home or where local codes do not permit grounding through the neutral STEP 3 1 hcate connector bIock at the bottom rear of range and remove rear wiring cover 2e Directlybelow the connector block is a hole with a knockout riilg for accommodating conduit fittings 13racketsprovided are used to suppor...

Page 29: ...alled range couldbe tippedby steppingor sitting on door Injury might result horn spilledhot fiqtiidsor from range itse Typical installation ofAnti Tip bracket Attachment toWa Bracket S EP 7 LEVELBHC TMS m E The range must be level Levelingfeet are located at each corner ofthe base ofthe range Removethe storage drawer or kick panel depending on your model and using channel locks rotate the leveling...

Page 30: ...knobnotsetatBROW Doornotleftajarasrecommended Impropershelfpositionbeingused ChecktheBroifingGuide Foodis beingcookedonhotpan Cookwareis notsuitedforbroiling Aluminumfoilusedonthebroilpanrackhasnotbeenfittedproperlyand slitasrecommended OVENSETknobnot setatBAKE OVENTE knobnotsetat BAKE Shelfpositionisincorrect ChecktheRoastingorB ng Sections s Ovenshelfis notlevel Incomectcookwareor cookwareof imp...

Page 31: ... that GE Consumer Service will still be there after your warranty expires Pur chase a GE contract while your war ranty is still in effect and you ilreceive a substantial discount With a mul6ple Whatever your question about any GE major appliance GE Answer Cente information service is avatiable to help Your call and your question will be answered promptly and courteously And you can call any time G...

Page 32: ...resetting of circuit breakers ReadyourUse and Carematerial If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer CenteF 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer You are responsible for providing a...
