GE JB870DR2BB Owner'S Manual Download Page 63

Summary of Contents for JB870DR2BB

Page 1: ...Units 6 13 Cookware 7 Griddle 12 13 Knob Controlled Models 10 11 Touch Pad Controlled Hodels 8 9 Careand Cleaning Aluminum Foil 3 5 17 34 Control Knobs 36 Control Panel 36 Glass Cooktop 42 43 Lift Off Oven Door 37 38 Light 40 41 Oven Floor 39 Oven Heating Elements 41 Racks 38 39 RemovableWarming Drawer LowerOvenDrawerPan 40 Storage Drawer 39 Surfaces 36 Vent 39 Troubleshooting Tips i _ i L _ 44_48...

Page 2: ... Sesecuredto the antJ tipdevi_eproperly ForSlide InRanges To checkif the bracket is installedandeng_g_d propeily remove the storage drawer or kick paneland look Underheaththe rangeto seethat the levelinglegis engagedinthe brackeb For Drop InRanges To check if the bracketis installedand engaged properly lower the oven door andgently apply medium forceat the handleend until movement of the range isd...

Page 3: ...Pressure could build upandthe containercouldburst causingan injury Donot usealuminumfoilto linethe drippansor anywherein the oven exceptas described inthismanual Misuse could resultin damageto the rangeandshockor fire hazard _ Avoidscratchingorimpactingglassdoors cooktopsor controlpanels Doingsomayleadto glassbreakage Donot cookon a productwith brokenglass Shock fire or cutsmay occur Cookmeat and ...

Page 4: ...urned off Do not cook on a broken cooktop If glass cooktop should break cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate the broken cool top and create a risk of electric shock Contact a qualified technician immediately _ Avoid scratching the glass cooktop The cooktop can be scratched with items such as knives sharp instruments rings or other jewelry and rivets on clothing Do not place or store ite...

Page 5: ...e operating the self clean cycle wipe grease and food soils from the oven Excessiveamount of grease may ignite leading to smoke damage to your home Ffthe self cleaning mode malfunctions turnthe oven off and disconnect the power supply Have it serviced by a qualified technician Do not clean the door gaskeL The door gasket is essential for a good seal Care should be taken not to rub damage or move t...

Page 6: ...ed on Evenafter the surface unitsare turned off Afways place the pan in the center of the surface unit you ore cooking on Do not slide cookwareacross the control or cooktop surface because it con scratch the glass The gloss is scratch resistant not scratchproof The appropriate HOTSURFACE indicator light will glow when itscorresponding radiant element isturned on and wilt remainon until the surface...

Page 7: ...edmetal can bond to giasscooktops An overheated copper bottom pot will leavea residue that will permanently stainthe cooktop if not removedimmediately z Glass ceramic not recommended Poor performance WillScratch the surface Stoneware not recommended Poorperformance Ha_ scratch the surface Cast iron not recommended unlessdesigned spedficoltyfor glasscooktops Poorconductivityand slowto absorb heat W...

Page 8: ...p has a rapid heat up feature lfthe cooktop iscootwhen turned on it wit glow red for ashort periodof time until thedesiredpower settingis reached ii_ i_ i _i _ 7 _ i _ _i ii_ _iii_i _ i ii i ii _ _ _ Single Surface Unit Cook Settings Toturn on a singlesurface unit rT Touchthe ON OFFpad then touch the pad F_ use the 1 1 podto choose the desiredpower setting To _sethe Meltfeature To usethe Simmerfea...

Page 9: ...ticmay melt onto the surfaceand beverydifficult to dean Useonly cookware recommendedfor top of rangecooking _ii_i i _ ii_i ii _ii _i _ i _ii ii_ii_i_ ii _i _ Using the Warming Zone _onSome models i_ _ ii_ ii_iiii_ i i_ _i_ _i i_i_ The WARNINGZONEs Ocated nthe bacl _ Donot useplastic wrapto cover food iii_ iiii_i ii ii_i_ _N_e_ _iii_i _ _i center of the glasssurfoceZ Plasticmay meltonto the surface...

Page 10: ...s turned onor hot to thetouch _ Stay on even after the unit is turned off Glow until the unit is cooled to approximately 50 F On some mode Onsome modeI Dual and Triple Surface Units and Control Knobs Con som_ models Thesurfaceunit has 2 or 3 cookingsizes to selectfrom soyou can match the size of the unit to the sizeof the cookwareyou are using i_ iiiii_ii L 1 i _ ii i i iii il iii Modelswith a Tri...

Page 11: ...Make sure the conner is flat on the bottom To prevent burns from steam or heat use caution when canning Userecipesand proceduresfrom reputablesources Theseare available from manufacturerssuch as Ball and Kerr e andthe Department of Agriculture ExtensionService Fiat bottomedcannersare recommended Useof water bath cannerswith rippled bottoms may extendthe time requiredto bringthe water to a boil _ W...

Page 12: ...O 35O NOTE Griddlesettings may need to be adjusted if griddle isused for an extended time Setting isan approximate cookingtemperature and wiffvary w_thquantity Offood 12 Howto placethe griddle tHPORTANT Alwaysplaceand use your griddleat the designatedlocatbn onthe cooktop It4PORTANT NOTES Cleanthe griddlewith a spongeandmild detergentin warm water DONOTuse blueor greenscrubbingpads or steel woof _...

Page 13: ... steak making sure ithat the tip of the probeis in the centerof the steak 7 Plugthe probeinto the outlet locatedonthe upper front side of the Oven slidethe rack back into the oven andclosethe door _ 8 PressPROBE onyour control enter the desiredinternal temp and pressSTART 9 Allowsteakto finish cooking inthe Oven The i ar_ge control will beepand turn off when the steak recJches the_desired internal...

Page 14: ...he desiredoventemperature Touchthe START pad Whencooking isfinished touchthe CLEAR OFF pad PIZZAPod Touchthe PIZZApod Touchthe number padsto select 1for frozenor 2for fresh pizza Touchthe numberpadsto setthe bakingtemperature Touchthe START pad Bakingtime isdeterminedby packagedirections Placepizzaontop rackpositionof upperoven Whenusinga metaltray usethelowerrockposition PROOFPad Touchto raiseyee...

Page 15: ...e of day wiltflash in the display when there has beena poweroutage CONTROLLOCKOUTPad Yourcontrolwill allowyou to lockout the touchpadsandthe cooktopsotheycannotbeactivatedwhen touched Tolockthe controls andcooktop Touch and holdtheCONTROL LOCKOUT padfor 3secondsl Theovendisplaywill show on Loc on Tounlockthe controls Touchandholdthe CONTROL LOCKOUT padfor 3 seconds TheCONTROL LOCKOUT modeaffectsal...

Page 16: ... items on _neoven r_oor U _Front Rail Fully Open Position _ Grasp here 16 when placing and removing cookware always pull the rack out by its upper front rail to its fully open position NOTE Do not extend the rack quickly Food may slide off the front of the rack To remove the rack Z Hakesurethe rack is pushed allthe way into the oven so that side paddles on the rackfrom disengagedwith ovensupport _...

Page 17: ...tered in the ovenas much as possible Ange food cokeis the exceptionand should be placed on the bottom oven rack positionA Follow packagedirectionson prepackagedand frozen foods for pgn placement Pansshouk _qOt touch each other or the walls of the oven tf you needto usetwo racks stagger the pans so one is not directlyabove the Other Leave approximately 1_ betweenpens and from the front backand side...

Page 18: ... but you should know that cooking it to only 140_Fmeans somefood poisoning organisms may survive tSource Book Your Kitchen Guide USDA Roy June 1985 1 Broiling Guide Preheatt_he broilerfor 2 minutes to improve performance Type or Food Ooneness TfiiCl ness Rack Position Comments Beef Rare 140 F Steoks E orF food should be i Steaks less thanI 1 thick to 3 from brbil element thick oi e difficult to co...

Page 19: ...od from the oven Remember even though the oven turns off automatically food left in the oven will continue cooking after the oven turns off IZ FI fZIEHZ i iii i iN rq IZ l q Di i How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop Theovenwill turn onat the time of dayyou NOTE An attenbbntonewill soundifyou set cookfor a specificlength of t me and areusingtimedbakinganddonot touch then turn off automatic...

Page 20: ...hes such as meat loaf or casseroles nsertthe probe into the meatiest part of the inner thigh from below and parallel to the legof a whoIeturkey NOTE Self dean and Broilsettingswiltnot work if the temperature probeis pluggedin Fq IZ iE i i i i i i r _ E El I qDIZ1 i I II i 2O How to Set the Oven For Baking Roasting When Using the Probe tonsomemodels 7 Insertthe probefully into the food Plugthe prob...

Page 21: ...Whenthe kitchentimer reaches t O the controlwill beep3 timesfollowed by onebeepevery6 seconds until the KITCHEN TIMER ON OFFor TIMER OFFpad dependingonmodel istouched The6 secondtone can becance edby followingthe stepsin the specialfeatures ofyour oven controlsectionUnderTones at the Endof o TimedCycle To Reset the Kitchen Timer Ifthe displayis stillshowing the time remaining you maychange it by t...

Page 22: ...en BAKEpad To adjustthe lower oven thermostat touch the lower ovenBAKE pad Theoven ternperature can be adjusted upto 35 Fhotter or 435 Fcooler Touchthe number pads the sameway you readthem For example to change the oven temperature 5 F touch andS_ Whenyou have madethe adjustment touchthe STARTpadto go backto the timeof day display Useyour ovenasyou would normally The type of margarine will affect ...

Page 23: ...ent Multi reck position Hulti Rack Convection Baking Becauseheated air is circulatedevenly throughout the oven foodscan bebaked with excellentresultsusing multipleracks Hulti rack bakingmay increasecooktimes slightlyfor somefoods but the overallresult istime saved Cookies muffins biscuitsand other quickbreadsgive very goodresults with multi rackbaking When bakingon _ racks placeone rack inthe seco...

Page 24: ...ersionin the SpecialFeaturessection Tochange the oven temperature touch the CONVECTION COOK CONVECTION BAKE or CONVECTION ROAST pad andthen the number pads to set the new temperature When the oven startsto heat the changing temperature starting at IOOOF0 will be displayed When oven reachesthe _ temperature you set 3 beepswill sound _ TouchCLEAR OFF pad when finished Youwill hear a fan while cookin...

Page 25: ... that the oven fight is off because heat from the bulb wilt speed harmful bacteria growth _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ii_i_ ii_ii_ i_ _ How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop i_ _i_iii _i_ i _i_ i I COOK _i_i i_ ii_ Press desredconvectionfunct on Proceed to _ _i _ iiiiii i illiiii __ _ _ _iiiii_iii i step2of Howto SetanImmediate Startand Automatic StopinUsingthetimed bakingana roastingfeature...

Page 26: ...changing intemal temperaturewill beshown inthe display When the internal temperature of the meat reachesthe numberyou have set the probeand the oventurn off and the oven control signals To stop the signal touch the CLEAR OFF pad Usehot pads to removethe probe from the food Do not usetongs to pull on it they might damage it NOTE If the probeis removedfromthe oven whileprobe cooking the ovenwiltnot ...

Page 27: ...ells 4quarts C 2 Meats HI 4 5 hrs Make sure beef chunks LO 8 10 hrs are submerged C 2 Heats H_3 4 hrs Submerge beans LO 6 8 hrs to prevent surface drying GuidelineTips The slow cookprogram usesa complex sedes of temperature cycling to obtain the best results Forthis reason itis recommended that the s ow cook program be allowedto run without cancelling or restarting Restarting the slow cookfeature ...

Page 28: ...dthen onsome models onsome models How to Set the Oven For Proofing onsomemodels The proofing feature maintains a warm environment useful for rising yeast leavened products I 7 Placethe covereddough in o dish inthe oven on rackB or C NOTE Forbestresults coverthe dough with a doth or withgreased plastic wrap ftheplasticmay needto beanchored underneaththe containerso the oven The displaywill read PrF...

Page 29: ...nedoffat alltimes duringtheself clean cycle Anysurface unitthat issetto an on position whilethe serf dean cycleisoperating willautomatically comeon aftertheself clean cycleisfinished andcould resultinan on unattended surfaceunit Wait untiltheself clean cycleisfinished to setand usethe surfaceunits How to Set the Oven for Cleaning Theovendoorsmustbedosedandallcontrols set correctly forthecycletowor...

Page 30: ...ou will be able to open the doors After a Clean Cycle Youmay noticesome white ash inthe oven Wipe it up with a damp cloth after the oven cools If whitespots remain removethem with a soap filledsteelwool pad and rinse thoroughlywith a vinegarand water mixture These depositsare usualtya salt residuethat cannot beremovedby the clean cycle Ifthe oven is not clean after one clean cycle repeat the cycle...

Page 31: ...uchthe upperoven BROIL HtltO ond r_ TouchtheCOOK TIMEondBROIL HIZLO pa ds againat the sametime the display BAKEpadsat thesametimeuntilthe wi snowC Celsius displeyshowsSF _ TouchtheSTART pad ii _ii_i _ i _ it _ _s _ __ l_i_i Tones at the End of o Timed Cycle i i ii_ iiiii _ i_ _ i i_ _ I i _ wiltsound followedby one beepevery ii i_ iii i I BR0tLJ ii i z _ 6 secondsuntil the CLEAR OFF pad is hi touc...

Page 32: ...ant touch the START pad NOTE Ifthe clock is inthe black outmode you will not beable to usethe DelayStart function Auto Recipe TM Conversion ton some models Whenusing convectionbake the AutoRecipe Conversionfeaturewill automaticallyconvertenteredregular bakingtemperaturesto convectionbaking temperatures On some models thedisplaywill show the actual converted reduced temperature Forexample if you en...

Page 33: ...ws_ the ovenis baking roasting How to Set for Timed Baking Roasting Immediate Start and Automatic Stop Make sure the clock shows the correct time _ Touch the BAKEpad No signal willbe given of dayend the ovenis off jT Touchand holdboth the upper oven _ Usingthe number pods enter the desired BROILHI LOand BAKEpads at the some temperature No signalor temperature will time until the displayshows SE NO...

Page 34: ...theperformanceof thedrawer andcould damagethe interiorfinish Allowapproximately 25minutesfor the wormingdrawerto preheat Donot put liquidorwaterinthe worming drawer Allfoodsplacedinthe werrningdrawer shouldbecovered witha lidoraluminum foil Whenwarmingpastries or breads thecover shouldbeventedto allowmoisture to escape Foodshouldbekepthotinitscooking containerortransferred to a heat safe servingdi...

Page 35: ...reheatis complete afterthe Heating signalhasturned offfor the first time after the knob is turned on _ Do not use aluminum foil to line the lower drawer The foil will trap heat below and upset the performance of the oven Foi can melt and permanently damage the drawer bottom Damage from improper use of aluminum foil is not covered by the product warranty Always usethe includeddrawer rack tf foodsre...

Page 36: ...inthe Using the clock kitchentimerend controllockout section inthismanual Ctean upsplatters withadampcloth Youmayalsousea glass cleaner Remove heavier soilwithwarm soapy water Donotuseabrasives of anykind Reactivate the touchpadsaftercleaning Painted Surfaces Painted surfaces includethesides of therange andthedoor topof controlpanelandthe drawerfront Clean thesewithsoapandwater oravinegarandwaters...

Page 37: ...rblscontaining acidsmaycause discoloration andshould bewipedupimmediately WhenstJfface is cool cleanandrinse Donotuseovencleaners cleaning powders or harshabrasives onthe outside ofthe door Pu Ihinge locks down to unlock Removal 3osition Lift Off Oven Door on some models The doorisveryheavy Becareful when removingandlifting thedoor Donot liftthedoorbythehandle Toremove the door _ Fully openthe doo...

Page 38: ...Alloven racksmay becleaned by hand with an abrasivecleaneror steelwool After cleaning rinsethe racksWithclean water and dry with aclean cloth Gray porcelain coatedoven racksmay remain inthe oven during the self cleaningcyclewithout aeing damaged Thenickel platedoven racks may remain inthe oven duringthe self cleaning cycle but they will losetheir lusterand become hardto slide Itwill be necessaryto...

Page 39: ...ess down and pull out Removable Oven Floor onsome models Toremove the oven floor _ Cleanthe ovenfloor with warm soapy Removethe ovendoor usingthe water instructionsinthe Lift OffOvenDoor l_ When reinstallingthe ovenfloor be section sure to slideit allthe wayto the back Pressdown and pullout the of the oven removebleoven floor IMPORTANT Alwaysreplacethe removablefloor before the next use Oven Vent ...

Page 40: ...The glass cover and bufbshoufd be removed when cooL Touching hot glass with bare hands or a damp cloth can cause burns Oven Light Replacement Ion some models TO rerr_ove Turn the glasscovercoun erdockwise 1 4turn until the tabs of the g_ass cover clearthe groovesof the socket Wearing latex glovesmay offer a better grip r_ using glovesor o dry cloth remove the bulb by pulling itstraight out Torepla...

Page 41: ...eplacement tonsome models i Besureto let the light cover and bulb cool Toreplace thecoven completely i _ Lineup tabs of lensin front of tabs To remove the coven onhousing and rotate clockwise _ Loengage _ _ l _ _ _ _ _i i_ _ a quarter turn to remove Do not remove any screws to remove the cover J_ Replacebulbwith a 40 watt appliance bulbor two prong halogen bulb as appropriate Oven Heating Elements...

Page 42: ... use scrub pads other than those recommended Allow the cooktop to cool Spread a few drops of CERAHA BRYCE CeramicCooktop Cleaneron the entire burned residuearea Usingthe included CERAMA BRYTE e CleaningPadfor CeramicCook_ops rub the residue area applying pressure as needed Ifany residue remains repeat the steps listed above as needed For additional protection after all residue has been removed pol...

Page 43: bythe warmnty unless the spil is removedwhile stillhot Specialcareshouldbe taken when removinghot substances Besureto use a new sharp razor scmpen Do not use a dullor nicked blade Damage from Sugary Spills and Helted Plastic Turn off all surface units Remove hot pans Wearing an oven mitt a Usea single edge razor blade scraper CERAHABRYTE Ceramic Cooktop Scraped to move the spill to a cool area...

Page 44: ...ovable Tinyscratcheswill become lessvisiblein time as a resultof cleaning Toavoid scratches usethe recommendedcleaning procedures Hakesure bottoms of cookware are clean beforeuse and usecookwarewith smooth bottoms Seethe Cleaning the glass cooktop section This is normal The Surface may appear discolored _ when it is hot This is temporary and will disappear as the glass cools Seethe Glasssurface po...

Page 45: ...11_ Powercord may be obstructing drawer inthe lower back _i ii i _ _ i_ _ii_i i_ _ _i _i _ i _i i_ ii _ _i S of the range i ilil _i i ii i_i_ili iiiiii_iiii _iiil Rear drawer support is on top of the guide rail Repositionthe drawer See theStorage Drawer r_emovalinstructions in the Care and cleaning of the range section check to make sure drawer is properly seated if removed Reposition the drawer a...

Page 46: the soundof the metal heating and cooling during both the cooking and cleaning functions Thisis normal Excessivesoil Touch the CLEAR OFFpad Open the windows to rid the room of smoke Wait untilLOCKED DOORiI goes off After the oven Coals wipe up the excesssoil and reset theclean cycle wil ni_t _ il _ Oven too hot Allow the oven to cool below locking temperature Ovencontrols not properlyset Oven w...

Page 47: ...i i_i_ iii _i i 21 ii i iiiii i _ _ i i is normal for the first few times the oven is used A convection fan may i i_ i_i i iiii _ii ii iiiii _iiii_ _ i ii i_ iii_i iii_i i_ automatically turn on This is normal To maximize cooking evenness the fan is designed to operate in both directions ii_ i_ _ i ii il _ _ iiii i iiii_ii _ i_i i iiiiiiii i_ii ii_ and off A cooling fan may automatically turn on a...

Page 48: ...cethe fuse or reset Ihecircuit breaker J _O_e_i e_ i d_We_ili_ _ _ blown or the circuit breaker _i _ti_O_ki _iiii i_ i _ _ _ i_ _ _tripped i i ii i iiiii iii_i_ i i i ii iiiii _ i iii_i tililili_ _ i Controls improperly set See the Usingthe warming drawer section _d_ si ei_ e e_ _tiO Liquid in drawer Remove liquid i_i _i_ _ _ t iiiii ii _ i_ Uncovered foods Cover food with lid or aluminum foil Tem...

Page 49: ...nless Steel Appliance Cleaner PH OX311 Get the most out of your Broiler Pan Not for use with Broiler Drawer modetsJ Useyour panand grid coverto broil hamburgers seafood steaks vegetables bacon chops endso much more The pan belowcatchesthe excessfats and oils GenuineGEPort EasyTo Clean One YearWarranty Limited Time Offed Free Shipping Whenyou orderyour broiler pan within 30 days of purchasingyour G...

Page 50: ...r W n v w _ Jl v h 0 A u_ E Notes i 5O ...

Page 51: creamsand pads _ Damageto the glasscooktop caused by hardened spills of sugary materials or melted plastic that are not cleaned according to the directions in the Owner s Hanual Incidental orconsequential damagecaused by possible defectswith this appliance Damage causedafter delivery Productnot accessible to provide required service I XCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES Your sole and exclusive remed...

Page 52: are availablewhileyour warranty isstill ineffect Youcan purchaseit on lineanytime or call 800 626 2224 during normal businesshours GEConsumerHomeServiceswillstill bethere after your warranty expires Partsand Accessories GEAppfiances com individualsqualified to servicetheir own appliancescan have parts or accessoriessent directlyto their homes VISA MasterCardandDiscovercardsare accepted Orderon ...

Page 53: ... 12 13 Recipientes de cocci6n 7 U _ Cuidadoy iimpieza Bandejas 38 Caj6n calentador desmontable Recipiente del caj6n del homo inferior 39 Caj6n de almacenamiento 39 Elementos calentadores del homo 42 Estufa de vidrio 42 43 Luz 41 _ Panel de control 36 _ Papel de aluminio 4 5 17 34 Perillas de control 36 Pisodel homo 40 Puerta del homo desmontable 38 Superficies 36 Ventilaci6n 37 40 consejospara ta ...

Page 54: ...toya qua facocina no quedar6biensujetaal dispositivoanti volcaduras CocJnas empotrables Paraverificar qua el soportese haya instaladoy sujetado correctamente quite el caj6n de almacenamientoo elpanelde protecci6ny mire debajo de lacocinaparacontrolar que la pata de nivelaci6nse encuentreenganchada al soporte Codnasencastrables Paravedficar si elsopor e se ha instaladoy sujetado correctamente baje ...

Page 55: SiIo hacepodriaromperseelvidrio No omo adas_obcadasens_ er_Jc_ ca_ en_ _ff_ cocinesiun productotieneunvidriorata Puedeprovocarse _j p espueaen o unadescargaunincendl o hendas provocarquemadurasdevapor Nopermitaquelas n n n su erflcle _ Coclne carnes de res y de ave par completo Los carnes de agarraderasentrene co tocto co unidadesde p o loselementoscalentadores colientes No utilicetoallas resha...

Page 56: ...e limpiezay los derramespuedenpenetrar en laestufa rata y crear un riesgode descargaeI6ctrica Comuniquesecon un t6cnico calificado de inmediato Useel limpiador deestufas cer6micasCERANA BRYTE y ta esponjillade limpiezaCERAHA BRYTE para limpiar la estufa Esperehastaque la estufa se enfriey la luz indicadora se apagueantes de limpiar Una esponja o un pa_o h6medossabre una superficie caliente puedenp...

Page 57: otras piezas como bandejascolectoras o tazones _ Antesde utilizare ciclode auto limpieza limpJe la grasa y losderramesde alimentos del horno Unacantidad excesivade grasa puedeencenderse generando dafios pot et humo ensu hogar Siel modo de auto limpiezano funciona apague elhomo y des onecteel suministrodeenergfa Llame a unt6cnico calificado parasolicitar e arreglo No iimpie laempacadurade la pue...

Page 58: ...ufasde vidrio decolor ctaro es normal quefaszones decoccidncambiende color cuandoestdn catienteso enfridndose Estoes temporal y desoparecerda medidaqueel vidrio seenfriea temperature embiente Esseguro colocarrecipientesde cocci6n calientesdesdeel homo o superficie sabre Iaestufa devidrio cuando lasuperficie est6 fria Aunquetasunidadesde superficie se hayan apagado la estufa de vidrio retiene sufic...

Page 59: ...flashiervan en seco Elmetal sobrecalentadopuede adherirse alas estufasde vidrio Sino se elimina de inmediato una aliacon la base decobre sobrecalentadodejar6 un residuoque manchar6 Iaestufa en forma permanente Vidrio cerSmico No serecomienda Desempe_opobre Raya a superficie Cer6mica No serecomienda DesempeSopobre Puedefoyer lasuperficie Hierro fundido No se recomienda a menasque se encuentreespeci...

Page 60: ... F_ Presione el bot6n ON OFF encendidoiapagado tuego presrone el bot6n t llt Pareapagar una unidadde superficie 0nice presionee bot6n ON OFF encendido apagado de nuevo Parautilizarla caracteristica Simmer fuego lento J_ Utilice elbot6n t t _para elegir la confJguraci6nde energiadeseada Parautilizarla caracteristica Helt derretir Presioneelbot6n ON OFF encendido apagado luego presJone MELT derretir...

Page 61: la ZONA DECALENTAMIENTO ya que los recipientesestar_n calientes No utiticeenvoi ariaspldsticospara cubrir alimentos Elpf6sticopuedederretirseen lasuperficiey serdmuy difici limp aria Utilices6Iorecipientesde cocina recomendados pare cocci6nsobre estufas C6mo user ia zone de calentamiento fenafgunosmodetos LaZONADECALENTAMIENTO seencuentra en laparle trasera central de lasuperriciede vidrio Para...

Page 62: ...nciendao est colienteal tacto Ouedardencendidaaunquesehaya apagadola unidad _ Resplandecer5 hasta que la unidad baje b temperatura hasta aproximadamente 150 F 166 C _ _ _ BURNER_ BURNERI_ r _ _ _ _ _ r 0FF _ _ _ _ _i_i _ iii _ _ _ i N 5ci5 _ Enalgunos modelos Enalgunosmodelos Unidades de superficie dobles y triples y perillas de control analgunos modelos Launidad desupefficiecuentacon2 o5 tama_osd...

Page 63: ... _i _i_ _ _ _iii _i_ i_i_ _ i _ quemadorfrontal Verifiqueque laollatenga una basepiana Paraevitar quemadurasde vapor ocalor tenga cuidado aI realizarconservas Consejos para realizar conservas en casa AsegOrese de que raallaseencuentre Utilicerecetasy procedimientos centradasabre la unidadde superficie _rovenientesdefuentes c0nfiables FabricantescomaBall and Kerr _ y el Servido de Extensi6n delDepa...

Page 64: ...raci6n esuna temperetura antiadherente de cocci6n aproximada y varfa con lacantidad Lamayoriade los alimentos para plancha dealimentos _ requierenuna cocci6nsabre unasuperficie 12 C6mocolocar la plancha IMPORTANTE Siemprecoloquey utilice NOTA Elrevestimientoantiadherente la plancha en la ubicad6ndesignadasabre se degradardsi toexponea temperaturas ta estufa superioresa 500 t 260 C Utilicelos6tocon...

Page 65: ...entro delfilete verificando que la punta de la sonda se encuentreenel centrodel filete 7 lntroduzca lasonda en laboca desalida ubicadaen elladofrontal superiordeLhorno deslicela bandejadentro delhomo y cierra la puerta 8 PresionePROBE sondo en su control ingreselatemperatura intema deseaday presione START iniciar 9 Dejeque elfilete termine de cocinarseen el homo Elcontrol de la coclnaemitirdun pit...

Page 66: ...VECTION BAKEfhomeado pot convecci6n o CONVECTION ROAST rostizado pot convecci6n Presionelasalmohadillasnum_ricasparaconfigurar latemperaturadeseadadelhorno Presione el bot6nSTART iniciar Cuandohayafinalizadola cocci6n presioneel bot6n CLEAR OFF borrar apogado Bot6n PtZZA Presione aalmohadilb PIZZA Presione lasalmohadillasnum6ricasparaseleccionar I parapea congeladay 2 para pizzafresco Presione Ias...

Page 67: ...ergiael_ctdca elrefojy todaslosfuncionesprogramadasdeber6nreconfigurarse Lahera destellar6 enta pantalla cuando haya ocurrido uncortedeenergia GEAppliances com ill i Bot6n CONTROLLOCKOUT bloqueo de control SucontrollepermJtir6 bloquear los botonesdetoque y laestufaparaquenopuedanactJvarse af presionartas Parabloqueorlos controles y la estufa Presione y s0stengaelbot6nCONTROL LOCKOUT bloqueo decont...

Page 68: ...dsbaja A Pasici6nde Grasp here Parrilla de extensi6n Cuondo coloqueo quite recipientes de cocci6n siempre tire de la parrilla hacia afuera desdeel riel frontal superior hasta alcanzar la posici6n de aperLuratotal NOTA No extienda la parrilla r6pidamente Los afimentos pueden destizarsedesde el frente de fa parrifla Para quitar la parrilla Aseg0resede introdUcirla parrilla hastael rondo dethomo de m...

Page 69: ...cciones delpaquete dealimentos _reempaquetados ocongelados _oroloubicaci6n delosredoientes Los recipientes nodebentocarse entresfotocar los paredes delhomo Sinecesita utilizar dos bandejas distribuyo losrecipientes demodo quenoqueden directamente unoenCima delotro Dejeaproximadamente W_ 3 8 cm entrerecipientes y desdeelfrente partetrasero y ladosdelosparedes delhomo Antes de comenzar C6mo configur...

Page 70: ... 19853 Guia de asado Precalienteta asaderadumnte 2 minutes pare mejorar el desempeho Alimente Came de res Nive I de cocci6n Tipo o grosor Jugoso 140 F 60 Cl A punto 160 F171 C Filetes Gmsor de 1 2 5cm Filetes 314 a 1 1 9cm a 2_5cmJde gr0sor I Bier_ c0cido i Filetes Polio t 170 F 177 c 3 4 e 1 1 9cm o 2 5 cm de grosor 0 Qtties de come picodo Pechuge sin hueso Filetes de pescedo Chuletas de cerdo Po...

Page 71: ...agadoJ para borrar la pantalta Ouite losalimentos del homo Recuerde aunque elhomo se apaga automOticamente los aiimentos que se dejenen el homo seguir6ncocin6ndosedespu6s de apagadoel mismo C6mo configurar un inicio retardado y un apagado autom6tico Elhomo se encenderd en el horatio gue NOT4 Sonar6un tono de atenci6n siusted us tedhoya configurado codnard al mentos estd uEttizando homeado con temp...

Page 72: ...eratura se encuentra enchufada NOTA No inserter par complete lasonde dentro de b came puede orovocar un pobre desempeSo de cocci6n porque la sonde detector6 el aire det homo y no ta temperature de los alimentos 20 C6mo configurar el homo para horneado rostizado cuando usa la sonda en algunos modebs 1 71 lntroduzca la sonde par completo en losalimentos Enchufela sonde dentro de la boca desalidadel ...

Page 73: ...ora 3vecesseguidode un pitidocado 6 segundoshastaque sepres_one el bOtbnKITCHEN TIMER ON OFF temporizador cocina encendido opagado o TIMER OFF temporizador apagado dependiendo delmodeloL Eltono de 6 segundos puede cance arse siguiendo lospasosincfuidosen la secciOn Caracteristicas especialesdelos COntrofes dothomo bajo SeF_ales sonorasat finatizor unciclo con temporizador C6mo reconfigurar el temp...

Page 74: ...or Para ajustar eltermostato deI homo inferior _presione el botSnBAKE homeaddel homo inferior Latemperatura del horno puede sub rse en 35 F 19 C o bajarse en 435 F 19 C1 Presionelas almohadillasnum icas de la misma manera en que las lee Porejemplo para cambiar ta temperatura del homo 15 F 8 C presione y 5 Cuandohayafinalizadoel ajuste presioneel bot6nSTART Iiniciadpara volvera la pantalfade lahora...

Page 75: ...ldelelemento calentadordeconvecci6n Posici6n de bande as mOItiples Horneado par convecci6n con bandejas mSltiples Debidoa que el airecaliente circula en farina pareja entodo elhomo losalimentos pueden hornearse con excelentesresultados usando bandejasm0ttiples _ii_ Elhorneadocon bandejas m01tiples _uedeincrementar un poco lostiempos decocci6n de algunosalimentos pero elresultadototal es elahorro d...

Page 76: ..._ J i _ _i _ _i i_ _ _ convecaon Paramasinformaaon ROAST osado nor convecci6n u lueno _ _i_ii iiii i_i iiii_i_i ii _ _ _i_i iiiiili_i_ii _ ver Iaseccpn Hor ne_doporconveccidn lasalmohadilla_num6ricaspapacalf gurar analgunos mddelosJ con oonoejasmu _p_es la nueva temperature _ Presioneelbot6n CONVECTION COOK Cuandoel homoicomienzaa caientar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ A_ o_ _ _ _ coca6n parconvecd6n ...

Page 77: ... LosrecipientesdevidrioO cer6mica cocinanm6sdespaao Pararecetascomo poliohorneado utilice unrecipiente con ladosbajos Elairecaliente nopuedecircular bienalrededorde los alimentos en un recipientede ladosaltos C6mo usar las caracteristicas con temporizador para cocci6npor convecci6n en algunos modelos i r ilrlll Plientrascocinecon estascaracteristicasse escuchar6un ventilador Elventiladorse detendr...

Page 78: ... temperature de sonde y presionado _e Ibot6n START iniciar Presionelas almohadillas num6ricas para configurar la temperature deseada _ Puedeusarse el temporizador de la cocina dei homo aunque nopueden utilizarse los operaaones de homo can temporizador _ Nunca deje ta sonda dentro del homo durante un cicto de auto limpieza No guarde la sonda dentro def homo Lo sonda no debe u lizorse en los funcion...

Page 79: ...3 8 Iitersl 6 8 hrs C 2 Comes HI olin t_ 5 hrs LO bajal 7 9 hrs HI oltal 3 4 hrs LO boja 5 6 hrs C 2 Cornes Hi alto 5 6 hrs LOIbajo 8_10 hrs C 2 Comes HI altal 3 4 hrs LO Ibajal 6 8 hrs C 2 Comes HI alto 3J4 hrs LO bojo 6 8 hrs C 2 Comes H alto a 5 hrs LO bojaJ 8 10 hrs HI altol 3 4 hrs LO baja 6 8 hrs Agregue i12 taza de liquido Major coloque bajo una salsa para que no seseque Agregue 1 2 1 taza ...

Page 80: ...os plOs cos sederretiransi seloscobcaen 71 Presione elmodo hornear efhorno Elpl_sticoderretidonopuede removerse y estonoseencuentra cubierto por lagarantia Presione laxalmohadillas num6ricas poraconfigurar latemperatura delhomo ii iii i iill i iiii ii iiiiiii i ii ii i i i i _ OFF i _i_ _ _ IEnalgunos modelos ii iiii i iiiiiiiiiii i i Enalgunos modelas 28 C6mo configurar el homo para leudar en alg...

Page 81: superficiey la cociney fuera de Iojunta dela puerto deber6 quedar sinatenci6n Esperehaste que termine limpiarsea man Limpie estes6teas con ague e ciclode auto limpieze pare configurary user caliente esponjillasde lane deecero losunidadesdesuperficie embebidasenjab6n o limpiadorestales coma _ _ _ _ _ _ v _y_ _ _ _ _ C6mo configurar el homo para una auto limpieza Las puertasde homodebeestercerrad...

Page 82: ...sea iniciar el ciclode limpieza Despu_s de un ciclo de limpieza Esposible queobserve algunoscenizos bloncasenel horno Lfmpielas conunpatioh6medo despu_s de quael homoseenfrie Silosmonchasblancas permanecen remu_valos canunestropajo deacerollanodejab6ny enjuague generosamente conunamazdadevinagre y agua Estos dep6sitos sonusualmente residuos desatque elcidodeIimpieza nopuedeeliminar Sielhomonoqueda...

Page 83: ...s START superioralmismotiempohastaquaen _ Presione elbot6nSTART iniciad i_ i _ i_ iiii _i _i _ _ i_iii i iii _ ilil la pantaIbpuedaverseST _ Presione losbotonesCOOK TIME tiempo decocd6n y BROIL HI LO asaralto bajo i_ i i ii _ _ _ i _ i SeSales sonoras al finalizar un cicio con temporizador _ i _ii _ 1_1 _i_ Affinalizaruncidacontemporizador se denuevo LapantallamuestraSINGLE i iil i _i escuchan 3pi...

Page 84: ...nopodrd utilizarto funci6n es ta opci6n que deseo presioneel bot6n deinicioretardudo START iniciar Conversi6n Autom6tica de Recetas TM enatgunos modetos Cuandaseutiliza el homeadopar conveccibn la funci6ndeAuto Recipe Convergon Conversi6n autom6tica derecetas reemplaza automdticomentelastemperaturas dehomeado tradicionales ingresadaspar las temperaturas de homeado oar convecci6n Estacaracteristica...

Page 85: ...sione losalmohadiltas num_dcas _ _ i_ii i_ _ _ _ asaralto halo y _KE homear al mismo par confi_urariatemperaturadeseada ili _i i l Cook l_j_i_ _il _i_ i tiempohastequeen apant a pueda verseS_ Nose doranngunaseSao temperatura iiii i_ _ 1 i _iii _i_ii _ ii_i i NOTA Sienla pantallaaparecenBake Nohayunatemperaturapredetermlnada i _ __ _ _ _ _i _iii i hornear o Broillabor losbotonesBROIL _ Presione elb...

Page 86: ...slante decolor y atrapar6 el color debajo de _1 Estoalterar6 eldesempehodel ca any p_rla da_ar el acabado interior Perm_ queel caj6n calen_ador seprecaliente durante aproximadamente _ minutos No coloque liquidoo oguo en elcaj6n calentedor Tabla de selecci6n de temperatura Paramantenercalientes diferentestiposde alimentos estoblezca el contro_ con taconfiguraci6nmSsele_ada La temperatura tipo cant ...

Page 87: ...o limpieza del homo superior No cofoque alimentos papet de atuminio o Utensilios de cocina en el piso del caj6n dd homo inferior Siempre utifice to bandeja det caj6n induida Si los alimentos requ_eren una tapa s6Io utitice papel de aluminio o tapas que soporten los temperaturas de homeado No utiticepl6stico La altura m6xima de los alimentos que pueden homearse en el caj6n del homo inferior es 3s s...

Page 88: jabonosa Noutiliceabrasivosde ningunaclase en lasecci6n C6mo usare reloj eltemporizador Vuelva a activarlosbotonesdetoquedespu s y elbloqueodecontrolesdeestemanual dela limpieza Limpielosderramesconun pa_ohSmeclo Superficies pintadas kassuperficiespintadasincluyenlosladosde Noutilicelimpiadoresdehomocomerciales lacocinay Iopuerta la partesuperiordelpanel polvos limpiadores esponjillasdeaceroo d...

Page 89: ...s de inrnediato Cuandolasupefficieest6ffia limpiey enjuague _ Noutilice limpiadores parahomos pobos limpiadores oabrasivos potentes enlapane externa delapuerto Tire Ias trabas de la bisagro hacia abaio pare destrabar Posici6nderemod6n Puerto del horno desmontable en atgunosmodetos Lapuertoesmuypesada Tengacuidado al quitor y levantar opuerta No levante la puerto delamanila Porequitar lapuerta _ Ab...

Page 90: ...elmarco del homo hastaqua se detengan I _ Lasbisagras se liberan en ta posici6n de 45 grados Lastrabas de la bisagra hardn contacto con el marco del horno _ Deslice la puerta dentro de las b sagras Aseggrese de que los botones vuelvan a salir Abra Ia puerta par compteto Presionelas trabas de la bisagra hacia abajo dentro de la bisagra cierre la puerta del homo Monijo Utilice la bandeja de los dos ...

Page 91: ... lagura _ _ii_i il _ _ i_i _ _ _ _ i dificil limpie ligeramente los Soportesdela _ Abray cierrela gu a variasvecespara distribuir ellubricante parrilla con oceitedecocina No poseaceite Guia ladoderecho arriba V 6u_atadoderechoarriba de cocci6n en Ios deslizadores Si resulta dificil deslizar la parrilla o si resulto dificil occiOnar la paleta debe iL_briCarsela parril_a utilizando el lubricante de ...

Page 92: ...portantepare lograr delhomo unaadecuadacircufaci6n deaire Nunca bfoquee estaventilad6n Remoci6n del caj6n de almacenamiento anatgunos mode os Paraquitar elcaj6n Z Tiredelcaj6n haciafuera hastaque sedetenga Levanteelfrentedetcaj6nhastaque lastrabassalgande lasgubs Retireelcaj6n Paravolver a colocarelcaj6n rT Coloquelosrielesdelcaj6nenlasgubs _ Empuje el caj6n basra que se detenga Levante el frente ...

Page 93: ... Par determinar cu6 es la ISmpara correcta controle las terminales de Io16mpera Las16mparascon 2 terminales con davijas rectas son 16mparas de G6 35 Las16mparas con 2 terminales con davJjascon curvas son 16mparas de G9 No tas intercambieJ AsegOrese el reemplazar la 16mpara que sea de 120volts o 130 volts NOde 12volts Utilizando guantes o un pa5o seco remueva la bombilta de su paquete Notoque ta bo...

Page 94: ...a bombilla de40 ratios ouna bombilla hal6genade dos espigas segOncorresponda _ _ _iEiementos calentadores del homo enatgunos modelos _ _ No limpie el elementoparahomear o Paralimpiar el pisodel homo levantecon _i ili el elementopara asar Lassuciedades cuidado elelemento para homear Limpie i_ se quemardncuandose calienten con agua tibiajabonosa _oii_los efementas Limpie con un patio los desechos re...

Page 95: ...lice un paf_ode lirnpieza CERAMA BRYTE _ paro estufas cer6micas E3 Deje enfriar la estufo Coloque unas gotas del limpiador de estufas cer_micos CERAMA BRYTE sobretoda el 6rea de residuospegados Utilizando el polo de limpiezo CERAMA BRYTE par estufas cer6micasinduido frote et areasucia aplicando presi6nseg_nsea necesario Siquedan restos repita los pasos indicados con anterioridad P0ra protecci6n ad...

Page 96: ...ubierto porla i i i garantia a menos queel detrain sequitemientras est6caliente Debetenets muchocuidado al removersustancias calientes Aseg6rese de utilizar un raspador nuevo y afilado No utilice hojasdesafiladas o dafiadas Dafios por derrames azucarados y pi_stico derretido r_ Apague todas las unidades de superficie Quite las alias calientes Utilizandoun guante decocina a Useun raspador de filo O...

Page 97: ...doun recipientea trav_s de la superficie de laestufa i _eaS dedecolOraci6n i Nose limpiaron los derrames Ver la secci6n C6mo limpiar ta estufa de vidrio en aestu a i_i _ dealimentosantesdel usa ii ii _i il I ii i_ ii i_ i ii i i ili_ _ if siguiente i _ i i Superficie caliente en Estoes normal Lo supefficie puede parecer decolorada _ _ _ un modelo conuna estufa cuando est6 caliente Estoes temporal ...

Page 98: ...sefiado para asado Desenchufey quite lasonda del horno Precaliente el elemento para asar durante 10 minutos Ase por el per odo de tiempo mas prolongado que se recomiende en la Gu a de osado Vet la secci6n Ajuste el termostato def homo usted mismo EL_aj6n de _ El soporte de caj6n trasero ielmacena mier_o Z _ se encuentra sabre el riel ie_tatofcidoiii_ I i de la guia i1 ti_i i i_i t liiiit i_ t _b_ ...

Page 99: ... horno en algunos modelos Es el sonido del metal Estoes normal calent _ndosey enfriSndose durantelas funciones _ de cocci6ny limpieza Suciedadexcesiva Presioneet bot6n CLEAR OFF borror apogodo Abra los ventanas para qua solga el humo Espere hasta qua se apague LOCKED DOOR o DesF u_s de _ ue seenfrie el homo limpie el exceso de suciedad y vuefva a c0nfigurar el ciclo de limpieza Deje que el homo se...

Page 100: ... Probe Esto le recuerda de ingresar Ingrese una temperature de sonde _O_da en apanta la una temperatura de sonda i _JgunbsmbdelosJ despu_sde enchufarla Losprimeras vecesque se utiliza el horno es normal sentir un olor proveniente del aislante que recubre la parte interna del horno Un ventilador de convecci6n puede encendersey apagarse autom6ticamente U n ventilador de refrigeraci6n puede encenders...

Page 101: ..._ _h_ _19 _i quemado o el interruptor de de circuitos _detiih_ nO ihfe_iO_ _iiii_i_ i _ circuitos puedehaber saltado i _iiiiiiiiiii iiiiii_ii_ i_i_ii ii _ii Los controles est6n ma Ver la secci6n C6mo usar el caj6n calentador _ o_d_n_r_i_si_a_ Liquido en et caj6n Quite e lfquido _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i _ _ _ _ Alimentossin cubrir Cubra asal mentos conuna tapa o conpapel La configuraci6n de Reduzca la ...

Page 102: ...paF_o fe_t_ WXIOXI17GCS _ _ WXIOX305 ______ wxioxIo001 PMIOX311 iAproveche al m_ximo su bandeja pare asafl No pare usar con modeios de caj6nasador iUtilicesu bandejay tapa de rejillapara asarhamburguesas frutos de mar filetes vegetales panceta costillasy mucho mOs Labandejainferior retieneelexcesode grasasy aceites PiezaGEgenuina F6cifde limpiar Garantb de un a_o iOferta de tiempo limitado iEnvio ...

Page 103: ...dom6sticos o la reconfiguraci6n de interruptoresde circuito Dafiosal productoprovocados paraccidentes incendios inundaciones o fuerza mayor Dafiosincidentales o resultantes provocados par posiblesdefectoseneste artefacto Dafiosprovocados despu6sde la entrega Un productonoaccesiblepara prestarel servicio t_cnico solicitado iil lnllllllllllll iii i ii EXCLUSI6N DE GARANT AS IHPI3CITAS Su _Jnico y ex...

Page 104: ...rmalesde oficina GEConsumerHomeServicesestar6at3nahf cuando su garantia termine Piezasy accesorios GEAppliances com AquellosindMduoscon la ca ificaciGnnecesariapara reparar suspropioselectrodomGsticos pueden pedir que se lesmanden las piezasoaccesoriosdirectamente a sushogares aceptamos las tarjetas V_SA MasterCardy Discover Hagasu pedidaen linea hoy 24 horascada d_ci o Ilamar portelGfono a 800 62...
