GE JB391GK Use And Care Manual Download Page 8

Summary of Contents for JB391GK

Page 1: ...r 12 ControlSettings 8 Energy Saving Tips 5 CookwareTips 10 11 Features 6 7 LightBulbReplacement 23 Installationhstructionq 5 SurfaceUnits 23 Leveling 5 3 in 1SurfaceUnit 8 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Warranty BackCover Oven 13 Baking BakingGuide 14 15 Broiling BroilingGuide 18 19 ControlSettings 13 DoorRemol al 22 Light BulbReplacement 13 22 Preheating 13 15 Roasting RoastingGuide 16 17 SeM C1emhg hs...

Page 2: ...a labelon thefrontoftherangebehindthe ovendoor Thesenumbersare alsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthatcamewith yourrange Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here ModelNumber SerialNumber Usetheser umbers in any correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourrange mediately contactthedealer or builder thats ldyoutherange save the ad money Beforeyou request Sertice Checkth...

Page 3: ...ers on tie cooMopand areas facingtie hot surfaces may resdt ti bums cod op ovenvent opening and ti sm DOnot let t holders surfaces near the o ntig and touch hot heating ele enk Do crevices around tie ovendoor not use a towelor otier bu Re e ber The inside surface Cloti of tie ovenmaybe hot when tie door is owned Never use your appumce for ww tig or e ttig the roo when Cmwg prk9 fouow tie direction...

Page 4: f fl Une ip p or anywhere in the ovenexcept as described in this book Misuse could result in a shock fire burd or daage to the ge Od y ceb Ws of glms9 glw cerdc eatihenmm or othergl d contiem me stitible formge top setice otiers may bre because of the sudden change in te pe ture See section on surface Cootig for suggestions To k burns9 ignition of fl able aterids and sp age tie h dle of a conbi...

Page 5: ...olowestsettingthat wfi keepit cooking Useresidualheatwithsurface cookingwheneverpossible For example whencookinge s inthe she bringwaterandeggstoboil thenturntoOFFpositionad cover withlidtocompletethecoohg Usecorrectheatforcoo g tisk HIGH to startcOok h2g ift e WS donotuseHIGHheattq start ME NM HIGH qujck br wn g MEDIUM S16W frying Preheatovenonlywhen necessa Mostfoods will cook satisfactorily wit...

Page 6: ...P 1 ModeIm391GK 6 ...

Page 7: ...t 23 23 23 23 22 22 13 18 14 13 13 22 3 5 2 6 in 2 6 ill 1 in 2 8 in 2 6 in 2 8 in Maybe removedwhencleaning 161 Tilt LockSurfaceUnit Mayberaisedbutnotremoved 2 6 in 2 8 in 2 6 in 2 8 in 17 Chrome PlatedTrimNngs andPorcelainDripPans I 18 Chrome PlatedTrimNngs and Alurriinum Drip Pans 4 4 4 4 e I 19 Oven VentDuct Underright rear surfaceunit e 20 OvenInteriorLight I 21 OvenLightSwitch 22 BroilUnit 2...

Page 8: ...panbroil maintain fastboilonlargeamountof food Sauteandbrown maintain slowboilonlargeamount offood CookafterstartingatHI cookwithlittlewaterin coveredpan Steamrice cereal maintain servingtetiperatureofmost foods m 1 AtHI MEDHI neverleave foodunattended Boilovers cause smoking greasyspilloversmay catchfire 2 AtWM LO meltchocolate butteron smallunit How h use the 3 h 1 unit ode m490 Thissurfaceunito...

Page 9: ...ndleaveit the finishmaysmoke crack pop or burndependingonthepotorpan Also a toohighheatforlong periods andsma l amountsofdry food maydamagethefinish ecanning mps In surfacecookingoffoodsother thancanning theuseoflarge diameterpots extending morethan l inchbeyondedgeoftrimring is notrecommended However when canningwithwater bathor pressurecanner large diameter potsmaybeused Thisisbecause boilingwat...

Page 10: ...MEDHI Meltbutter add e s andcoverskillet HI Meltbutter HI Incoveredpanbring watertoa boil HI Heatbutteruntillight goldenincolor HI Incoveredpanbring fruitandwatertoboil H Meltfat thenaddmeat SwitchtoMEDHIto brownmeat Addwateror otherliquid H1 Preheatskillet then greaselightly SettingtoComplete Cooking LOorWM thenaddcereal Finishtimingaccording tonacka e directions MED tocook1or2minutes tocompletel...

Page 11: ...water butter marshmallows Pancakes or Renchtoast MEDHI Heatskillet8to 10minutes Greaselightly Cook 2 to3minutes perside Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time m overpancakeswhen bubblesrisetosurface Pasta Noodlesor spaghetti HI Incoveredketde bring saltedwatertoa boil uncover andaddpastaslowlyso boilingdoesnotstop MEDHI Cookuncovered untiltender Forlarge amounts HImaybe neededtokeepwaterat rollingboi...

Page 12: ...ialsforTIMEBAKE isexplainedindetailonpage14 SeIfOClea Uses AutOmatic mer Theself cleaning finction onyour ovenusestheAutomaticTimerto setthelengthoftimeneededto cleanwhetheryouwishtoclean immediately or delaythecleaning untillowenergytimessuchas duringthe night Seepage20 Q How can 1we my Minute Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier A YourMinuteTimerwijlhelp timetotalcookingwhichincludes timetoboilfoo...

Page 13: ...onlywhen necessary Mostfoodswillcook satisfactorily withoutpreheating If youfindpreheatingis necessary keepaneyeontheindicatorlight andputfoodintheovenpromptly afterthelightgoesout oven Inkrior shelves Theshelvesaredesignedwithstop lockssothatwhenplacedcorrectly ontheshelfsupports they a will stopbeforecomingcompletely from theoven and b wil not tilt when removing foodfromor placingfood onthem Tor...

Page 14: ...rpresetstarttimeandturns offatyourpresetstoptime Rememberwhensettingstoptime thattime bakedfoodswillcontinue cookingaftertheoventurnsoff Beforebeginning makesurethe rangeclockshowsthecorrecttime ofday 1 TosetStopTime pushinknob on Stopdid andturn pointerto timeyouwantovento turnoffifor example 6 00 TheDELAYED START dial shouldbeat thesame positionasthetimeofdayonclock 2 TurnOVENSETknobto TIMEBAKE ...

Page 15: ...ns Aluminum be Pan MetalJellyRollPan MetalorCeramicPan Preheatcastironpanforcrispcrust Decreaseabout5minutesformuffin mix orbakeat450T for25minutes thenat 350 F for 10to 15minutes Darkmetalorglassgivedeepest browning Forthinro s ShelfBmaybeused Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Cakes without shortening Angelfood Jellyroll Sponge cakes Bundtcakes Cupcakes Fruitcakes Layer Layer chocolate Loaf 30 55 10 1...

Page 16: ...inthehotovenandtherefore shodd beremoved whenthedesired internaltemperaturehasbeen reached For hzen Roam Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbe startedwithout thawing butallow10to25minutes per poundadditionaltime 10 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5 pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbe cookedsuccessfully without th...

Page 17: ...r5pounds Defrostpoultrybeforeroasting Oven Approximate Roasting Time Interred Nw mperature Doneness inM nutes per und mperature F Meat 3 to5 lbs 6to lbs Tendercuts rib highqualitysirlointip 325 Rare 24 30 18 22 130 1400 rumportopround Medium 30 35 22 25 150 1600 WellDone 35 45 28 33 170 1850 LambLegor bone inshoulder 325 Rare 21 25 20 23 130 1400 Medium 25 30 24 28 150 1600 WellDone 30 35 28 33 17...

Page 18: ...rippings coolduringbroiling Stopping fat andmeatjuicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpanpreventsrackfrom servingitspurpose andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONOTplaceasheetof aluminumfoilonshelf Todoso mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damagetoovenfinishand increaseinheatonoutsidesurfaces oftheoven Questiom Amwers Q Whyshould I leavethedoor closedwhen broilingchicken A Chickenistheonlyfood reco...

Page 19: 4patties Spaceevenly WellDone 1A to in thick c 7 4 5 Upto8pattiestakeaboutsametime Beefsteaks Rare l inchthick c 7 7 Steakslessthan1inchcookthrough 1 Medium 1to 1 lbs c 9 9 beforebrowning Panfryingis WellDone c 13 13 recommended Rare 1 in thick c 10 7 8 Slashfat Medium 2tO2 lbs c 15 14 16 WellDone c 25 20 25 Chicken 1whole A 35 10 15 Reducetimesabout5to 10minutesper 2to2 lbs sideforcut upchicke...

Page 20: ...gtwopans upside Jowit on eachovenshelf Caution Chrometrimrings aroundthesurfaceuxlits should neverbecleanedintheself cleaningoven Neithershould reflectorpansoffoilor shiny chrome How to setoven for cleaning step1 rn OWN SET andOWN TE knobstoCLE Controls willsnapintofinalpositionwhen theCLEANlocationisreached 20 Step2 SlidetheLAl H HANDLEtothe rightasfarasit willgo Step3 Settheautomaticoventhmer Ma...

Page 21: ...temperaturebakingsor broilings the LOCKEDlightmaycomeon Theovendoorcan tbelatchedfor self cleaning whiletheLOCKED lightis on fithis happens letthe ovencooluntiltheLOCKEDlight goesoff Thentheovendoorcan be latchedforself cleaning Q Whatshodd I doif excessive Smotingoccursduringcleaning A Thisis causedbyexcessivesoil md youshouldswitchtheOVEN SETknobto OFF Openwindows to rid roomofsmoke Allowthe ove...

Page 22: ...entduct Toreplace Placethepartovertheovenvent locatedbelowthecooktopwiththe openingoftheductundertheround openinginthedrippan It is importantthattheductis inthe correctpositionsomoistureand vaporsfromthe ovencanbe releasedduringovenuse N E Nevercovertheholein theoven ventductwithaluminumfoilor anyothermaterial Thisprevents theovenventfromworking properlyduringanytooting cycle Lmp eplacement CA ON ...

Page 23: ...edgesof thesurfaceunitopenings Clean T e areabelowtheunits Rinseall ashed areaswitha dampclothor sponge mt kk Utitsmot beremoved Toreplacea plug ti ufit Youcanlifia tilt lockunitupward about6 andit willlockintheup position Toreptisition thetilt lockutit Replacethedrippanandtrim ringintotherecessinthecooktop Putthetrimringinplaceoverthe drippan Thedrippanmustbe underthetrimring Guidethesurfaceuniti...

Page 24: ...woneofthesketchesat right toadjustyouroventhermostat 1 Removeknob andholdit so pointeris attopofknob Usinga potholderor imilarmaterial hold skirt ofknobfirmlyin onehand Grasphandleofknobin otherhand Notepositionofpointerandturn handleto movepointertoward Raiseor Lower Pointeris designednotto move easily If it is seatedso it isdifficult tomove pointermaybe loosened slightly Insertathinscrewdriver k...

Page 25: ...eswhichmayscratchtheenamel If acidsshouldspillontherangewhfleit is hot usea drypapertowelor cloth towipeuprightaway Whenthesurfacehascooled washandrinse Forotherspills suchasfatsmatterings etc washwithsoapandwaterwhen cooledandthenrinse Polishwithadm cloth Usea mildsolutionofsoapandwater Donotuseanyharshabrasivesor cleaningPowders whichmayscratchor marsurface Remove ovendoorbyopeningit toBROKposit...

Page 26: ...orrect Chick Roasting orBag Guides Ovenshelfis notlevel Incorrectcootiare or coo are ofimpropersizqis beingused A fofltentwasnotusedwhenneededtoslowd wn browtiing duringroasting ALROD SU ACE UNITS Surfaceunitsarenotpluggedin solidly Nm FUN IONING Trimrings anddrippansarenotsetsecurely n e r ge top PROPERLY Surfaceunitcontrolsarenotprppe lyset OVEN W L NOT Automatic timerdids notsetorno setpti rly ...

Page 27: ...iherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60...

Page 28: ...ometo Replacement of housefusesor teachyouttowto usetheproduct resettingof circuitbreakers Readyour UseandCammaterial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions Failureoftheproductif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactyourdealerorour or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tollfree byaccident fire floodsor acts GEAnsw...
