Te m p e r a t u re is controlled by thermostat automatically. The Te m p e r a t u re Control inside the
refrigerator controls the degree of cooling for each compart m e n t .
The control has four settings form LOW to
WINTER. The WINTER mode is available only if
atmosphere temperature is below 10°C.
The control has the four settings from LOW to
WINTER. The WINTER mode is available only if
atmosphere temperature is below 10°C.
To turn off the re f r i g e r a t o r
N O T E :
During hot, humid weather and in rainy season, moisture may
develop on the cabinet, just as water condenses around a cold glass
of water. It is not an abnormal condition; wipe off the moisture with a
dry cloth. This can also happen when the refrigerator is not installed
in an appropriate place.
1. Clean the refrigerator thoro u g h l y. Wipe the outside with a dry cloth, and the inside with
a damp cloth.
2. Set the temperature control knob at normal position.
3. Connect the power supply cord .
Disconnect the power supply cord. Remove icing case and food. Leave doors open for
ventilation and dehumidification of both compartments.
F reezer Te m p e r a t u re Contro l
Refrigerator Te m p e r a t u re Contro l
With the Refrigerating System in operation, it is likely that the cabinet will feel warm at the fro n t
edges and sides. This does not indicate malfunction.
It is due to the hot-line used in this type of Refrigerating System which consists of piping hot gas
f rom the (motor-driven) compressor along the front edges, the sides of the cabinet and the center
p a rtition to prevent dewing. This has nothing to do with the storage temperature inside.
(The thick line indicates the hot-line)
Starting your new refrigerator