GE GSD585 Use And Care Manual Download Page 14

Summary of Contents for GSD585

Page 1: ...DryingOptions 4 Energy SavingTips 5 Features 4 5 Loading 8 9 Operaiing instructions m 4 5 RinseAgent 6 Water Temperature 6 care and C eaning Air Gap l 1 Winter Storage 11 Probiem sober 13 15 More questions call M bhswerCenter 800 626 2000 PreparatEom FrontPanelChange l2 consumer s rviees l9 Model and Serial Numbers 2 RepairService 2 Warranty BackCover Mode GSD585 ...

Page 2: ...d pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersin any correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourdishwasher Toobtaina Spanishlanguage Paraobtenerla versi6nen versionofthisbook call Espaiiolde estemanual GEAnswerCenter Harnea 800 626 2000 GEAnswerCenter consumerinformationservice serviciode informaciih parael consumidor tel fono800 626 2000 mYou mED SERVICE e Toobtainservic...

Page 3: ...nottouchtheheatingelementduringor immediatelyafteruse Donotoperate yourdishwasherunlessall enclosure panelsare properlyin place e Do not a use sit on or stand on the door or dish rackofthe dishwasher Closesupervisionis necessaryif thisappliance is usedby or rmarchildren DOnot allowchildren toplayinside on or withthis applianceor any I discarded appliance Disposeofdiscarded appliances andshipping o...

Page 4: ...taway Toobtainthebenefitsofa completecycle becareful thatyoudo not turn the did any ft rtherthan WXY Mry to startthedishwasher A b o 0 ForLIGHTWASHcycle T UiMT WASH a Besuredoorisunlatched e b PushNORMAL WASH WAGHI 4G button PLATE WAIIMNI 0 IW g mT g omw c SlowlyturnCycle RINSE IIOLO IWW k j om Indicator DialtoLIGHT WASH position d Latchdoortostartthecycle ForRINSE HOLDcycle fl N Jj UGNT WASH a Be...

Page 5: ...satingTips eOperate dishwasher onlywhen it9sfull Letthedishesaccumulatein dishwasher Whenyouputin onlya partial load usetheRINSE HOLDcycleto rinseoffheavysoils Be sureto latchthedoorwhenwaitingfor afullload Thishelpskeepsoilsmoist easierto remove o If youdon t needyourdishesrightaway use your ENERGY SAVERno heat boost drying feature thatturnsthe dryingheateroff automatically Dishesdrynaturallyover...

Page 6: ...nt dispenser Yourdishwasher s rinseagentcontainerholds4 4 ounces Thisshouldlastabout3months Fillas needed Donotoverfill If youaccidentallyspill Wipeuptherinseagentwith a dampcloth Don tleavethespillinthedishwasher It cank epyourdetergent fromworking U youcan tfind any rinseagent write 13ENCKISER CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC JET DRY 411W PutnamAve Greenwich CT06830 How tochoose anduse the First useonlypow...

Page 7: ... None HalfFull None Completely None minimum Full RINSE HOLD I use no detergent I use no detergent I use no detergent 12 grainsandupis extremelyhardwater A watersoftenerisrecommended Withoutit lime FilledMainCupholds3 tablespoons canbuildupinthewatervalve Thewatervalvemaystickwhileopenandcauseflooding FilledOpenCupholds2 tablespoons Eh vtoPrepare theDishesfor washing If thisis yourfirstdishwasher o...

Page 8: ...hewashandrinseportionsof thecycle Don tblockit or loadtallthingsnextto it Also be carefulnotto let a portionof anitemsuch as a potor dishhandleextendthroughthebottom rack Thiscouldblockthe washarmandcausepoor washingresults HOWTOLOADTm TOPmcK The toprack is bestforglasses cupsand saucers Cups andglassesfit bestalongthesides Thisis the place for dishwasher safeplastics too Makesure smallplasticitem...

Page 9: ...nteroftherack sowateranddetergent fromwasharmcanreachsoiledsurfaces Putflatwareintheremovable basketwithhandlesupto protectyourhands Mixknives forksandspoonssothey don tnesttogether Distribute evenly Smallplasticitems suchasmeasuring spoonsandlidsfromsmallcontainers arenotrecommended forautomatic dishwashing If placedinthedishwasher theyshouldgointhebottomof silverware basketwithsilverware ontop P...

Page 10: ...ods canstainif lefton Rinseif notwashingimmediately Saltyoracidfoodscan Stainlesssteel YES YES Don tputinsamesilverware basketwithstainlesssteel Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Don twashcopperutensilsin thesameload Silvermaygeta brownfilm Adhesiveusedto attachsome hollow handle knivescanloosen SterlingSilver andSilverplate stainif lefton Dry etergentcancausedifficult to remove blackspots Plac...

Page 11: ...wfilterby disconnecting hoseto pump Reconnectafterdraining Cutoffelectricalpowertothe dishwasher Removefusesortrip circuitbreaker Turnoffthe watersupply Removetheplasticpumpcover inthetubbottomandusea spongeto soakup waterin therubberboot Disconnectthewaterinletline fromthe watervalve Drainwaterfromtheinletline andwatervalve Usea panto catchthe water Built in Dishwashers often use amAir lap KeepIt...

Page 12: ...olor Or youcanpainta panelwith thecolorofyourownchoice panelcanbereplacedby 1 4 thickwoodinsertsto matchyourkitchencabinets Getthemfromyour Howto changedoorpanelinsert nearestcabinetorlumberdealer 1 Takeouttrimscrewson eithersideof thedishwasher Dimensionsfor 1 4 woodinserts door Removethe sidetrim DoorPanel 19 4 H X 23XS W 2 Slideouttheinsertpanel LowerPanel 3 46 I Ix 23 6 w 3 Putthecoloryouwanti...

Page 13: ...wer thanusual If so waituntilpressureis normalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedairgap SeeCareandCleaningsection Improperrackioading SeeLoadingsection Watermaynotbe reachingthedetergentcups Movedishesthatmaybe blocking detergentcup Thedispensercovermaynotbe openingormaybe blockedby improperlyloaded items If youuseda powderdetergent openthe cup andremoveanycaked on detergent Hthe cupstilldoesn topen...

Page 14: ...tPQTSCRUBBER cycle 4 Startthedishwasherandallowtorunfor 18to 22minutes Thedishwasherwill nowbe in themainwash 5 Thenopenthe doorandpour2 cups 500ml of whitevinegarintothebottomof thedishwasher 6 Closethedoorandallowto completethecycle If vinegar rinsedoesn twork Repeatas above exceptuse 1 4cup 60ml of citric acidcrystalsinsteadof vinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours doesn t callG...

Page 15: ...ntsarenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAUTbMATIC DISHWASHER DE RGE S TOAVOIDSUDS NG TOremovesuds from the tub Openthedishwasher Letsudsevaporate Add 1gallon ofcoldwaterto thetub Closeandlatchthedishwasher Pumpoutwaterby slowly turningthecontroldialuntila drainperiodisreached Repeatif necessary DIS ASHER Sudscancauseunitto overflow That swhyit ssoimportantto usea detergentthat s LEAKS designedfor auto...

Page 16: ...xpires Pur chasea GEcontractwhileyourwar rantyisstillin effectandyou ll receive a substantial discount Witha multiple yearcontractyou re assuredoffiture serviceattoday s prices pwf l ea W mmc o a Individuals cpdified toservicetheir ownq iancescan haveneeded partsoraccessories sentdirectlyto theirhome TheGEpartssystempro videsaccesstoover4 7 000 parts and allGEGenuineRenewal Partsare fullywarranted...

Page 17: ... 2737 WHAT S NOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Fiead ymr Use and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation if you have an installation problem contact ...
