GE GSD 400Y Use And Care Manual Download Page 11

Summary of Contents for GSD 400Y

Page 1: ...Bdt tiModel GSD 400Y Ener saving tips p2 Howtooperate your dshwmher p4 Loaded right fishes get clemer p8 Whtis dshwmher sale p10 Save tiemd money Before you cm for Sewice use tie Problem Solver p12 _ _ TheGE AnswerCenteY8000626e2000 ...

Page 2: ... 626 2W0 consumer information service or write includeyourphone number ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 If you receiveda damaged dishwasher immediatelycontact the dealer or builder that sold you the dishwasher Save time and money before you cdl for service Checkthe ProblemSolver pages 12 14 It listsminorcausesof operatingproblemsthat you can correctyourself I...

Page 3: ...sothat theyare not likelyto damagethe door seal and B Load sharpkniveswiththe handlesup to reducea riskof cut typeinjuries Do not touchthe heating elementduringor immediately after use Do not operateyourdishwasher unlessallenclosurepanelsare properlyin place Do not tamperwithcontrols Do not abuse siton or stand on the door or dishrack of the dishwasher Closesupervisionisnecessary if thisappliancei...

Page 4: ... cycle HEATHI ENERGY DRYING SAVER HEATEDDRYING Turnsthe dryingheater on for fast drying ENERGYSAVER Turnsthe dryingheater off to saveenergy Dishesdry naturally overa longer period such as overnight If you need your dishessooner open the dishwasherdoor after the cycleis completeto reducethe dryingtime Useof this option reducesthe elec tricalenergyusedby thismodel approximately9V0for Normal Cycle Es...

Page 5: ...MAL WASH LIGHT WASH IRiNsEONLY Water Approx Use Wash Gallons Cycle Time approx Cycle Sequence in minutes ryingOptions HEATEDDRYING Add 30minutesto wash cycletime Availableon aI1wash cyc esexceptRINSEONLY ENERGY SAVER No Heat Dryingto saveenergy 5 You 11 hear occasionalclicking sounds Soft food disposershredding action Drainvalveopeningto pump waterout Timercontrol as cycle progresses Detergentcup ...

Page 6: ...ed Rinseagentscomein eitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher s dispenserusesthe solidform H you cm t find any rinseagent write ECONOMICSLABORATORY INC JET DRY OsbornBuilding St Paul Minnesota55102 H NVtod maw madI lse detergent First me only detergent specificallymade for use in dishwashers Othertypeswill cause Oversudsing Second deck the phosphate content Phosphatehelpsprevent hard waterinateria...

Page 7: ...omehard Disheswithdried on soilare moredifficultto washand mayrequireadditionalpreparation for goodresults Rememberto use yourRINSEONLYcyclefor small holding loads Note Thefoodsmentionedabove are for examplesonly Other foods not mentionedmayalsoneedto be removedfrom your dishes You mayalsowantto consider removingfoodssuchas mustard mayonnaise vinegar lemonjuice and otherfoodsthat can cause discolo...

Page 8: ...cycle Don t block tor load tall thingsnext to it Also be carefulnot to let portion of an itemextendthrough the bottom rack or the silverwarebasket suchas knives skewersor pot handles How tobad me TOP lRf4c K 17M5 top rack isbestfor glasses cupsand I sm wers Cupsand glassesfit bestalongthe sides Thisisthe placefor dishwasher safe plastics too Makesures all plasticitemsare lodgedin tightlyso theycan...

Page 9: ... lids from small containers are not recommended for automatic dishwaslling If placed in dishwasher they should go in bottom of silver basket with silverware on op Heavilysoiledpots pansandcasseroles MUSTbe loadedin thebottmnrack facingdown Propthe broilerpanandrackalongtheedge Shallow itemsmaybeangled providedthelowersidedews notshieldthesoiledsurfaceinsidefromthewa er 5 HH w Don tlet any itemexte...

Page 10: ...r stainingof dishwasher mayresult If it doesn tsay lS1 l AS R SAl testonepiece beforedishwashingan entireset Washin top rackonly Rinseif riotwashingimmediately Saltyor ac d foodscanstain if left on il Rinseif not washingimmediately Saltyor acid foodscan stain if left on Drydetergentcan cause difficult to removeblackspots Placein the back sectionof silverwarebasketto avoidbei gexposed to detergentf...

Page 11: ...uringthe wintermonths havea service techniciantakethe followingsteps to preventthemachinefrom freezing Removefusesor trip circuk breakersto removeelectric powerfrom the dishwasher Turnoff waterto dishwasher Disconnectthe waterinletline from thewatervalveand drain Removewatervalvefrom the dishwasherand blowon small plasticoutletto removewater Replacewatervalveand water line Removeplugin bottom of r...

Page 12: ... is causing utensils to rattle Make sure everything is securely placed in dishwasher Make sure inlet water temperature is correct See page 6 Unload the bottom rack first Water from dishes in the top rack maybe spilling into the bottom rack Check for improper loading Dishes shouldn t nest together Avoid overloading Check inlet water temperature It should beat least 120 F To test see page 6 To obtai...

Page 13: ...arying local water conditions and personal preferences try several brands of detergents to find one that gives the best results for you To remove stubborn spots and film from glassware 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remove all metal utensils from the dishwasher Do not add detergent Select NORMAL WASH cycle Start the dishwasher and allow to run for 15 to 20 minutes The dishwasher will now be in the main wash Then ope...

Page 14: ... clear the top of the tub when you push the rack into the dishwasher Always use the top rack for delicate items Water around the outlet on the tub bottom at the back of the tub is normal It is clean water It s thereto keep the water seal lubricated The Problem salver continued PROBLEM YELLOW OR BROWN FILM If the entire bottom of the tub has water you may have a drain problem Clean the air gap if y...

Page 15: contracts Fortrouble freeservicebeyond thewrittenwarrantyperiod a m r y If you prefer to budgetyour repairexpenditures Servicecontracts letyou paytoday spricesfor insteadof beingsurprisedby them GE offers _z _ servicea month a year or severalyearsfrom servicecontracts for varyinglengthsof timeon now And you llreceiveservicefrom GE all GE major appliances With a contract we ll 2t 2 z 4 trained ...

Page 16: ... or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERALELECTRICCOMPANY GENERALELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERALELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have o...
