Error Modes
Error Modes
If the thermistor is open, the display will alternate
If the thermistor is open, the display will alternate
between “E”
between “E” and “9”
and “9”. . If th
If the ther
e thermistor
mistor is shor
is shorted,
the display will alternate between “E”
the display will alternate between “E” and “8”.
and “8”.
If a key is
If a key is stuck for more than 30 seconds, the
stuck for more than 30 seconds, the
display will alternate between “E”
display will alternate between “E” and “7”.
and “7”.
If there is a thermistor error or a
If there is a thermistor error or a button is stuck for
button is stuck for
more than 30 seconds, the compressor and fan will
more than 30 seconds, the compressor and fan will
run continuously with the standard defrost cycle.
run continuously with the standard defrost cycle.
There is no capability in the control to store error
There is no capability in the control to store error