GE EWA5600G3WW Owner'S Manual Download Page 6

Summary of Contents for EWA5600G3WW

Page 1: ... 7 Control Panel 4 Control Settings a 5 Features 6 7 Loading and Using the Washer 7 Troubleshooting Tips 8 10 Consumer Support Consumer Support 12 Warrantu 11 Write the model and serial numbers here Model Serial You can find them under the lid of the washer 175D1807P619 49 90551 2 12 08 JR ...

Page 2: not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process PROPER INSTALLATION This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet _lOUcan receive one b_l visiting ge com or bg calling 800 GECARES 800 432 27 37 Install or store where it will not be exposed to m Proper...

Page 3: ...f electric shock unplug this appliance from the power supply or disconnect the washer at the building s distribution panel by removing the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker before attempting any maintenance or cleaning NOTE Turningthe CgcleSelectorKnob to an off position or pressing PAUSE does NOTdisconnect the app iance from the power supplg Neverattempt to operate this appliance if it is...

Page 4: ...tfor most Ioods ond generol woshing gou mog wont to monuollg select the Iood sizefor specioltg items such os bulkg lightweight comforters or pillows where gou wont to ensure o Iorger woter level is opplied Monuol Iood sizeselections should be mode for wet items ploced in the wosher such os sooked towels or gorments The wosher will not fill with woter when outomotic Iood sensing is selected if the ...

Page 5: ... process The knob can be turned in either direction Turning the Cycle Selector knob after starting a cycle will stop the washer and resetthe cycle to the new selection PressSTART to begin the new cycle selection The chart below will help you match the wash cycle setting with your clothing COTTONS PREWASH CASUALS EASY CARE DELICATES HAND WASH SPEED WASH DRAIN SPIN TOWELS SHEETS JEANS QUICK RINSE Fo...

Page 6: ... TurningTabs Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser onsome models The Fabric Softener Dispenseris self cleaning This dispenserdoes not require regular cleaning like standard fabric softener dispensers Wipe down exterior surfaces of the dispenser as needed If cleaning of the internal dispenser components is needed follow these steps after the wash cycle iscomplete E Liftthe dispenser top tab and tu...

Page 7: ...e systems HEdetergents reduce the oversudsing problems commonly associated with regular detergents __ the Washer _T _r _ Loaddry itemsloosely no higher t_an the top d _ x 2 row of holes inthe washer basket For best results v load items evenly and loosely around the outside of the basket To add items after washer has started lift the lid and submerge additional items around the outside of the baske...

Page 8: ...essure Tighten hoses at the faucets and turn the water off after to the fill hoses at the each use water source Check condition of the fill hoses they should be replaced every 5 years Water temperature Cooler water temperatures New laundry detergents have been formulated to work seems incorrect provide improved energy with cooler water temperatures without affecting wash effidencg performance Cont...

Page 9: ...t use of fabric Checkfabric softener package for instructions and follow softener directions for using dispenser Make sure gou hove selected the FabricSoftener option Pretreat stain and rewash Dge transfer Sort whites or lightly colored items from dark colors Grayed orgellowed Detergent amount Besure to follow detergent manufacturer s directions clothes Hard water Useo water conditioner like Colgo...

Page 10: ...s sound is the motor rotating back and forth to clean during agitate your laundry Quick short agitation Clothing redistribution At the end of agitate the motor makes short agitation strokes sounds at endof agitate to redistribute the load Click when water Relay switch The relay makes a click sound when activated The water stops filling level activates the relay and stops filling Clicking behind Co...

Page 11: ... workmanship During this product lifetime limited warrants Souwill be responsiblefor ang labor or related service costs What Is Not Covered Service trips to gout home to teach you how to use the product Improper installation delivery or maintenance Failure of the product if it is abused misused or used for other than the intended purpose or used commemiallg Replacement of house fuses or resetting ...

Page 12: ... is still in effect You can purchase it on line anytime or call 800 626 222 4during normal business hours GEConsumer Home Serviceswill still be there after your warranty expires ge corrl Parts and Accessories ge corrl Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessoriessent directly to their homes VISA HasterCard and Discovercards are accepted Orderon line today 2 4h...

Page 13: ...7 Cuidado y Iimpieza de la lavadora 7 Funciones 6 7 Panel de control 4 Consejos para la soluci6n de problemas s lo Soporte al consumidor Garantia ii Soportealconsumidor 12 Escriba el modelo y los n6meros de serie aqui No de modelo No de serie Puede encontrarlos bajo la puerta de la lavadora 175D1807P619 49 90351 2 12 08 JR ...

Page 14: ...acumulado Debido a que el gas es inflamable no fume ni utilice ninguna llama o electrodom_stico durante el proceso INSTALACION CORRECTA Lo lavadora se debe instalar y colocar correctamente de acuerdo con los instrucciones de insto ociOn antes de utilizor o Si no recibi6 la hoja con instrucciones de instalaci6n puede obtener una visitando ge com o Ilamando a1800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 Instaleo almac...

Page 15: ...e el electrodom sticode la corriente o desconecte la lavadora en el panel de distribuci6n de la vivienda quitando el fusible o apagando el interruptor antes de realizar cualquier tarea de mantenimiento o limpieza NOTA El llevar la perilla selectora de cicloa la posid6n OFFu oprimir PAUSE NO desconecta el electmdomdstico de la alimentad6n No intente en ningOncaso utilizar la lavadora si est6 danada...

Page 16: ...sos y livionos donde se quiere gorontizor Io oplicoci6n de un nivel moyor de oguo Losselecciones monuoles detomoflo de corgo deben reolizorse poro elementos hOmedoscolocodos en Io Iovodoro toles como toollos o prendos mojodos LoIovodoro no seIlenor6 deoguo cuondo se elijo IofunciGndecorgo outomGticoconsensor si Iotopo se encuentro obierto CuondosecierreIotopo Io mGquinopodr6 comenzoro Ilenorsedeog...

Page 17: ...VADO CASUALS EASY CARE CUIDADOF_ CIL Paraprendas ropa decama detrabajo g dejuego de algod6n mug o medianamente sucias Esteciclobrinda lamejorlimpiezageneralgse deberiausarconla magoriadelositemstodos losdias Brindaungirodealtavelocidad Paraeliminar la suciedad superficial de prendas mug sucias AsegOresede seguir con un ciclo de lavado regular Para prendas sin arrugas g con planchado permanente g r...

Page 18: ...e de telas se limpia autom6ticamente Estedosificador no requiere de una limpieza regular como es el caso de los dosificadores est6ndar de suavizante de telas Limpie con un patio los superficies exteriores del dosificador segOnsea necesario Sise necesita la limpieza de los componentes internos del dosificador siga estos pasos despu s de finalizado el ciclo de lavado D Levantela lenqOetade la porte ...

Page 19: ...n poca agua Losdetergentes HEreducen los problemas de espuma excesiva comOnmente asociados con los detergentes comunes Carga delalavadora Carguela ropasecasinapretarlani superarlahilera superiordeorificiosdeltambordela lavadora Para mejoresresultados carguelasprendasenforma uniforme g sinapretarlasalrededor delaparte exteriordeltambor Paraagregarprendasdespu s dequelalavadora hacomenzadoa funciona...

Page 20: ... de agua Verifique la condici6n de los mangueras de Ilenado se deben reemplazar coda 5 aBos La temperature del ague Temperaturas m6s frias Se hanformulado nuevos detergentes paracolada que parece incorrecta del ague proporcionan trabajan con temperaturas m6s fries delagua sin afectar magor eficiencia energ6tica el rendimiento del luvudo Elcontrol no est6 conflgurado Verifique el control de lu temp...

Page 21: ...ltejido Lealasinstrucciones enelenvasedelsuavizante g siga suavizante lasrecomendaciones paraelusodeldosificador Verifiquequehagaseleccionado la opci6ndesuavizante Tratelasmanchaspreviamente g vuelvaa lavarlasprendas Transferenciadecolores Separe lasprendasblancaso decoloresdaros de lasdecoloresoscuros Prendasgriseso Cantidadde detergente AsegOrese deseguirlasinstrucciones delfabricantedeldetergen...

Page 22: ...gero clic la direcci6n engranajes Este es el sonido que hace el motor al rotar durante el agitaci6n hacia atr6s para limpiar la lavado Sonida de agitaci6n carte Redistribuci6n de la rope AIfinal de la agitaci6n el motor hace golpes de agitaci6n al final dela agitaci6n cortes pare distribuir la carga Hace un chasquido cuando Rel6 Elrel6 hace un chasquido cuando se active Elnivel de ague el ague dej...

Page 23: del producto usted ser i responsable de cuGIquier gasto de mona de obra o costos relacionGdoscon el servicio Lo que no est5 cubierto Viejes del personal de servicio a su case peru ensefierle cGmo user su producto Dafios al producto causados par accidentes incendios inundaciones o actos de la naturaleza Instalaci6n entrega o mantenimiento inapropiada Fallas del producto si es maltratado real usa...

Page 24: ...arla en Ifneaen cualquier momenta o Ilamar al 800 626 2224durante horas normales de oficina GEConsumer Home Servicesestar6 a0n ah cuando su garantfa termine Piezas g accesorios ge com Aquellos individuos con la calificaci6n necesaria para reparar sus propios electrodom6sticos pueden pedir que se lesmanden las piezaso accesorios directamente a sus hogares aceptamos las tarjetas VISA MasterCard g Di...
