Ignitor Circuit Operation
The glo-bar ignitor circuit is made up of the following components: a gas valve with safety and main valves,
ignitor, and a fl ame detector. The safety valve is actuated by a double coil that comprises a safety coil
(resistance approximately 1350 ohms) and a booster coil (resistance approximately 550 ohms). Both coils
are needed to open the safety valve. Once energized, the safety coil alone will hold the valve open. The main
valve has a single coil (resistance approximately 1300 ohms).
The fl ame detector (< 1 ohm) is mounted on the combustion chamber. It is normally in the closed position
(N.C.). The fl ame detector is opened by the radiant heat produced by the glo-bar and once open, the fl ame
detector will be held open by the radiant heat produced by the gas fl ame.
When the control system calls for heat, the following circuits are energized:
1. N- through detector, ignitor, outlet control backup, inlet safety thermostats to L1
2. N- through detector, booster coil, outlet control backup, inlet safety thermostats to L1
3. N- through safety coil and outlet control backup, inlet safety thermostats to L1
When the glo-bar is heating, the booster and safety coils are both energized and will open the safety valve.
The main valve is closed as its coil is bypassed by the N.C. fl ame detector. When the glo-bar reaches ignition
temperature, in approximately 60 seconds or less, the fl ame detector is heated and opens, which places the
main coil in series with the glo-bar. The main valve opens, allowing gas to fl ow into the combustion chamber
and ignite. The main coil, now in series with the glo-bar, causes the glo-bar to cool down. However, the fl ame
detector is held open by the radiant heat from the gas fl ame. The booster coil is now also in series with the
main coil and is essentially inoperative. Should a momentary power failure occur, the gas valve will shut
off and an attempt to restart will not occur until the fl ame detector cools and resets, in approximately 30
Ignitor On
Gas Valve Open
Valves Closed
Valves Open