Page 1: ...e use and care of Carry cool models NTP04 NTP05 Energy saving tips p2 operating thecontrols p4 Mr diredion p5 Howtoclean theair filter p5 Questions use the Problem solver p6 ...
Page 2: ...scracksor abrasiondamage alongitslengthor ateitherthe plugor connectorend You ll findthemona labelonthe frameoftheairconditioner behind theair filter Keeptheair filterclean See instructionsonpage5 Don tlet theroomgettoo hot Wheneverpossible turnthe nitonbeforetheroomheatsup Whenheatis storedup inwalls fimiture rugsanddraperies your air conditionertakeslongerto producethedesiredcomfort condition Th...
Page 3: ...TTED IN CANADA R ALIGN LARGE PRONGS SLOTS Iml 1 ON I Fig 2 BEFOREIJSI Thelargerslotintheadaptermust bealignedwiththelargerslotin thewalloutlettoprovideproper polarityintheconnectionofthe powercord CAmON Attaching anadapter groundterminaltowalloutletcover screwdoesnotgroundappliance unlesscoverscrewis metal and notinsulated andwalloutletis groundedthroughhousewiring You shouldhavecircuitcheckedbya ...
Page 4: ...ooling HI COOL permitscoolingwith highfanspeedoperation LOCOOL permitscoolingwith lowfanspeedoperation Temperature control WhenyouturntheTemperature Controltothedesiredsetting the thermostat willautomatically control thetemperature oftheindoorair Thehigherthenumberselected the coolertheindoorairwillbe For normal cooling 1 SetSelectorSwitchatHICOOL 2 SetTemperatureControlat desirednumber usually th...
Page 5: ...oughthetopandsidelouvers w OUTDOORVIEW UseI Maintenance Instruction cleaning your LlirConditioner rn air conditioner off and Air Filter remove plug from wall recepbcle beforecleaning Thefoamair filterbehindthe inletgrilleshouldbe washedat rilles Cabinet leastevery30daysor asofienas itneedscleaning Wipegrilleswitha cleancloth v lightly dampened withmildliquid dishwashingdetergent Wash cabinetwithmi...
Page 6: ...nedon Allowtiine forittocooldown eColdairmaybeescaping t ro gh open furnace floor registersandcoldairreturns CoolingCoi s haveicedup on model T 059 set the Fanathighspeedandthe Temperature Controltoalowernumber OnmodelNT P04 settheTemperature Control atFAN hermo tclick ame l ic o nd maybeheardwhencompressorcyclesOn andoff I Thisisnormal Fanmns continuous y whenairconditionerison Thisisnorma Excess...
Page 7: ...ntactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased IrImost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 Pub Plo 9 7...
Page 8: 1 Toavoid any charges you must take the room air conditioner to a I General Electric Factory Service Center or a General Electric Customer Care servicer and pick it up following service In home service is also available but you must payfor the service technician s travel costs to your home This warranty is extendedto the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for use...