Page 1: ...tars IndustrialSystems Profibus DP ...
Page 2: ... the purch aser s purpose the matter shouldbe referred to GEMotors Industrial Systems f Thisdocument containsproprietary information of GenFralElectric Company USAand is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation testing operation and or maintenanceof the equipment described Thisdocumentshallnot bereproducedin whole or inpart nor shallits contentsbe disclosedto an...
Page 5: ...e time of the central unit the Baud Rates for the GE Profibus DP interface card are from 9 6 kbit s to 12 kbit s according to Profibus DP standard part 3 The total cycle time dependson the number of Slavesconnected the 1 5 Mbit s Baud Rate allows 8 GE drives to be polled in 6 milliseconds The realtionship betiveen polling cycle time and the number of drives in the network is propotional to the num...
Page 6: ...Profibus DP Bus 2 I fuwE s10Ivs WEIGHTDEGREE 0 WITECTION A 157mm Dimensions Weight Degree of protection HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ...
Page 7: ... physical card in network shall have such resistancesconnected in casethe connector in use should not contain terminating resistancesitself ON connected OFF disconnected 5 The Sl dip switch determines the Slave address The addresses 0 and 1 are reservedto the Mast andcannotbeused The switch Sl 8 is not significant for the addressand must always be set to OFF The addressis only detected when the ca...
Page 8: ... OPZ signalto the INTl signal S5 A or to the INT2 signal S5 B At the moment only the setting default setting of the interface card as Option 1 is allowed therefore INT_OPZ is connectedto the WI 1 signal default position A It is usedto connect the OUT OPZ signal to the OUT1 S6 A or OUT2 S6 B signal Default position A It is usedto connect the CEM OPZ signal to the OPZl S7 A or OPZ2 S7 B signal The d...
Page 9: ... eachother always keeping connectors to the Profibus DP line directed downwards For the mechanical connection pleaseuse the kit supplied with the card For the electrical connection pleaseuse a 40 pin flat cable also supplied For the connection to the Bus pleaseuse a shielded duplex cable The pinout of the Bus connectors are the following N C 5v 100 ohm to OV N C 7 N C N C S ov Figure 2 8 1 Bus CY ...
Page 10: ...ingle cardsis implemented by a shieldedcable asshown in the following diagrams 6KCV300PDPBl 6KCV300PDPBl 6KCV300PDPBl 6KCV300PDPBl 6KCV300PDPBl Figure 2 8 2 Two Drive Network L Gnd PE Figure 2 8 3 A u tiple Drive Network c HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ...
Page 11: ...he parameter value in caseof reading it hasno meaning 2 Subindex Type Word PDC 3 Index 4 Control byte It contains the parameter subindex if any If the parameter has no subindexes it has to be setto 0 For parametersfaith subindex this hasto be setfrom 1to the max number of parameter elements the value 0 is not acceptedandrejected It is not possible to read the whole object but only its single eleme...
Page 12: No request communications Drive parameter reading Drive parameter writing DGFC option parameter reading DGFC option parameter writing Meaning Service carrier out without Errors Error occurred The status bit is only used by the Slave therefore it has a meaning only during the transmission from Slave to Master in the transmisson from Master to Slave it has always to be set to 0 BYTE ASSIGNMENT F...
Page 13: ...ster indicates the Slave that the data for the requested service are ready The Slaverespondsto the Master in the sameway by causingaHandshakeBit transition both positive or negative Consequently the Master is able to send a service on the Bus only if its Handshake Bit is equal to the one received by the Slave During the initialization andin casethe Master doesnot receivethe Slaveresponsewithin a T...
Page 14: ... the data written in Profibus DP by the Slave are referred to asinput data Process Data Drive parameters Process Data tInput data descriptor Channel Control Output data descriptor Process Daja Drive paraqneters The Slave parameters are cyclically read by the Master by assigning drive parameters to the PDC input data descriptor communication object The Master cyclically transmits drive parametersto...
Page 15: ...DC input data descriptor communication object input data for the Master sets the drive parameters assignedto the ProcessData Channel Words The PDC output data descriptor communication object output data for the Master sets the ProcessData Channel Word assignedto the drive parameters The drive parameters assignment to the ProcessData Channel Words is carried out by means of the index and the subind...
Page 16: ...n orderto obtainthenumber of theparameterto be assigned via fieldbus Output data descriptor of the ProcessData Channel I I WORD0 I WORD2 I 202Ah 8234 dec 202Ch 8236 dec 00 J 1 Word PDC I 2 Word PDC 3 Word PDC t 4 Word PDC Speedref 1 Ramp ref 1 421 441 NOTE Example referred to DV 300 or AN 300 drives Parameters with index 0000 mean that the Word is not assignedto any drive parameter PROCESS DATA CH...
Page 17: ...0000 1 Not used 1 Subindex 00 2 Index of the drive parameter B 2 16 Bits 2 Subindexof the drive parameter B 2 3 Not used 3 Index 0000 3 Not used 3 Subindex 00 4 1 EXAMPLEOFPDCCONFIGURATION DATAFRAMESETTING Example No 1 The Ramp Ref 1 parameter of the GE DV 300 drive must be assignedto the Word No 1of the PDC output data Being such parameter an Unsigned 16 it has a 16 Bit width and can be therefore...
Page 18: ...refore assignedto aProcessData Channel The required numerical information is 1 Index of the PDC input data configuration parameter 6000h 2 Word Number involved 2 3 Actual speed parameter index of the DV 300 drive 207Ah 4 Actual speed parameter subindex of the DV 390 drive Oh xx OOh 60h 02h 7Ah 20h OOh XX I I L No meaning Subindex of drive parameter to be assigned to PDC Index of drive parameter to...
Page 19: ...3 Unsigned16 Unsigned8 Unsigned16 Unsigned8 Unsigned16 Unsigned8 Unsigned16 Unsigned8 4 3 PDCOUTPUTDATADESCRIPTOR This communication object contains the information fok the assignment of the drive parameters to the PDC Master output data In case of conflict between index and subindex the assignment is not carried out and an error messageis generated Description of the PDC output data descriptor co...
Page 20: ...e Profibus DP interfacecard The alarm handling carried out by the drive dependson the drive itself and how the alarms are configured In casethe Master is switched off before the Slave the Bus Loss alarm occurs the drive may handle this event by avoiding to store the alarm in order not to appearwhen the drive will be switched on The communication between Master andSlave canonly be carried out if th...
Page 21: DP interface card sendsthe updated drive statusto the Master by means of adiagnostic message please refer to Draft Standard DIN 19245 Part 3 sect 8 3 1 The information are contained in the User Specific Diagnostic Data field of the diagnostic message This field is madeup of threeBytes The first containsthe User SpecificDiagnostic Data Lenght in bytes andis set to three The secondandthethird con...
Page 22: ...02H 0003H 0004H 0005H 0006H 0007H OOOFH OOlOH OOllH 0012H 0013H 0014H 0015H 0016H 0017H Unknown Command Read only Parameter Write not allowed Value out of constant limits State not correct Password Type Unknown 0018H 0019H OOlAH OOlBH OOlCH OOlDH OOlEH Hardware Fail Checksum Fail Reserved Reserved I NOK generic User defined 0030H 0031H OOlFH 007CH 0082H OOFCH OOFFH OlOOH FFFFH Explanation Paramete...
Page 23: but not allowed The addressedparameter cannot be accessedfor sistem configuration conflict for example the order try to connect an input source to a pa rameter that is already connected to an input source Command hasbeensubmitted but is not possible to know if it hasbeen exucuted I The command in the order messageis not known The parameter hasread only attribute Write operation is not allowed f...
Page 24: ...gned Int This array is used to configure the virtual digital input and shall therefore be written before using these inputs It contains the drive parameter index assignedto the input These inputs are then written through the parameter 5EFEh type Unsigned Int where the single Bit status indicates the command to be sent to the virtual digital input Such command hasbeen previously assignedby means of...
Page 25: ...Setup Dialog 3 grid setup 27 Figure 5 8 4 1 Stamp Variables Dialog 28 Figure 6 2 1 Variable Editor Dialog 30 Figure 6 3 1 Logical Variable Editor Dialog 31 Figure 7 1 1 1 New Compound Block 33 Figure 7 1 2 1 Open Compound Dialog 33 Figure 7 1 3 1 Rename Compound Dialog 34 Figure 7 4 1 Copy Compound Dialog 35 Figure 7 5 1 Delete Compound Dialog 35 Figure 7 7 1 1 Export Compound Dialog 36 Figure 7 7...
Page 26: ...guration array Example The 0 element of the 5EFDh parameter array coctains the 215Ah parameter index referred to the DV 300 drive which means Ramp The operation is the following after configuring the 0 element of the 5EFDh parameter with the 215Ah parameter index the Ramp status of the DV 300 drive is read through the Bit 0 of the 5EFFh parameter 8 2 1 Virtual digital output descriptors The 5EFDh ...
Page 27: ...he channel No 0 of the virtual digital input such parameter has the index 2159h The initial conditions are the following 1 Parameter index of virtual digital input configuration SEFCh 2 Virtual digital input channel to be configured 2 3 DV 300 drive parameter index corresponding to Rarhp in 0 215921 PCh 5Eh 02h 59h 21 xx xx I I I I I1 I No meaning I Drive parameter indexto be assigned to thedigita...
Page 28: ...are the following 1 Parameter index of virtual digital output configufation 5EFDh 2 Virtual digital output channel to be configured 0 3 DV 300 drive parameter index corresponding to Ramp 215Ah FDh 5Eh OOh 5Ah 21h XX XX 1 Digital outputchannel involved in theoperation Parameter indexof digital outputconfiguration ControlByte SeePar 3 1 L 1 L eter indexto be 1 assigned to thedigitalOutput ...
Page 29: ...ave Drive or Input Output modules without rights to accessthe Bus ProcessData Channel Channel for the fast cyclic and high priority data transfer of parameters previously configured Configuration Channel Channel for the non cyclicand low priority data transfer used for instance for the drive configuration GLOSSARY ...
Page 30: ...onfiguration data consist of 2 Bytes made up asfollows BYTE 1 2 VALUE decimal hexadecimal 183 B7 183 B7 PDP045 For the meaning of thesebytes pleaserefer to the paragraph 8 3 5 of the Draft Standard PROFIBUS DP DIN 19245 Part 3 manual 10 3 DATATYPEDISKETTE This diskette contains the type files suitable for the Profibus DP network configurator The files contained in the TYPEFILE directory have to be...
Page 31: ...Profibus DP Bus 11 ABBREVIATIONS PDC Process Data Channel DP Decentralized Peripherals 4 ABBRkVIATIONS ...
Page 32: ... DIN 19245Part3 Issue 1994 by Profibus Nutzerorganisation e V Manual for Drivecom profile 21 Power Transmission Order number DRI 21 E DGFC option manuals AV 300 DV 300 DRIPRO Profibus DP FMS mit DRIVECOM Profilen Dokxmentation Ver 1 1 Issue By IAM Proj Nr 045442015 ...