Should your equipment cause trouble on your line which may harm the telephone network,
the telephone company, where practicable, may notify you that temporary discontinuance of
service may be required. Where prior notice is not practicable and the circumstances warrant
such action, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue service immediately.
The telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities, equipment,
operations or procedures where such action is required in the operation of its business. If
these changes are expected to affect the use or performance of your telephone equipment,
the telephone company will likely give you adequate notice to allow you to maintain
uninterrupted service.
Notice must be given to the telephone company upon termination of your telephone from
your line.
On the bottom of this equipment is a label indicating, among other information, the FCC
Registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the equipment. You must,
upon request, provide this information to your telephone company.
The REN is useful in determining the number of devices you may connect to your telephone
line and still have all of these devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most
(but not all) areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not
exceed 5. To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line as determined
by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company.