GE 164D2966P122 Use And Care Manual Download Page 23

Summary of Contents for 164D2966P122

Page 1: ... 9 10 Timed Baking 12 13 Vent 9 Power Outage i mo 7 Self CleaningInstructions l 9 22 Problem Soiver 26 Thermostat Adjustment Do It Yourself 14 More questions call GEAnswar Center 800 626 2000 CareandCleaning 22 25 BroilerPan and Rack 23 Lift OffOven Door 24 PorcelainOven interior 25 Self CleaningInstructions 19 22 Shelves O 23 Consumer Services 27 Appliance Registration 2 Important Phone Numbers 2...

Page 2: ...door Thesenumbersarealsoon theConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistrationCardthatcamewithyour oven Beforesendinginthiscard pleasewritethese numbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersin anycorrespondence or service callsconcerningyouroven Savetimeand money Beforeyourequestservice ChecktheProblemSolverin thebackof thisguide It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself IFYOUN...

Page 3: ...rsonalinjury CAUTION ITEMSOFINTERESTTO CHILDRENSHOULDNOTBESTOREDIN CABINETSABOVEANOVEN CHILDREN CL BING ONTHEOVENTOREACH ITEMSCOULDBESERIOUSLY INJUMD 4Donot store flammablematerialsin an oven Teachchddrennot to playwiththe controls oranyotherpartoftheoven cAlways keep combustible wall coverings curtains or drapes a safe distance from your oven Never wear loose fitting or hanging garments while usi...

Page 4: ... the shelfto the shelf stopisa convenience in Iifting heavy foods It is alsoa precaution againstburnsfromtouchingthehot surfacesofthedoorortheovenwalls When using cooking or roasting bags in the oven followthemanufacturer s directions Do not use your oven to dry newspapers Ifoverheated theycancatchfire Donot leave paper products cooking utensils or foodin the ovenwhennot in use Donot use oven for ...

Page 5: ...n ShelfSuppo Shelfpositionsforcookingare suggestedin theBaking Roasting andBroilingsections 8 Oven Shelveswith Stop Locks 9 9 10 23 H m r m IIf I JKP13 JKP14 JKP15 JRP14 JRP15 Explained Feature Index on page 9 Bake Element 4 22 Maybe liftedgentlyfor wiping ovenfloor 10 Lift Off Oven Door 3 4 17 with Broil Stop Position 19 24 Easilyremovedforovencleaning 11 Broiler Pan and Rack 4 17 23 Donotcleanin...

Page 6: ...okingor cleaningstatus 4 INCREASE Shorttapsto thispadincreasethe timeor temperatureby smallamounts Pressand holdthepadto increasethe timeor temperatureby largeramounts 5 BAKE Pressthispadto selectthebakefunction 6 COOK TIME PressthispadforTimedBake operations 7 STOP TIME Usethispadalongwiththe COOKTIMEor AUTOSELFCLEANpadto set theovento stopautomaticallyat a timeyouselect 10 AUTO SELF CLEAN Presst...

Page 7: ...theTIMERON OFFpaduntilthe DECREASEpaduntildesiredtimeis reached word TIMER disappearsfromthedisplay If TIMER is not displayed presstheTIMER ON OFFpadfirst thenfollowtheinstructions above to setthetimer End ofCycleTone DisplayMessages Theendof cycletoneis a seriesof threebeeps If door appears in the display LOCKflashes followedby onebeepeverysix seconds If youwould andthe ovencontrolsignals yousett...

Page 8: ...formatjoqandtipsthatfollow few timesyouturnyourovenon Thisis normalin a 4 Keepthisguidehaqd SD yPUcpnreferto it newovenandwilldisappearin a shorttime Tospeed especiallyduringthefirstweeksof usingyour theprocess seta self cleancyclefora minimumof newoven 3 hours SeetheOperatingthe Self CleaningOven section Bothlightscomeon w n the up r ovendooris openedor whenthecofl rol pmel lightswitchis turnedon...

Page 9: ...wardtherearof theoven Tiltup thefrontand Bump II I 1 1 pushthe shelftowardthe backof the ovenuntilit goespastthebumpon the shelfsupport Thenlower thefrontof theshelfandpushit allthe wayback ShelfPositions Theovenhasfourshelfsupportsidentifiedin this illustrationas A bottom B C andD top Shelfpositionsforcookingaresuggestedin the Baking RoastingandBroilingsections AutomaticOvenShut Off OvenVent As a...

Page 10: ...the oventemperature during BAKE cycle presstheBAKEpadandthentheINCREASE or DECREASEpadto getthenewtemperature OvensControlledwithKnobs onsomemodels OVEN TEMP OVEN SET Toavoidpossibleburns placeshelvesin thecorrect positionbeforeyouturntheovenon TheLOWEROVENCONTROLknobsare located on theleft sideof thecontrolpanel Thelowerovencanbe usedwhiletheupperovenis on Thelowerovenhasa standardporcelainfinish...

Page 11: thefront or to thebackof theoven Pansshouldnottoucheachotheror thewallsof the oven Allow1 to 1k inch spacebetweenpansas well as fromthebackof theoven thedoorandthe sides If youneedto usetwo shelves staggerthepansso oneis notdirectlyabovetheother BakingGuides E Whenusingpreparedbakingmixes followpackagerecipeor instructions g for thebestbakingresults I Cookies Whenbakingcookies flatcookiesheets ...

Page 12: ...foreyoutu theovenon and 100 willbe displayed TheCookTimewill Theovenwillturnon immedhiblyandcookfor a beginto countdown As theovenheatsup the selectedlengthof time At theend of CookTime displaywillshowthechangingtemperature theovenwillturnoffautomatically Whentheovenreachesthetemperatureyouset 1 PresstheCOOKTIMEpad a tonewillsound Theovenwillcontinueto cook y K NOTE If yourrecipereqpires for thepr...

Page 13: ...topTime appearsin thedisplay c1 5 Pressthe BAKEpad BAKE A A 6 PresstheINCREASEor DECREASEpaduntilthedesired temperatureis displayed V Theovenwillturnon automatically The e word ON and 100 willbedisplayed TheCookTimewillbegintocountdown Astheovenheatsup thedisplaywillshow thechangingtemperature Theovenwill continueto cookfortheprogrammed timeandshutoffautomatically AttheendofTimedBake thedisplay wi...

Page 14: ...5 F hotteror 35 F cooler Usethe INCREASEor DECREASEpadto selectthedesiredchangein thedisplay Whenyouhavemadetheadjustment pressthe CLEAWOFFpadto go backto thetimeof day display Useyourovenas youwouldnormally holdthe BAKEpadforaboutfourseconds The NOTE Thisadjustmentwillnotaffectthe broiling displaywillchangeto theovenadjustmentdisplay or self cleaningtemperatures It willbe retainedin memoryaftera ...

Page 15: ...ngis necessary 2 Checktheweightof the meat Placeit fat side up orfor poultry breast side up on roastingrackin a shallowpan The I meltingfat willbaste the meat Selecta pan as closeto the size of the meatas possible Thebroilerpanwithrackis a goodpanforthis n 3 Pressthe BAKEpad BAKE A A 4 Pressthe INCREASEor DECREASE o paduntilthedesiredtemperatureis displayed Theovenwillstartautomatically Theword ON...

Page 16: ...ftendoesnotcookevenly poundadditionaltime 10minutesper poundfor Somecommercialfrozenpoultrycanbe cooked roastsunder5 pounds moretimeforlargerroasts successfullywithoutthawing Followthe directions givenon thepackagelabel Oven Type Temperature Meat Tender cuts rib highquality 325 sirloin tip rumportopround Lamblegorbone in shoulder 325 Vealshoulder legorloin I 325 Porkloin riborshoulder 325 Ham prec...

Page 17: ...L padthenpresstheDECREASE padonce itjust liketherack 3 Whenbroilingis finished pressthe CLEAR OFF Withoutthe slits thefoilwillpreventfat andmeat pad Servethe foodimmediately andleavethe juicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpan Thejuices panoutsidetheovento coolduringthemealfor couldbecomehotenoughto catchon fire If youdo easiestcleaning notcutthe slits youaref ing notbroiling Questionsand Answers Q Why ...

Page 18: ...ices 1lb 4patties 1 2to3 4inchthick Spaceevenly Upto8patties takeaboutsametime Ground Beef WellDone c 10 7 BeefSteaks c c c 6 5 8 6 12 11 Steakslessthan 1 inchthickcook through beforebrowning Pan fryingisrecommended Slashfat Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium 1inchthick 1to 1Xlbs c 10 7 8 14 16 20 25 A 35 10 15 1Xinchthick 2to2 lbs WellDone Chicken Reduce timeabout 5to10minutes per sideforcut up chi...

Page 19: ...andhot wateror a soap filledsteelwoolpad Rinsewell witha vinegarandwatersolution Thiswillhelp preventa brownresiduefromformingwhenthe ovenis heated Bufftheseareaswitha drycloth Do notcleanthegasket Do notuseabrasivesor ovencleaners Clean theoutsidefrontof theovendoorwithsoapand water Alsousesoapandwaterto cleanunderthe ovenventgrille Makesurethe ovenlightbulbcoveris in place Do notrubor cleanthe d...

Page 20: ...lnot bepossibletoopentheovendooruntilthetemperature dropsbelowthelocktemperature andtheLOCKlight goesoff 4 WhentheLOCKlightis off openthedoor NOTE c1 Youcanfindout whenthe cleancycle T willbe finishedby pressingthe STOP A TIMEpad Q Theword door willbedisplayed theword LOCK willflashandovencontrolwillsignalif you setthecleancycleandforgettoclosetheovendoor A 3 Pressthe INCREASEor A fanmayautomatica...

Page 21: ...hedoor presstheAUTO AUTO SELF CLEAN SELFCLEANpad A A 3 Pressthe INCREASEor DECREASE Q padto entertheCleanTime V 4 Pressthe STOPTIMEpad STOP y TIME andtheearliestStopTimeyou A can setwillappearin thedisplay TheearliestStopTimewillbe the CleanTime selectedplusth timeofday For example If the CleanTimeis threehoursandthetimeof dayis 6 00 the StopTimethatappearsin thedisplaywillbe 9 00 A 5 Pressthe INC...

Page 22: ... wipeoutexcessivesoil mightalsocausea strongodorwhencleaning Q What causesthe hair like lineson the enameled surface of my oven A Thisis a normalcondition resultingfrom heatingandcoolingduringcleaning Theselines do notaffecthowyourovenperforms Q Why do I have ash left in my ovenafter cleaning A Sometypesof soilwillleavea depositwhichis ash It canbe removedwitha dampspongeor cloth Q My ovenshelvesd...

Page 23: ...shwasher Do notcleanthebroilerpanor rackin the self cleaningoven Do not storea soiledbroilerpan andrackanywhere in the oven OvenLight BulbReplacement CAUTION Beforereplacing yourovenlight disconnect electricalpowerforyourovenat themainfuseor circuitbreakerpanelorpulltheplug Besureto letthe lightcoverandbulbcoolcompletely beforeremoving orreplacingthem Whencleaning avoidtouchingwarm lightswithclean...

Page 24: ...acedon thedoor youshouldhaveit replaced NOTE Thegasketis designedwitha gapat the bottomto allowfor properaircirculation Inside Gasket Gasket Outside Gasket Outsideof the door Use soapandwaterto thoroughlycleanthetop sidesandfrontof the ovendoor Rinsewell You mayalsousea glasscleanerto cleantheglasson outsideof the door Spillageof marinades fruitjuices tomatosauces andbastingmaterialscontainingacid...

Page 25: ...damagethesesurfaces GlassWindow Painted Surfaces Toclean the outside of the ovenwindow usea glass Paintedsurfacesincludethe outsideof theovendoor Leaner Rinseandpolishwitha drycloth andthecontrolpanel Cleanthesewithsoapand Do notallowthewateror cleanerto rundown wateror a vinegarandwatersolution Do not use insidethe openingsin theglassor the openingsin commercialovencleaners cleansingpowder steel ...

Page 26: ...stingsection Shelfpositionis incorrect Seethe Roastingor Bakingsection Incorrectcookwareor cookwareof impropersizeis beingused Oventhermostatneedsadjustment SeetheAdjusttheOvenThermostat Dolt Yourse section Checkfor a poweroutage SeetheOvenControl ClockandTimersection Oventemperatureis toohighto set self cleanoperation Allowthe ovento coolto roomtemperatureandresetthecontrols Whenthe temperatureha...

Page 27: ...rswithimpairedhearingorspeechwhohave BraillecontrolsforavarietyofGE accesstoaTDDor aconventionalteletypewriter may appliances and abrochureto call800 TDD GEAC 800 833 4322 torequest assistinplanningabarrier free informationor service kitchenforpersonswithlimited mobility Toobtaintheseitems freeofcharge call800 626 2000 Sewice Contracts 80M2 2224 YoucanhavethesecurefeelingthatGEConsumerService will...

Page 28: ...airsofficeat the addressbelow or call toll free GEAnswerCenteP 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Improperinstallation If you havean installation problem contactyourdealeror installer Youare responsible for providingadequateelectrical gas exhausting andotherconnecting facilitiesas describedin the InstallationInstructionsprovided withthe product Replacement of housefusesor resettingof circuitb...
