Programming Options
Option 21: Call Button Enable
Range = 1, 2, Off (Default = 1)
Determines how the panel Call button activates alarms. When set to 1, a sin-
gle press of the Call button will activate an alarm. When set to 2, pressing
the Call button twice or pressing and holding the Call button will activate an
alarm. Delete will disable the Call button.
When this option is set to 2 and Option 1 is on, the panel will prompt the user to
“Press again for emergency call or press Status to cancel.”
To program Call Button Enable:
1. Press Add.
2. Press Option #.
3. Press 2, then 1.
4. Enter a Call Button Enable setting using the
numbered buttons.
5. Press Done.
Option 22: Downloader Enable
Range = On/Off (Default = On)
Determines whether the panel can be accessed using CareGard Configurator
(on), or not (off).
Downloader is not currently supported.
To Add or Delete Downloader Enable:
1. Press Add or Delete.
2. Press Option #.
3. Press 2, then 2 again.
4. Press Done.
Option 23: 300 Baud
Range = On/Off (Default = On)
Determines whether the baud rate used by the panel for central station or
modem communications is 300 bps (on) or 110 bps (off).
To Add or Delete 300 Baud:
1. Press Add or Delete.
2. Press Option #.
3. Press 2, then 3.
4. Press Done.
Option 24: Audio Verification
Range = On/Off (Default = On)
Determines whether the system can perform 2-way voice audio sessions
with a central station operator (on), or not (off).
If this option is off, Option 26: AVM Mode will not work.
To Add or Delete Audio Verification:
1. Press Add or Delete.
2. Press Option #.
3. Press 2, then 4.
4. Press Done.
Option 25: Trouble Beeps
Range = On/Off (Default = Off)
Determines whether the panel sounds six beeps every minute when a trouble
condition occurs (on) or not (off) The following conditions cause trouble
• AC Power Failure
• Low CPU Battery
• Sensor Failure (supervisory)
• Sensor Trouble (low battery)
• Fail to communicate
• RF Jam
Trouble beeps can be silenced by pressing the Status button. Trouble beeps
resume 4 hours later if the trouble condition is not cleared.
To Add or Delete Trouble Beeps:
1. Press Add or Delete.
2. Press Option #.
3. Press 2, then 5.
4. Press Done.
Option 26: AVM Mode
Range = On/Off (Default = Off)
Determines whether the panel hangs up and waits for a call-back from the
central station operator before starting an audio session (on) or stays on line
with the central station for an instant audio session (off).
Option 24: Audio Verification must be on for this feature to work.
Option 26 affects the primary phone number only.
To Add or Delete AVM Mode:
1. Press Add or Delete.
2. Press Option #.
3. Press 2, then 6.
4. Press Done.