Hovering Range
0.3 to 8 m
Operating Environment
Ground with clear texture and adequate
lighting ( lux>15 Common room lights)
Remote Control
Operating Frequency
2.4 GHz/5.8 GHz
Max Transmission Distance
7 KM*
Operating Temperature
-10℃ to 40℃
5000 mAh
Working Voltage
8.4 V
Supported Connector Port
USB Data Port
16.8 V
Rated Power
68 W
Intelligent Battery
12000 mAh
Rated Voltage
Battery Type
LiPo 4S
Net Weight
Approx 1078 g
The remote control can reach its maximum transmission distance (FCC
standard) in a wide open area with no electro-magnetic interference in
good weather conditions at a height of 120m (400 feet).
In order to avoid property loss or personal injury, please read
through the following documentation carefully before using the
drone for the first time:
• It is prohibited for those who are under 18 to use this product.
• It is prohibited to use this product in heavily populated areas.
• It is prohibited to use this product in legally restricted areas.
• Please put the product out of children’s reach.
• It is prohibited to use this product when you are tired, distracted, or
under the influence of anything that could impair judgment and control
of aircraft.
• Please fly the drone in a wide open area in good weather conditions.
• All the images shown in this document are for reference only. Purchased
product may vary visually.