GDS XDI-XDIwin-15/30J Quick Manual Download Page 1


XDI-XDIwin – 15/30J


Technical Sheet ref C893Sv.14


Power Supply 

15 to 30Vdc 24v nominal



3 wire 4~20mA / 4 wire CANbus

Low alarm  



High alarm  


0-5A @ 30Vdc 


Fault alarm  



Inhibit option during servicing


Intervals - variable time 


Roll over/stop 


Storage - 2,880 readings 


RS232 lead – see 8 


PC or laptop (dedicated) 


Hyperterminal (download from GDS website)

Set up procedure: 

New sensors are supplied ready to connect to the system.  
The following procedure is for full set up and where the sensor cell has 
been replaced - only sections 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 need to be carried out. 
Voltage measurements are made wrt AG unless otherwise specified.

1.  Insert jumpers J20 and J6 position SO for 4-20mA source output. 
2.   Turn sensor voltage potentiometer anti-clockwise (minimum 


3.   Connect sensor to J2 terminal W-white Y-yellow P-pink.
4.  Connect 24V + and 0V to JP10, short the 4~20mA terminal by 

inserting test link at J9.

5.  Measure the sensor voltage at SV and adjust by turning sensor 

volts pot for the correct reading.


(standard sensor CAT300 = 2Vdc.) 



WILL OCCUR. See sensor cell supply table.

6.  Rotate 20mA pot fully anti-clockwise (minimum span.) 
7.   When in clean air the sensor bridge is zeroed by adjusting zero 

pot until the dual colour LED D1 is off. 

8.   Connect PC hyper terminal using Connect RS232 micro USB or 

for earlier models Combi adapter (part no. 160-510) and lead 
(part no. 160-515) at 4800 baud connected to J3. Ensure jumper 
J29 is fitted before programming and initialise the sensor using (C) 
calibration mode, then shift + ($) command from the keyboard. 

9.   Using a digital mV meter measure across test pins TP8/9 and 

adjust 4mA pot for 4mA (zero) = 4mV 

10.   Then press (Z) on the PC to zero the reading. 
11.   Apply a known test gas to the sensor (56% LEL = 2.5% vol 

methane) for 1 minute at a flow rate of 1 litre to give a 13mA = 
13mV across test pins TP8/9, adjust 20mA pot for correct mV 

12.   When using a PC press (S) to enter span mode and using (H) or (L) 

adjust the reading to 56% LEL. 

13.   Press (space) to exit span and then (X) to exit the calibration mode. 

An example of continuous data output to the PC from a Flammable 
sensor is shown below and is the format for all gas types.





 represent the Over Range High and Low alarms 


indicates if a duplicate address is 



 indicates a fault present


 shows that this sensor has its alarms 

under the 


 the ^ ^ v represent the direction of the alarms. 



is falling and 




 are rising. A(*) under the letter(s) OHLDFI 

represents a detected state so in this example the sensor would be in 
high alarm and a fault present. 
‘Gas val 35.6’ represents the value of the gas present at the sensor 
head. Pressing (R) on the PC causes a reset to occur. Gas type with 
address and serial number are then output to the PC together with 
alarms and calibration date.
A full command list via PC is available by pressing the letter (P) which 
will relist on the PC. 

14.  Connect the sensor to a Combi alarm panel and ensure that it 

reports in correctly. 


Note:- Fit the end of line (EOL) link J1 if the sensor is to be installed 
at the end of the sensor cable. 

15.  If front panel display board is fitted via connector J5 and U12 

adjust contrast for LCD contrast. 

16.   Remove J9 test link for normal operation. 
17.   Insert link J12 to enable the bridge fault detection.  

(4-20mA output falls to 2mA in fault). 

18.   Ensure J29 address link is removed (this is only used when 

changing address from a Panel).

Flam %LEL


-*--*-Gas val = 35.6



A = Set CAN address  

Sets the CAN address 

G = Select gas type  

Select the gas type from a list 

Z = Zero  

Press when no gas on sensor to give zero 

S = Span  

Use when calibration gas applied, 



H and L change reading 

D = Enter calibration date  

Enter the calibration date

Y = Toggle auto zero  

Auto zero is ON or OFF, small drift is cleared

H = Set high alarm  

Sets the high alarm threshold 

L = Set low alarm  

Sets the low alarm threshold 

O = Set over range alarm  

Sets the over range alarm threshold 

P = List command  

List these commands on screen 

X = Exit calibration mode  

Exit this PC mode 

$ = Initialise this sensor  

Use on new PCB to set gas type to Flam 

U = Alarm direction  

Sets rising or falling alarms 

R = Range  

Allows a change in maximum value 

N = Decimal points         

Toggles between 1 and 2 decimal places

E = Edit user gas text  

Choose gas description

B = Toggle deadband   

Deadband of 2.5% can be on or off

F = Toggle fault Input     

External fault input contact can be disabled

# = Normally energised 

Low /high alarm relays and fault relay can be  



made normally energised

V= View gas log 

From current log, display how many historical  



readings to display, up to 2880

% = Clear gas log  

Set all 2880 log readings to 0.00

I = Log interval log 

Choose how many seconds between each  



reading and whether the log will roll over or  



stop at 2880 (60 second interval and 2880  



readings = 48 hours)


