Time Zone Setup
The SX-3000 may or may not arrive with the local time zone set. The following steps show how to
change the time zone on the server.
1. From the SMS screen, click on the [Control Panel] button to access the control panel.
2. From the Control Panel, click [Admin Panel] to access the Admin Panel.
3. Click [Focus] at the far bottom right of the keyboard, then click the cursor in the
“Password” text box to enter the password.
4. Click [Diagnostics/Maintenance]
[Configure Time Zone] to access the Time zone
Selection Page. A new window will appear as seen in Figure 49.
Figure 49 Time Zone
– configure geographic area.
5. Click [Focus] and tap the section above the keypad to bring the pointer into focus.
Use [↑] and [↓] to highlight the desired Country (as shown in Figure 50).
7. Click [Tab] until the [OK]
Figure 50 Time Zone
– configure country/region.
8. Repeat Steps 5-7 to select the City/Region.