In case of combination valve storage at temperature below -20°C do not use the
combination valve until its temperature reaches at least -20°C.
For the combination valves designed to be used with mixture of gases O
O, the
lowest operating temperature is +5°C. In normal use of the combination valve, frosting
can appear on the combination valve surface, which is caused by the gas inside the
combination valve when high pressure in the combination valve cooling when high
pressure gas is being reduced to low pressure (Joule-Thomson effect). Check that all
patient associated equipment connected to the combination valve is via a hose of at
least 2 metres length.
O mixtures are temperature sensitive. N
O begins to separate out from the mixture
if the temperature falls below about -6°C. A homogenous mixture is again obtained
when the temperature has raised above 10°C and the cylinder was agitated. Before
use, to ensure it is properly mixed, cylinders should be stored horizontally for 24 hours
at a temperature above 10°C. If this is not practicable, before use the cylinders must
be maintained at a temperature above 10°C for at least 2 hours and then completely
inverted three times or placed in warm water at body temperature for 5 minutes and
then completely inverted three times.
The Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC states that the product owner must ensure that all
personnel using the product are provided with the instructions for use and are fully trained in
the use of the equipment .
Do not use the product without proper training! Trainees must be trained by an
experienced person who has been authorised by the manufacturer and has an
appropriate education, knowledge and experience.
For further information about training of responsible personnel, please contact GCE.