• Controlling Points using DCC - one address per point
The DCC32 allows you to control points by DCC Accessory commands which are different from
the Loco commands used to control the trains as explained on page 1.
Once the accessory mode is set most controllers use a direction button to send a left or right
command to the accessory, but on some controllers it is buttons 1 and 2. In these instructions we
assume it is a direction control and show it as
but you should check the manufacturers
instructions for details on how to control accessories on your particular control system.
The DCC32 offers the facility to control points individually using a separate address for each point
and also the facility to store up to 5 different Routes which allow multiple points (on a route) to be
controlled by using just a single command on one address. This page covers the basic setting up
of one address per point and assume you have connected up your DCC32 to point motors and the
DCC output or track as per previous pages and that you have familiarised yourself with controlling
DCC accessories using your controller.
Each point needs an accessory ‘address’ assigned to it and with One Touch™ DCC this is very
quick and easy to set up. The DCC32 has 4 Point outputs and you can either set them to
consecutive addresses (eg 60, 61, 62, 63) or give each output any arbitrary address you choose.
Initial setting up
• Switch on your DCC controller and power to the track. The 4 LEDs on the DCC32 should light up
in sequence. Set up your controller to control DCC
(see above).
Setting Point outputs to 4 consecutive addresses
• Set your controller to the DCC accessory address you choose for Point 1 (eg 60)
• Press the ‘Learn button’ on the DCC32 once - all 4 LEDs on the DCC32 will flash. Then send
either a
command from your controller - the LEDs will stop flashing and your DCC32
output for Point 1 is now set to the to the address you set (eg 60) & automatically Point 2 is set to
the next address (eg 61), Point 3 to the next (eg 62) and Point 4 to the next (eg 63).
Setting Point outputs to 4 arbitrary addresses
• Set your controller to DCC accessory address you choose for the Point output you wish to set
• Press the DCC32 ‘Learn button’ once - all 4 LEDs on the DCC32 will flash.
• Press Learn button multiple times until LED next to the Point output you wish to set is flashing.
• Send either a
command from your controller - the LED will stop flashing and that point
output is now set to your chosen address (eg 60).
Repeat this procedure for each Point output you want to set - you can do this at any time. Note
that you can give multiple points the same address if you always want them to change together.
Controlling each point
To change a point enter the DCC accessory address you have set up for that point and then send
command which will change the point - the LED next to that Point output will also flash.
Important note
Note that whichever
command you use when you set up the DCC32 that command will
always energise the point motor coil which is connected to terminal A, so if you want to change
this just go through the set process again but press the other
‘direction’ command.
(Alternatively you can swap the A / B wires to the solenoid coils over, but above is usually easier)
If you wish to change any Point address just repeat the setup procedure or if you wish to fully
reset the DCC32 press and hold down the Learn button for 10 seconds. All 4 LEDs will flash in
sequence for a few seconds and then stop. Your DCC32 is reset and cleared to original factory
settings which sets the addresses of Point Outputs 1 to 4 to DCC accessory addresses 1 to 4.