Connecting to Wi-Fi by WPS
If your router supports connection by WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), this is the easiest
way to connect to Wi-Fi.
Before setting up, make sure that the NPM is within range of the Wi-Fi router you want
to connect to. To avoid any network confl icts also make sure you have not connected an
Ethernet cable into the NPM while connecting to Wi-Fi.
Screw one of the antennas on to the USB Wi-Fi dongle and insert the USB Wi-Fi don-
gle into the USB connector on the back panel of the amplifi er as shown on page 3.
Set your router into WPS mode (please consult the user manual of your router).
Set the NPM in WPS mode by press and hold the Wifi /WPS button on the back panel
of the amplifi er for 7-10 seconds. Connection can take up to two minutes.
Select the NET input channel on the amplifi er. Use the Mconnect Control app or Roon
to stream music to the NPM. Check www.gato-audio.com/npm to learn more.
Connecting to a Network by Ethernet Cable
For the most easy and stable network connection we recommend establishing connec-
tion with an Ethernet cable. Simply plug in the Ethernet cable into the socket on the
back panel of the amplifi er. The opposite end of the Ethernet cable should be connected
to a router/switch located on the network you wish to connect to.
To avoid network confl icts you should not install the USB Wi-Fi dongle into the NPM
while connecting with an Ethernet cable.
Turn on the amplifi er and select the NET input channel. Use the Mconnect Control app
or Roon to stream music to the NPM. Check www.gato-audio.com/npm to learn more.