Coconut pineapple colada
Makes 4 cups:
½ coconut, peeled and halved
½ large pineapple, peeled and quartered
3 tablespoons Malibu liqueur
500 ml soda water
1 cup crushed ice
Process coconut and pineapple through Easy Jui-
cer. Stir in liqueur and soda water. Scoop ice
into 4 tall glasses, pour over juice mixture, mix
well to combine. Serve immediately.
Bloody Mary
Makes 4 cups
4 medium tomatoes
2 sticks celery
1 red capsicum, base removed and seeded
cup Vodka
1 cup crushed ice
Process tomatoes, celery and red capsicum
through Easy Juicer. Stir in Vodka. Scoop ice into
4 glasses, pour over tomato mixture, mix well to
combine. Serve immediately.
Honeydew dream
Makes 4 cups:
1 honeydew melon, peeled, seeded and
3 tablespoons Midori liqueur
500 ml soda water
1 cup crushed ice
Process honeydew melon through Easy Juicer.
Stir in liqueur and soda water. Scoop ice into 4
tall glasses, pour over melon mixture, mix well to
combine. Serve immediately.
Peach and mint julep
Makes 4 cups:
6 peaches, halved and seeded
½ cup fresh mint leaves
2 tablespoons Creme de Menthe
2 teaspoons sugar
½ cup crushed ice
500ml mineral water
Process peaches and mint leaves through Easy
Juicer. Stir in Creme de Menthe and sugar.
Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour over peach mix-
ture, mix well to combine. Serve immediately.
Sparkling pear and apricot cooler
Makes 4 cups:
4 large apricots, halved and seeded
3 large pears
250 ml mineral water
1 cup crushed ice
Process apricots and pears through Easy Juicer.
Scoop ice into 4 tall glasses. Divide extracted jui-
ce between the glasses. Top with mineral water,
stir well to blend. Serve immediately.
Rockmelon, strawberry and passion crush
Makes 4 cups:
½ rockmelon, peeled, seeded and divided
into 2 equal portions
250 g strawberries, hulled
pulp of 2 passion fruit
1 cup crushed ice
Process rockmelon and strawberries through Easy
Juicer. Stir in passion fruit pulp. Scoop ice into
4 glasses, pour over juice, mix well to combine.
Serve immediately.
Tropical blend
Makes 4 cups
2 mangoes, halved, seeded and peeled
3 kiwi fruit, peeled
½ small pineapple, peeled and halved
½ cup fresh mint leaves
1 cup crushed ice
Process mangoes, kiwi fruit, pineapple and mint
through Easy Juicer. Scoop ice into 4 glasses,
pour over juice, mix well to combine. Serve
Tomato, nectarine, passionfruit and mint icer
Makes 4 cups:
6 tomatoes
2 nectarine
½ cup fresh mint leaves
pulp of 4 passion fruit
1 cup crushed ice
Process tomatoes, nectarine and mint leaves
through Easy Juicer. Stir in passionfruit pulp.
Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour over juice, mix
well to combine. Serve immediately.