Savoury buCkwHeaT galeTTeS
for 20 galettes
1 cup buckwheat flour (112 g)
1 ¼
cup all-purpose flour (165 g)
1 tsp
1 tbsp sugar (10 g)
1 egg
1 cup water (250 ml)
cup low-fat milk (320 ml)
To make the batter:
Preparation time: 10 min.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the buck-
wheat flour, the all-purpose flour, the salt, the
sugar and stir to mix well. In a medium mi-
xing bowl, whisk together the egg, the water
and the milk. Make a well in the center f the
dry ingredients, pour half of the liquid mix-
ture into the well and whisk until the batter
is smooth and lump-free. Add the remaining
liquid and stir until smooth.
Thermostat 5
To spread the galettes, refer to the advice
for using the spreader in the crepe maker’s
instruction leaflet. Between cooking each ga-
lette, grease the griddle with a cotton cloth
moistened with oil. Pour a ladle of batter into
the spreader and perform two full clockwise
rotations in order to spread all the batter. Lea-
ve to cook for 10-15 seconds before flipping
it over. Let it cook for no more than 5-10 se-
conds. Flip back over add fillings, fold and
remove from griddle.
Egg - ham - cheese galette:
With the
crepe on the griddle, break an egg onto the
galette and spread the white evenly using the
spatula, sprinkle with grated cheese and add
half a slice of ham cut into thin slices. Fold
the edges of the galette to form a hexagon.
Suggestions for fillings:
Mushrooms, tomatoes with garlic and pars-
ley, scallops.
SweeT CrêpeS
for 15 crêpes
cup sugar (70 g), or less, if desired
1 tbsp buckwheat flour (10 g)
1 tbsp canola oil or melted unsalted butter
cup water (80 ml)
1 tsp
1 tsp
vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 ¾ cup all-purpose flour (200 g)
2 ¼ cups low-fat milk (540 ml)
To make the batter:
Preparation time: 10 min.
In a bowl mix together the sugar, buckwheat
flour, melted unsalted butter or canola oil,
water, salt, vanilla extract and the eggs. Al-
ternate adding the all-purpose flour and the
low-fat milk, mixing well after each addition.
Thermostat 5
To spread the crêpes, refer to the advice for
using the spreader in the pancake maker’s
instruction leaflet. Between cooking each
crêpe, lightly grease the griddle with a cot-
ton cloth moistened with oil. Pour a ladle of
batter into the spreader and perform one full
rotation in order to spread all the batter. If
any is left you can rotate a second time. Lea-
ve to cook for 15 seconds, remove with the
spatula, place on a plate and fill the crêpe.
Strawberry and kiwi crêpe:
strawberry jam over the crêpe and then
place a few pieces of kiwi on it. Decorate
with whipped cream and split almonds.
Suggestions for fillings:
Any sweet
fillings such as : sugar, jams or jellies, ice
cream or sorbet, chocolate, fruit, lemon juice,
mint leaves, grated coconut,
crystallized fruit, etc.
»Crêpes flambées«: heat the alcohol you
have chosen, pour over the crêpe and set
light. (Rum, Brandy, Cointreau, etc.)