reaches the fixed baking temperature within approx. 2 minutes. The ready indica-
tor illuminates green, indicating that the appliance is ready for baking your food.
3. While pulling the lower edge of the locking bar, open the lid and fold it up to
the stable position. Fill appropriate portions of your food into the wells of the
lower heating plate (see: ‘Tips for Best Results’).
After placing food onto the heating plate, you should close the lid whenever pos-
sible. This way, your food will be baked evenly, the required baking time is redu-
ced, and you avoid useless energy loss. When filling more than 1 well, flatten the
single portions for getting the same thickness in each well. This will aid an even
browning of all portions.
4. Close the lid and bake your food to the desired consistency. If required, check the
baking process intermediately (see: ‘Tips for Best Results’) by shortly opening the lid.
5. When your food is done open the lid and take your food from the heating plate
via plastic or wooden barbecue utensils. Immediately thereafter, you may place
fresh food onto the heating plate.
– Always keep the appliance out of reach of children younger
than 8 years and animals. Do not move the appliance and do not touch the hea-
ting plates, while the appliance is still hot.
Do not hold the appliance at the power cord. Always empty the
heating plate completely, close the lid and ensure that the locking bar engaged
correctly, before tilting and/or moving the appliance via the handle.
1. Unplug the appliance and remove all remaining food. Leave the appliance cool
down completely with the lid open (15 - 20 minutes).
2. Clean the appliance and its parts after each use (see: ‘Care and Cleaning’).