Islander II With Key Option Conversion
Use the following instructions to convert your system. The first two subsections detail removal of
your old Mag or Optical card reader unit. The next section details installation of the new key
unit(s). Assembly drawings appear at the end of these instructions for your reference.
Before proceeding with conversion please note that the Site Controller operating system
software that you are running on must be V2.2B or above; if not, an updated version must
be obtained before the conversion can continue.
1. Unlock and open the rear door on the head of the Islander.
2. Turn off the AC power switch located on the bottom right.
3. Remove the hood of the unit.
Once again, before going any further with the conversion, check that the CPU PCB,
mounted to the inside of the right vertical panel when facing front of unit, is C05857 ICR2
CPU PCB assembly. If not, obtain this board assembly before proceeding.
4. Working inside the head of the unit, remove the four screws that secure the external cover
assembly (shields the mag card reader) to the face of unit. Save these screws; they will be
reinstalled later with the new cover assembly. Discard old cover assembly.
5. Locate the P1 and P1A connector(s) in
the bottom left corner of the ICR2 CPU
PCB and disconnect the cable attached
at one of these positions.
Still inside the head, remove the two
screws that secure the mag card reader
to the face of the unit; remove mag card
reader with cable and rubber gasket
from the unit.
6. Proceed with the Installation of Key
System instructions.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 3 under Remove Mag Reader including IMPORTANT statement.
2. Locate the P5 connector on the right side of the ICR2 CPU PCB and disconnect the attached
ribbon cable.
3. Disconnect the +5VDC power cable (black and orange) that supplies the optical reader.