pulse oximeter sensor, and related data are intended
to be used only for recreational purposes and not
for medical purposes, and are not intended to
diagnose, monitor, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
or condition.
If you have a pacemaker or other internal electronic
device, consult your physician before using a heart
rate monitor.
The Garmin optical wrist heart rate monitor and pulse
oximeter sensor emit green, red, and infrared light and
flash occasionally. Consult your physician if you have
epilepsy or are sensitive to bright or flashing lights.
Always consult your physician before beginning or
modifying any exercise program.
The heart rate and blood oxygen saturation readings
are for reference only, and no responsibility is
accepted for the consequences of any erroneous
While the Garmin optical wrist heart rate monitor
technology typically provides an accurate estimate
of a user’s heart rate, there are inherent limitations
with the technology that may cause some of the
heart rate readings to be inaccurate under certain
circumstances, including the user’s physical
characteristics, fit of the device, and type and intensity
of activity.
While the Garmin pulse oximeter sensor technology
typically provides an accurate estimate of a user’s
blood oxygen saturation, there are inherent limitations
with the technology that may cause some of the
oxygen saturation readings to be inaccurate under
certain circumstances, including the user’s physical
characteristics, fit of the device, position of the device,
and movement.
Garmin activity trackers rely on sensors that track
your movement and other metrics. The data and
information provided by these devices is intended
to be a close estimation of your activity and metrics
tracked, but may not be completely accurate, including
step, sleep, distance, heart rate, oxygen saturation,
and calorie data.