Scoring: Enables or disables scorekeeping automatically when you start a round of golf. The Always Ask option
prompts you when you begin a round.
Scoring Method: Sets the scoring method to stroke play or Stableford scoring while playing golf.
Segment Alerts: Enables prompts that alert you to approaching segments (
Self Evaluation: Sets how often you evaluate your perceived effort for the activity (
SpeedPro: Enables advanced speed metrics for windsurf activity runs.
Stat Tracking: Enables statistics tracking while playing golf (
Stroke Detect.: Enables stroke detection for pool swimming.
Swimrun Auto Sport Change: Allows you to automatically transition between the swim portion and the run
portion of a swimrun multisport activity.
Touch: Enables or disables the touchscreen during an activity.
Tournament Mode: Disables features that are not allowed during sanctioned tournaments.
Transitions: Enables transitions for multisport activities.
Vibration Alerts: Enables alerts that notify you to inhale or exhale during a breathwork activity.
Workout Videos: Enables instructive workout animations for a strength, cardio, yoga, or Pilates activity.
Animations are available for pre-installed workouts and workouts downloaded from your Garmin Connect
Activities and Apps