Preferred Download Method
The easiest method for downloading GPS data is using the DNR Garmin software. It allows users to
save data directly as a shapefile, a format easily imported into GIS software like ArcGIS. DNR Garmin
is installed on the Mann Library classroom computers.
1. Connect the GPS unit to the computer using the USB cable included with the unit.
2. Turn on the GPS unit.
3. The unit will by default start to acquire satellites. Press the MENU button and select the Use with
GPS Off option, then press ENTER.
4. If you are prompted by the New Hardware Found Wizard on a classroom computer, to designate
the proper USB drivers:
Yes, this time only
, then
Install from a list or specific location
, then
Make sure
Search for the best driver in these locations
is checked, and
Include this location
the search lists
once more, then
5. Start the DNR Garmin software from the PC Programs menu.
6. Under the GPS>Set Port menu, select USB.
7. If needed, select Open Port from the GPS menu.
8. Select the download option from one of the following menus: Waypoint, Track, Route. The data
will be downloaded from your GPS into a data table (if necessary click Data Table button to view).
Once the data is downloaded you may edit it prior to saving.
9. Under File> Set Projection, choose the projection you wish the data to be exported (projected) to.
You can browse for a ESRI projection file as a template if needed by clicking the Load PRJ button
(ArcGIS users may find this in the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Coordinate Systems folder).
10. Save data to a file from the Data Table. From the File>Save to-File menu, select a location and
name for your output (do not begin name with numbers and make sure there are no spaces or
special characters). Shapefile format is easiest to import directly into a GIS. If ArcMap is open,
you can also save and import directly to it.
Alternate Download Method
To download data from the Garmin 76CS, you can also use Garmin's MapSource Trip and Waypoint
Manager software. The classroom machines at Mann Library have this installed
1. Connect the GPS unit to the computer using the USB cable.
2. If you are prompted by the New Hardware Found Wizard, see step 4 above.
3. Start the MapSource software from the PC Programs menu.
4. Choose Transfer > Receive From Device from the main menu.
5. If the GPS unit is not listed in the dialog window, click on Find Device.
6. When the computer has found the device, check what type of data you want the program to
receive and click Receive. Click OK when the program is finished importing your data.
7. In the MapSource table of contents, select the tab that represents the type of data you imported.
You should see a list of your data.
8. To import data into a GIS, you will need to export the data using the File>Export (or Save As)
menu option. Save as tab delimited text format, which can be imported into Excel and saved as csv or
dbf. If you have lat/long coordinates, remember to convert "W" longitudes to - (negative).