There are four status pages available by pressing PWR/STAT. Three
pages display satellite tracking status, and the fourth is a menu of
auxiliary functions (messages, setups, and utilities). The softkeys at the
bottom of each page allow selecting pages: BAR (bar graph), STAT
(status), SKY (skyview), and AUX (auxiliary menu). You may also cycle
through these pages by repeatedly pressing PWR/STAT.
Satellite Bar Graph
The Satellite Bar Graph shows the
signal quality of each visible satellite
graphically. The receiver status is
also shown at the top of the screen.
In this example, the unit is
simulating navigation. The satellite
numbers (1-32) are represented
along the bottom of the graph; signal
quality (1, weakest to 9, strongest) is
represented along the side. If a
satellite is visible but not tracked,
the signal quality will be blank. If
differential corrections are available
for a satellite, a “D” will appear at
the bottom of the signed strength
bar for that satellite. (See Section
6.7 for DGPS setup instructions.)
Satellite Status Page
The Satellite Status Page shows the
ID, azimuth, elevation, and signal
quality of each visible satellite in a
table format. The receiver status,
again, is displayed at the top of the
screen, as well as the dilution of
precision (DOP) and estimated
position error (EPE). (For more
information about unfamiliar terms,
see Appendix B.)
* To view the
Satellite Status
Page, press
underneath the
STAT banner.
* Press SKY Softkey
To display
Satellite Skyview.