U S U / N A S A G E O S P A T I A L E X T E N S I O N P R O G R A M
O n T a r g e t 2 0 0 5
Application #1: Marking and Saving Waypoints
Waypoints allow you to mark and record a current location as a waypoint. A waypoint is a virtual
marker. Once a waypoint is recorded and saved, you can easily navigate back to the waypoint
using the GPS. This can be useful to locate research plots in a large field, identify and relocate
potential pollution sources, or to identify and mark specific areas within a field that have been im-
pacted by blight or disease. It is also possible to upload waypoints to a desktop or an iPAQ.
To mark and save your current location as a waypoint:
1. Make sure that the GPS receiver is ready to navigate, by going to the
Satellite page
and looking at the status window (it should display
available satellites and current location).
2. Walk to the point where you want to obtain a waypoint
3. Press down the
4. The GPS unit automatically assigns 3-digit numbers to waypoints. You
can customize the name of the waypoint. To change the name of the
waypoint, use the cursor to highlight the waypoint name field.
5. Type the new name of the waypoint, using the cursor to select and
enter characters from the on-screen keyboard. When finished with
name, click on ok.
6. You can change the marker symbol associated with the waypoint by
selecting the marker (with the cursor) and scrolling through the
different options, pressing enter to select the desired symbol.
7. Use the cursor to scroll down to the ok button and press
to save the waypoint.