The following menu options are available:
Fuel Planning
- This option displays current fuel conditions along the active
direct-to or flight plan.
Press CLR key to return to FLIGHT PLANNING menu page from this page.
The following information is provided:
FOB (fuel on board) - The total amount of usable fuel on board the
FLOW (fuel flow) - The fuel flow rate, expressed in gallons per hour.
GS - Ground speed.
REQ - Quantity of fuel required.
LFOB (left-over fuel onboard) - The amount of fuel remaining on board
after the completion of a one or more legs of a flight plan (or a direct-
LRES (left-over fuel reserve) - The amount of fuel remaining on board
after the completion of a one or more legs of a flight plan (or a direct-
to), expressed in time and based upon a known fuel consumption (flow)
EFF - Efficiency, expressed in distance per fuel units nautical miles per
RNG - Range (distance).
ENDUR (endurance) - Flight endurance, or total available flight time
based upon available fuel.
Density Alt/TAS/Winds
- This menu option computes true airspeed (TAS),
based upon the factors above and the calibrated airspeed (CAS). Also, this
menu option determines winds aloft (the wind direction and speed) and a head
wind/tail wind component, based upon the calculated density altitude (DEN
ALT), true airspeed, aircraft heading (HDG), and ground speed.
Press CLR key to return to FLIGHT PLANNING menu page from this page.