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GNS 400W Series Maintenance Manual
Rev. A
Repair of any model is on condition of failure. There are no periodic maintenance requirements or
scheduled equipment calibration. Perform the following procedures at regular intervals:
Cleaning the Front Panel
Clean the front bezel, keypad, and display with a soft cotton cloth dampened with clean water. Do
not use any chemical-cleaning agents. Take care to not scratch the display surface.
Display Backlight
The display backlight lamp is rated by the manufacturer as having a usable life of 20,000 hours.
The backlight lamp may dim and the display may not perform as well in direct sunlight
conditions over time. The user must determine by observation when the display brightness is not
suitable for use. Contact Garmin when the backlight lamp requires service.
Battery Replacement
Refer to the battery replacement instructions previously described in this section of the manual.