GMA 340 Installation Manual
Page A-3
Rev. L
“The attached revised/new Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (date ______) for the above aircraft or
component major alteration have been accepted by the FAA, superseding the Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (date ______).”
17. Assistance
Flight Standards Inspectors have the resources to respond to questions regarding the ICA.
18. Implementation and Record Keeping
For major alterations performed in accordance with FAA field approval policy, the owner/operator operating
under Part 91 is responsible for ensuring that the ICA is made part of the applicable section 91.409 inspection
program for their aircraft. This is accomplished when a maintenance entry is made in the aircraft’s
maintenance record in accordance with section 43.9. This entry records the major alteration and identifies the
original ICA location (e.g., Block 8 of FAA Form 337, dated ______) along with a statement that the ICA is
now part of the aircraft’s inspection/maintenance requirements.