Pulse oximeter: Allows you to take a manual pulse oximeter reading.
RCT camera controls: Allows you to manually take a photo, record a video clip, and customize settings (
the Varia Camera Controls, page 106
Respiration: Your current respiration rate in breaths per minute and seven-day average. You can do a breathing
activity to help you relax.
Sensor information: Displays information from an internal sensor or a connected wireless sensor.
Sleep: Displays total sleep time, a sleep score, and sleep stage information for the previous night.
Steps: Tracks your daily step count, step goal, and data for previous days.
Stress: Displays your current stress level and a graph of your stress level. You can do a breathing activity to help
you relax.
Sunrise and sunset: Displays sunrise, sunset, and civil twilight times.
Training status: Displays your current training status and training load, which shows you how your training
affects your fitness level and performance.
VIRB controls: Provides camera controls when you have a VIRB device paired with your MARQ device.
Weather: Displays the current temperature and weather forecast.
device: Displays laser location information when you have a compatible Xero device paired with your
MARQ device.
Customizing the Widget Loop
You can change the order of widgets in the widget loop, remove widgets, and add new widgets.
1 Hold MENU.
2 Select Widgets.
3 Select Widget Glances to turn widget glances on or off.
NOTE: Widget glances display summary data for multiple widgets on a single screen.
4 Select Edit.
5 Select a widget.
6 Select an option:
• Press UP or DOWN to change the location of the widget in the widget loop.
• Select to remove the widget from the widget loop.
7 Select Add.
8 Select a widget.
The widget is added to the widget loop.
Using the Stress Level Widget
The stress level widget displays your current stress level and a graph of your stress level for the last several
hours. It can also guide you through a breathing activity to help you relax.
1 While you are sitting or inactive, press UP or DOWN from the watch face to view the stress level widget.
Your current stress level appears.
TIP: If you are too active for the watch to determine your stress level, a message appears instead of a stress
level number. You can check your stress level again after several minutes of inactivity.
2 Press START to view a graph of your stress level for the last four hours.
Blue bars indicate periods of rest. Yellow bars indicate periods of stress. Gray bars indicate times when you
were too active to determine your stress level.
3 Press DOWN to view additional details about your stress level and a graph of your average stress level for
the last seven days.
4 To start a breathing activity, press START, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Customizing Your Device