Target sentence description (for example, PGRMT, GPGSV, etc.)
Target sentence mode, where:
0 = Disable specified sentence,
1 = enable specified sentence,
2 = Disable all output sentences,
3 = Enable all output sentences (except GPALM),
4 = Restore factory default output sentences
The following notes apply to the PGRMO input sentence:
If the target sentence mode is “2” (Disable all), “3” (Enable all), or “4” (Restore defaults), the
target sentence description is not checked for validity. In this case, an empty field is allowed (for
example, $PGRMO,,3), or the mode field may contain from 1 to 5 characters.
If the target sentence mode is “0” (Disable) or “1” (Enable), the target sentence description field
must be an identifier for one of the sentences that can be output by the GPS sensor.
If either the target sentence mode field or the target sentence description field is not valid, the
PGRMO sentence will have no effect.
$PGRMO,GPALM,1<CR><LF> will cause the GPS sensor to transmit all stored almanac
information. All other NMEA 0183 sentence transmission will be suspended temporarily.
$PGRMO,,G<CR><LF> will cause the COM port to change to Garmin Binary Output mode for the
duration of the power cycle or until 10 0A 02 26 00 CE 10 03 (Hexadecimal) is sent to the GPS receiver in
order to return to NMEA 0183 mode as described in Section 4.1.4 . Garmin binary mode is required for
GPS 15xH/15xL series product software updates.
The subsequent paragraphs define the sentences that can be transmitted on COM 1 by the GPS
4.2.1 Sentence Transmission
Sentences are transmitted with respect to the user selected baud rate.
Regardless of the selected baud rate, the information transmitted by the GPS sensor is
referenced to theUTC second boundary immediately preceding the GPRMC sentence, or
whichever sentence is
output first in the burst (see Table 3 below).
The GPS sensor will transmit each sentence (except where noted in particular transmitted
sentence descriptions) at a periodic rate based on the user selected baud rate and user selected
output sentences. The GPS sensor will transmit the selected sentences contiguously. The length
of the transmission can be determined by the following equation and Tables 3 and 4:
total characters to be transmitted
length of transmission =
characters transmitted per second