This lawnmower is shipped without fuel and oil. Ensure machine is oiled
and fuelled as detailed in this manual before
starting the engine.
Reference to right hand or left hand side of the mower is observed from the rear of
the machine (operating position)
D- Assembly of the handle
Nip together the lower handle against the mounting bracket (using pliers).
Connect the lower handle, right bracket and left bracket with two knob nuts and two square neck bolts.
Lift the upper handle and align it with the lower handle. Tighten knob nuts or the quick lock handle
to the upper handle.
Raise the complete handlebar whilst depressing both levers to release the starter handle, taking
care not to crease the control cables at the pivot point.
Attach the control cables to the handle with cable ties and attach the recoil starter to the rope guide
on the upper handle
E- Cutting heiht Adjustement
The cutting height adjustment lever is situated above the right rear wheel.
To adjust the cutting height, pull the height adjustment lever out and away from the
lawnmower and move forward or backwards into another slot depending whether you want
it to cut shorter (low) or longer (high).
For rough and uneven lawns, move the height adjuster to a higher position
as this will stop scalping.