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Step 5. 

Pull the fabric taut on both ends and at the sides. We find it helpful to pin 

the excess fabric to the soil using Earth Staples (sold separately). You can also 
anchor the fabric with something heavy (stones, bricks, or wood) so it’s easy 
to access your crops when watering, fertilizing and harvesting.

Tips for Using Hoop Tunnels

• Wait for a relatively windless day to install or remove fabric covers.
• Work with a partner to handle large sheets of fabric.
• When using fabric to exclude pests, bury the edges in the soil or anchor with 

Earth Staples.

• Monitor plants carefully. Pests that sneak in can reproduce quickly in the 

protected environment.

• When flowers begin to form, remove the cover from insect-pollinated crops, 

such as squash, strawberries, and melons, to give pollinators access.

• You can help prevent the spread of some plant diseases by using row covers 

to exclude the aphids, leaf hoppers, and whiteflies that spread disease.

For garden fabrics and articles on using Super Hoops,  

please visit us at
