6.3 Indicator lamp in the charging station
For a fully functional installation, the indicator lamp in the charging station must emit a solid green light. If something
else appears, follow the troubleshooting guide below.
If you still need help with troubleshooting, please contact your local Flymo representative.
Solid green light
Everything in order
No action required
Green flashing light
The signals are good and
ECO mode is acti-
No action required. For more information on
ECO mode, see ECO mode on page 23.
Blue flashing light
The boundary loop is not connected to the
charging station
Check that the boundary wire connector is fit-
ted properly to the charging station. See
necting the boundary wire on page 17.
Break in the boundary loop
Find out where the break is. Replace the
damaged section of the boundary wire with a
new loop wire and splice using an original
Find breaks in the loop wire on
page 41.
Yellow flashing light
The guide wire is not connected to the charg-
ing station
Check that the guide wire connector is prop-
erly connected to the charging station. See
Laying and connecting the guide wire on
page 18
Break in the guide wire
Find out where the break is. Replace the
damaged section of the guide wire with a new
loop wire and splice using an original coupler.
Red flashing light
Interruption in the charging station’s antenna Contact your local Flymo representative.
Solid red light
Fault in the circuit board or incorrect power
supply in the charging station. The fault
should be rectified by an authorized service
Contact your local Flymo representative.
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