Locate or provide a suitable quick disconnect fitting to obtain a sample from a flowing pipe.
2. Inspect the instrument pack: Remove the instrument pack(meter unit) from the slide rails on the side of the
comparator chamber. Hold it in a horizontal position with the photocells facing upward at an angle. Depress and
hold the switch button with a finger of the same hand. Move your other hand to shade first one photo cell, then the
other. If the meter moves rapidly back and forth across the full scale, it is in good condition. If not, replace the 9VDC
battery. If the meter has been damaged return the instrument pack to GTP for inspection.
3. Calibration: Place the calibrating standard in the test pad window, blank (unlabeled) side inward, noting the “set
point”. Check the code number on the calibrating standard to be sure it has the same code as the fluorescing
standard. You must not use the calibrating standard from one Aqua-Glo on another unit. Turn on the ultraviolet
light. Watch the green indicator on the side of the comparator chamber and make sure it illuminates. If it does not
illuminate, the main battery (GTP-2324) needs recharging. (Alternately, you can run the Aqua Glo on 115-240 VAC,
even while the battery is recharging.)
4. Depress the push button on the instrument pack. Move the lever on the back of the comparator chamber to the end
of its travel, below the “1” mark on the scale. Move it up the scale until the needle on the meter settles for 10-15
seconds at the “O” point. Read the position of the lever along the calibrated scale. If the reading is not the same as
the “set point”, make an adjustment of the potentiometer with the screw driver. Using the small jeweler’s screwdriver
in the kit, adjust the potentiometer located at the 45 degree angle on the instrument pack with slight movements.
5. Repeat the reading process until you get the correct scale reading. Remove and store the calibrating standard. Turn
off the UV light.
Flush the sampling port (quick disconnect,) by connecting the Pad Holder without a water detector pad installed. Lift
the handle of the inlet valve and allow 1 liter to pass into a jar or other convenient container.
After disconnecting the Pad Holder assembly from the sampling port, install a water detector pad from the sealed
envelope. The pad fits in the outlet half. Be careful not to touch the orange coating with fingers or to allow any water
contact. The orange coating must face toward the inlet. If the pad is yellow, it is unusable.
8. Assemble the pad holder. Run the test immediately, or the pad will spoil. Hold the calibrated bottle so that the outlet
flow from the discharge tube enters the bottle.
9. Open the toggle valve. Close it again when you have collected 500 ml.
Remove the Pad Holder assembly from the quick disconnect and take the pad from the holder with tweezers. Blot
the pad 3 or 4 times between dry paper towels using the heel of your hand for pressure. Do not rub.
Place the pad under the hinged flap with the orange side facing in.
12. Switch on the ultraviolet light using the rocker switch. Make sure the light indicator on the side of the comparator
chamber is illuminated (green tint). Depress the push button on the instrument pack.
Move the lever on the back of the comparator chamber until the meter needle settles for 10-15 seconds at the “O”
14. Turn off the UV light using the switch and read the position of the lever along the calibrated scale; estimate to one
tenth, such as 3.7. This means 3.7 ppm free water content.
15. If you cannot center the meter, move the lever to the position where the needle is closest to the zero. Look at the
lever. If the lever is below the “1” mark, you have less than 1 ppm. If the lever is at the “12” end of the scale, you
have more then 12 ppm (and a problem).