Clamping the First Main String
To begin stringing the main strings, insert the
two ends of the string through the two center
holes at the appropriate end of the frame and
continue through the center holes on the
opposite end of the racquet.
Secure one of the strings using a string
clamp and insert the free end into the string
Tensioning the First Main String
With the string properly inserted in the string
gripper, and the tensioner speed selected,
press the Tension Switch once and the
string gripper will rotate and slowly apply
tension to the string. When the set tension
has been attained, the gripper will stop
rotating and red LED will go out and the the
green LED turn on. As the tensioned string
stretches, the gripper will rotate intermit-
tently, to maintain the set tension.
To release the string after clamping, press
the tension switch and the gripper will rotate
backwards to release the string. If the string gripper does not rotate back to release the string,
press and hold the Gripper Reversing Switch, located on the end panel. Note : For the Gripper
Returning Switch to function properly, the Tension Switch must be in the tension mode.
Should the Gripper Reversing Switch not seem to function, press the Tension Switch once
and press and hold the Gripper Reversing Switch once again.
Tensioning the First Cross String
Weave the cross strings over and under the
main strings being careful to alternate the
weave direction of each consecutive cross
string so as to be opposite of the previously
installed cross string.