System Firmware
The Flex Systems that are connected to a network require network firmware. This
firmware has a menu selection that is not available on the standard firmware. This
menu selection allows the installer to assign a node name to the system up to 20
characters long.
Assigning Node Names
From the System Programming Menu select Change, Menu2. The Selections under
this menu will include a selection labeled Node. This selection will allow the
installer to assign a name to the node that may consist of up to 20 characters. This
assignment can be changed from the front panel of the system, the network
controller or by connecting a laptop computer to the system.
Change Menu 2
1=City 2=Sig Sil 3=Ann 4=Trbl
5=Dialer 6=Prefix 7=Node 0=Exit
Current Node Name Is:
Enter New Node Name:
60 Pleasant St.
Do You Want To Clear Node Name (Y/N)?
New Node Name Is:
60 Pleasant St.
Press Any Key To Continue
Node Name
The Node name is transmitted to the network controller each time a change of status
occurs. This name can be used to give the user an instant reference to the panels
Access Level Three
It is possible to access Bypass and Sensitivity Download programming from the
SmartNet controller without entering the programming mode. When access level
three password is entered, the user will have access to the bypass and sensitivity
download menus only.
Sensitivity Download
When detector sensitivity download is selected from the level three access level the
SmartNet controller will receive the file and save it on the A:> drive. If there is no
disk in the A:> drive the sensitivity will become part of the NODE.TXT file.
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